On the contrary, there is too much loot when you pass a certain threshold
True, but the vast majority of players never ever reach that point.
The game should offer what you need to AT THE VERY LEAST beat the campaign without trading and without needing to beg for items because you never find anything on the ground...
Also, people act like making 5 alts should be a given to farm currencies to get stuff for your main... um, no... the game should be easily viable by only making one character and progressing through gaming and not through doing chores to progress eventually...
Anyway, people that don't see this flaw are completely blind and oblivious
How does it not let you play the campaign? My first character found or made everything, there was no trading involved. Some items obviously sucked, others were good. That's RNG. That was even before they buffed drops. Filling bad slots with the vendor, gambling promising ones with regals and exalts. It worked for me.
Do some people actually want deterministic best loot all the time? I don't get it.
I understand the problem with uniques and the missing crafting bench in a SSF scenario, but it sounds like some people expect the best rares to always drop because otherwise they need to trade for really good rares instead of using the ok/good ones they find/make themself.
Posted bycoolmodi#5438on Dec 31, 2024, 11:30:27 AM
It has been said to death .
SSF NEEDS to be the mode that the game is balanced around.
With the option to have loot drops bound to players in the group at the time of drop, if you were in the group when it died you can loot it.
Trade league NEEDS to be seen as EASY MODE. It is the optional difficulty.
and if everyone wants to go to easy mode and buy all their gear .. and skip to the finish line with credit card in hand.... let em ... more power to them ...
Because then the game is balanced for a character playing the game to be able to beat the game.
As long as Pay to win is seen as the default scaling.
They are screwed. The game will never have an appeal to 80%.
That is a figure im pulling out of my ass to represent what i think is the number of players who see the market as cheating.. it doesn't matter what GGG says, it doesn't matter what you say ... many many many play to FIND gear .. to earn it by playing the game... not buying it and getting a carry...
In fact buying anything is a sure fire way to limit playtime.
The second i buy anything .. im no longer invested in this character.
In fact the whole game just diminished.
Its WAR GAMES ... the best solution is ... not to play.
Why am i picking anything up ? its 99% crap leave it just grab currency items.
Its faster and a better use of my time not to loot becasue my small inventory means ill just need to go back to town ..... walk to too many vendors to ditch the crap in my bag ... so don't bother...
TBH i get annoyed even reading what the items are at this point ... why .. its crap .. its going to be broken down to get the only thing worth having ...
Currency ....
So i can go do the 100% deterministic crafting at the market.
Its the ONLY crafting bench in the game ...
I get to set what item im going to craft .
i get to set what affixes I want on the Item .
I get to choose damage types or defense layers on the items.
then i add my crafting materials and i get the perfect result.
I just need to go pick it up and i dont even need to farm to get the access to it.
I just instantly portal to the loot .. I mean the crafting result.
Man, the loot is so bad that 2 weeks after the game came out I already started seeing ads on Youtube about selling me exalted orbs to buy stuff...
Enough said!!!
Posted byBlade_Dancer_90#3602on Dec 31, 2024, 11:37:40 AMOn Probation
I get the complaint but I have had a lot of good experiences finding and crafting gear. With so many exalts I have enjoyed tossing them on gear and getting some strong results.
Sorry, but that's not good enough... gambling on exalts is not good gameplay because then you say you're ok with having to completely trash and reroll your character based on bad luck on RNG...
A good game is one that gives you the option to beat it by playing it... not by praying, not by farming currencies, not by doing chores...
PoE2, is telling you "go earn money to get power"... that's a job, not a game... in a good game, the game tells you "go kill shit to get more power"
Think about it this way, in Monster Hunter, when I want to make a new armor I have to get the parts from killing the specific monster the armor is made of... but when I kill the monster I ALWAYS get some of the parts I need... so while it's RNG if I get the right parts I always get some parts so farming the monster for parts is rewarding... In PoE and all ARPGs RNG is completely random so you either have to shower the player with loot to some extent or it doesn't work... because even if I go back to farm for more power to progress (which is a chore already), I can't even farm specific things... I just randomly waste my time, hoping I get something useful
The concept of the game is completely flawed... the sooner GGG sees it, the better... if they don't then the game will eventually bore everyone sooner or later...
Why would i need to trash my character and reroll?
If you don't like collecting the orbs then why play at all? Collecting orbs has always been core to poe.
The game feeling like a chore to you is purely perspective. I don't feel like it's a chore because I'm enjoying the game.
Posted byStrykerxS77x#8221on Dec 31, 2024, 11:40:36 AM
We need more to do with the lower currency orbs. I have so many and I carry them with me slamming every expert weapon i find never getting lucky.
Posted bymaligulous#2446on Dec 31, 2024, 11:42:57 AM
There is too much loot. I already NEED a loot filter otherwise the game is unplayable as I can't see my screen over the bullshit tons of loot that is dropping.
If you are a dopamine junkie requiring a loot explosion at every rare mob, go back to PoE 1.
Posted bySargoth_CZ#3391on Dec 31, 2024, 11:44:28 AM
There is too much loot. I already NEED a loot filter otherwise the game is unplayable as I can't see my screen over the bullshit tons of loot that is dropping.
If you are a dopamine junkie requiring a loot explosion at every rare mob, go back to PoE 1.
Too bad the same devs making PoE2 abandoned PoE1 and keep delaying the new league start because of PoE2 development. If you weren't so stupid I'd think you were a troll.
Posted bySilentTheGray#2578on Dec 31, 2024, 11:45:27 AM
No loot in a game about loot because "Valuable loot is proportional to how scarce it is" is the peak vasectomy of gameplay design we have to deal with.
Look like they've learned nothing of a 3 last years of PoE 1's success.
It's okay for a singleplayer game but I'm not going to support that direction aymore.
Last edited by xhemix#7358 on Dec 31, 2024, 11:53:17 AM
Posted byxhemix#7358on Dec 31, 2024, 11:49:08 AM
The Market and a good crafting+dropping system cannot coexist.
If we would be able to create our own gear without buying from the market, no one would need to buy items and there would be an inflation of items.
The probability that a million of people will drop the item you need is higher than any chance you might have to create or drop the respective item.
So an RNG system with a Market is the worst concept ever. I don't know the solution on this.
In 330h I've had just one good weapon drop from Rituals, that's it.
I also sold a 4divines ring and I've had a couple of divines drops, that's it. I didn't have full rarity gear, just 24%.
Posted byClaudianReyn#1693on Dec 31, 2024, 11:53:02 AM
There is too much loot. I already NEED a loot filter otherwise the game is unplayable as I can't see my screen over the bullshit tons of loot that is dropping.
If you are a dopamine junkie requiring a loot explosion at every rare mob, go back to PoE 1.
It's not about the quantity, it's about the quality.
There is a filter you can install.
I agree, we an in-game filter to customize exactly what we want to see.
Posted byClaudianReyn#1693on Dec 31, 2024, 11:55:14 AM
How is this a looter ARPG when you NEVER LOOT ANYTHING!?!?!?!?
Because some people don’t know how to pick anything up I guess
There’s already loot filters out so maybe you have a broken copy of POE2
Posted byPoe2WarriorMan#6401on Dec 31, 2024, 11:58:01 AM