How is this a looter ARPG when you NEVER LOOT ANYTHING!?!?!?!?

My response is that you're presenting a premise that's impossible and using it to say "I win." But good on you, agree to disagree.
Rivance#3976 wrote:
Why do you folks absolutely insist on pretending there’s not an enormous gap between what we have now and perfect GG loot raining from the sky? We want to grind gear, we acknowledge the value of chase items, but I shouldn’t be mapping with a level 20 scepter despite looting all bases and slamming all my exalts. I could go shopping, sure, but nobody responds to buy requests for entry level gear anymore, and buying gear doesn’t feel anywhere near as good as finding or crafting it.

Because my experience is directly contradictory to yours. Rather than fight a mechanic that's existed since the start of the genre, I had ~50% rarity increase by the middle of act2 normal, across multiple items that I purchased from Act Vendors along the way, that I took advantage of since normal difficulty can be completed just about naked barring a decent weapon weapon in every game in the genre, again, including D1.

Finding 'decent' gear for my level was never a problem.

I'm not unsympathetic to how it could be unfun if it was a problem for someone else... but my sympathy dries up rapidly when it happens because you want to change a core mechanic of the genre rather than partake in it.

What “core mechanic of the genre” have you seen me advocating change to? I love Arpgs, I play pretty much every isometric loot based arpg that releases. The only one I can think of where gearing felt this bad was launch Diablo 3 where the best way to gain player power was flipping trades. Poe1 certainly doesn’t feel this bad, not even close.
PoE1 has vastly better itemisation.
Soop#0082 wrote:
PoE1 has vastly better itemisation.

PoE1 has crafting. Like, actual, targeted, crafting.
Which, for some godforsaken reason, got all but completely removed in PoE2.

The best you can do in PoE2 is throw currencies in a slot machine and hope for the best. And vendor the result.
Soop#0082 wrote:
So what happens when you get no drops with rarity on them?

Just SooL?

Fortunately, they literally guaranteed that would be impossible because you can buy gold rings and gold amulets from the vendors.

If you tell me you played the game from 1-50 and used the vendors, and a gold amulet and a pair of gold rings never ever cycled into your shop inventory, I call BS.

THAT would need fixed. But nothing short of half the player base providing video logs is going to convince me it happened.

So the only way to actually not be miserable in this game is to lower your maximum power so that you can slam rarity on all your gear... and you think this is not f***ed up???

This is 2025... magic find on gear is a tragic stat...

Also in this game every piece of gear for some reason drops with Stun Threshold or if you're a mage with gain mana on ATTACK... or whatever...

GGG has actively made the drops be trash so that you feel their game is "difficult" and "complex"... but their game is just a goddamn casino with rigged slot machines...

The only thing worth doing is going online and trading for everything otherwise the game is unplayable...

Out of all the campaign big bosses I didn't pick up a single usable item... NOT A SINGLE ONE!!!

And you tell me this is meaningful gameplay? I beat the bosses... great... what do I gain from it? NOTHING... just a pat on the back by GGG telling me "way to go champ!!!"

And this is supposed to be "meaningful gameplay"???
Grinding currency to BUY your needed items from other players or a vendor is DOGSHIT GAME DESIGN. you have failed as a game developer when this is the outcome.

this is core to poe though. you can go ssf but in poe 1 this requires a ton of knowledge. and if you do your own build, a ton of time.

Soop#0082 wrote:
So what happens when you get no drops with rarity on them?

Just SooL?

Fortunately, they literally guaranteed that would be impossible because you can buy gold rings and gold amulets from the vendors.

If you tell me you played the game from 1-50 and used the vendors, and a gold amulet and a pair of gold rings never ever cycled into your shop inventory, I call BS.

THAT would need fixed. But nothing short of half the player base providing video logs is going to convince me it happened.

So the only way to actually not be miserable in this game is to lower your maximum power so that you can slam rarity on all your gear... and you think this is not f***ed up???

This is 2025... magic find on gear is a tragic stat...

Also in this game every piece of gear for some reason drops with Stun Threshold or if you're a mage with gain mana on ATTACK... or whatever...

GGG has actively made the drops be trash so that you feel their game is "difficult" and "complex"... but their game is just a goddamn casino with rigged slot machines...

The only thing worth doing is going online and trading for everything otherwise the game is unplayable...

Out of all the campaign big bosses I didn't pick up a single usable item... NOT A SINGLE ONE!!!

And you tell me this is meaningful gameplay? I beat the bosses... great... what do I gain from it? NOTHING... just a pat on the back by GGG telling me "way to go champ!!!"

And this is supposed to be "meaningful gameplay"???

Two things.

1) The MF goobers are wrong. Two gold rings and a gold amulet aren't even CLOSE to the MF you need. They don't have a point and are arguing something they don't understand.

2) You have to understand that POE both 1 and 2 are not just games. You can play through them as a game, but what retains people into the endgame is the market and metagame.
If you love it, you will end up with thousands of hours. If you don't, just beat the campaign or the atlas and leave.

The rewards in PoE 2 feel awful. The MF situation is abysmal as well, but even if they tweak those things it will still be PoE where you aren't guaranteed the reward you are fishing for as you complete content. Things will also be balanced around you being able to access the market outside of SSF.
That's just what PoE is. It's a metagame as much as a game.
SerialF#4835 wrote:
Grinding currency to BUY your needed items from other players or a vendor is DOGSHIT GAME DESIGN. you have failed as a game developer when this is the outcome.

this is core to poe though. you can go ssf but in poe 1 this requires a ton of knowledge. and if you do your own build, a ton of time.

SSF doesn't require any more knowledge than Non-SSF does. It requires obscene luck or nearly boundless time to spend playing the game. Anyone can follow a crafting guide. The knowledge is in identifying when an item is good, and you need that regardless of SSF.

Additionally, everyone who argues that trade is the solution to itemization problems completely missed the part where GGG themselves have said that they don't think trade should be a primary source of power increases. The player is supposed to be able to find their own gear and SSF is the intended way to play.

Last edited by Polantaris#1920 on Jan 6, 2025, 12:25:39 AM
Funny thing is I think poe 2 has more looting than poe 1 had. In poe 1 all you did was buy good bases and roll them only picked up currency. Here at least you have to pick up a lot more items.
Last edited by Ispita#4020 on Jan 6, 2025, 1:03:17 AM
Wdym never loot anything? I loot plenty of things… That I straight up vendor afterwards because it’s all trash.

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