0.1.0d Hotfix 1

I just have one question, why?
Free respec?

I work too much IRL to farm enough gold after having my build bricked.
but, eye of winter is a very high lvl spell, the base requirement to even cast it is amongst the highest, your reasoning doesnt make sens

This is not commentary on the validity of this nerf.

That said, you are all unfathomably whiny little children who are throwing toys having massive fits over ggg doing what they think is best for the game in early access. No you don't have a right to play anything for any length of time because you paid 30 dollars. you paid 30 dollars to help test the game. stfu.

I hope you all feel an amount of shame for your actions, though i doubt you can conjure that level of self reflection, given what i've just scrolled through.

Let it be a lesson to you, streamers will find the broken stuff in the game and abuse it until it's nerfed. This is the way of things.

Yes there should be a free respec, obviously.

Thanks for your entirely irrelevant post made solely to bash and harass people who are justifiably upset about an entire archetype being removed from the game overnight.

If anyone should feel shame its you.

I will be reporting you.
Last edited by Alcsaar#1714 on Dec 11, 2024, 11:59:52 PM
please make respec cheaper :c
Very disappointed in how badly the meta gems where hit.
Can i make a refund?
My character got deleted by devs anyway and all my in-game time just went into abyss
If you are doing major nerfs to some abilities then you also need to lower the price of respecs allot. Im at lvl 70 and lvld with coc and now its useless. My char wich i spent countless hours on is useles. This is not the way do do it GGG
Hey GGG what about the monkey and the Zalmarath dagger one-hits on Hardcore? Come on! Thats nonsense! Its a lottery now! Please fix that shit with the Highest priority! Unplayable!

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