0.1.0d Hotfix 1

SilverWF#6383 wrote:
"middle-aged people have limited time" should play stable RELEASES and never touch EARLY ACCESS games - it saves their money, time and nerves by a lot.

Don't shrug off legitimate criticisms by saying "Early Access", the entire POINT of Early Access is to address problems and improve the game before release. GGG massively overcorrected with his nerf and created a new problem that is now being pointed out by the people in this thread.

if you read the feedback from ppl that are experimenting and testing their own builds ... there is no reason for a respec, cause the builds work mostly fine, ppl just have to adjust some stuff, changing support gems and changing 5-10 points is all tahts needed and congratulation it works.
the nerf was not even an overreaction, it was too strong, now its "just good".

but most ppl here scream for stuff without testing or thinking, basicaly "nerf = bad, me want be OP".

Only being functional against uniques is not "just good". You can do some extremely simple math to see how impactful the nerfed gems are against 99% of the game's content.
SilverWF#6383 wrote:
"middle-aged people have limited time" should play stable RELEASES and never touch EARLY ACCESS games - it saves their money, time and nerves by a lot.

Don't shrug off legitimate criticisms by saying "Early Access", the entire POINT of Early Access is to address problems and improve the game before release. GGG massively overcorrected with his nerf and created a new problem that is now being pointed out by the people in this thread.

"massively overcorrected" is , for example, when Crossbow skills would converted to melee skills.

Slight fix for 1 secondary gem is not.

Stop protecting OBVIOUSLY broken stuff.
Auctioneer House - is a MUST!
'POE2' is not 'POE1 2.0'! https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3614313

Only being functional against uniques is not "just good". You can do some extremely simple math to see how impactful the nerfed gems are against 99% of the game's content.

i do agree, the math makes it easy.
it does still trigger fine on rares as well.
and even on build that are not adjsuted ... your frostbolt or spark is most likely enought to clear normal mobs even without any CoF/CoS triggers.

but simple math:
CoS, wiht spark, build for maximum shock chance.
startign with 0 energy

you run throu and group some normal mobs lets say 15

you cast spark and weave in a skill that consumes the shock or has elemental discharge.
each spark cast gives you 8-15 energy assuming you reset the shocks.

so assuming you need 100 energy

you need 7-13 sparks to trigger your CoS.
now lets say you have 3 magic mobs in there and 12 normals:
you will get between 12 and 18 energy.
so it will take 5-9 sparks to trigger.

int he time it takes to trigger it, you most likely will have wiped out 2 groups of these with spark and your consumer skill and on teh 3rd group you get a free kill thats slightly faster.

for any harder rare or unique. it wont make any difference, id say it even feels like it procks more now when you have a tanky rare or unique. sicne those most of the time, will be alone casue the rest is already dead.

sure if you want to ahve as many procs as possible , youc ant jsut spam one button anymore, but the builds work fine. its not "Only being functional against uniques"
it is now more funktional against uniques then it was before, but less funktinoal against normal monsters. and that is fine. having 4-5 procs per secound taht i ahve seen is "too strong". who knows maybe the formula will get advusted again in the future and it will be 3 energy instead of 2.

but as someone playing a CoS build i can say, it is working fine for now.
all taht rly changed for me are the supports gems im using.

Well done. A very balanced approach.
int he time it takes to trigger it, you most likely will have wiped out 2 groups of these with spark and your consumer skill and on teh 3rd group you get a free kill thats slightly faster.

This is why GGG gets away with the things they get away with when it comes to a lack of respect for player time.

What you described isn't a CoS build. You just described a Spark build that has something it sometimes triggers that is not even remotely crucial to the build.

Learn the difference.
it is working fine for now.

Just because something works doesn't mean it's effective. Cast on Freeze still works, but it's about 10% effective, or less. Two things can be true at the same time.
it is working fine for now.

Just because something works doesn't mean it's effective. Cast on Freeze still works, but it's about 10% effective, or less. Two things can be true at the same time.

I mean yeah, it's about 5% if I had to guess, I have a bricked COF build and I am trying to work around the problem, my frostbolt is not enough to clear, you have to juice the heck out of cold-snap to get any resemblance of a build, even then white mobs that jump are going to be in your face beating on you.

Also this silverWF is extremely cringe with his horrible takes. Man lives in a bubble.

Good nerf GGG, it needed it.
I beat E.T. on Atari when I was 5. When it came out. This is what I do.

What you described isn't a CoS build. You just described a Spark build that has something it sometimes triggers that is not even remotely crucial to the build.

Learn the difference.

it is CoS ... jsut that it is now better to reset the shocks to get the procs faster, and on the way to finding that out, somehow we completely changed the playstyle and realised that if you focus on clearspeed with your spells you actualy can clear jsut as fast as before while also beeing faster on bosses than before.

Builds change. yes now you cant just spam one skill and everything dies instandly.

"Just because something works doesn't mean it's effective. Cast on Freeze still works, but it's about 10% effective, or less. Two things can be true at the same time."
that is true, and since most of my time testing stuff and playing around is on CoS i cant speak for CoF .. altho i assume with "Shaper of Winter" there could be possibilities to make it work in a similar way.

but is it rly 10% .. clearing any map on CoS i still get procs every 3-8 sec as long as there are enemys to shock .. but now we trigger on bosses every 5 or so secounds.
but .. this is the whrong thread to discuss this.
Last edited by 死神Babli#4664 on Dec 13, 2024, 6:18:00 PM

What you described isn't a CoS build. You just described a Spark build that has something it sometimes triggers that is not even remotely crucial to the build.

Learn the difference.

it is CoS ... jsut that it is now better to reset the shocks to get the procs faster, and on the way to finding that out, somehow we completely changed the playstyle and realised that if you focus on clearspeed with your spells you actualy can clear jsut as fast as before while also beeing faster on bosses than before.

Builds change. yes now you cant just spam one skill and everything dies instandly.

"Just because something works doesn't mean it's effective. Cast on Freeze still works, but it's about 10% effective, or less. Two things can be true at the same time."
that is true, and since most of my time testing stuff and playing around is on CoS i cant speak for CoF .. altho i assume with "Shaper of Winter" there could be possibilities to make it work in a similar way.

but is it rly 10% .. clearing any map on CoS i still get procs every 3-8 sec as long as there are enemys to shock .. but now we trigger on bosses every 5 or so secounds.
but .. this is the whrong thread to discuss this.

A CoS build by normal PoE standards would be a build that main damage source is whats being triggered and not simply being used as occasional supplemental damage.

So no, A build that works completely fine without CoS is not a CoS build.

Just like a build using herald of thunder for additional damage but works fine without it isn't a herald build.

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