PoE2 - Not enough Spirit, but i have enougfh spirit.

ailystra#2356 wrote:
same here.. i swap out for some testing some of the cast on gems... it works fine.. then i whant swap back to my "old" one and all gems have not enought spirit...

NOW i cant play anything, the tested one or my old one.. rip

i buyed 3 more of cast on freeze gems but no one will work

swoat weapons, change weapon sets at the skill, relog, select other server.. nothing!

FIX it plz we cant play the game!

Have you ever change the weapon set before when you use this specific skill gem? I had the some problem before until I realized before I put the skill gem in cast on freeze , i disabled it on weapon set ll, that is why everything I swap to set ll cast on freeze wouldn’t work. Better equipped the skill gem separately before you put it in cast on freeze, make sure you can use this gem on both set then put it back. Hope this helps you.

My actual skill gem is bricked. If I socket comet it doesn't show DPS, and weapon settings don't matter.

I had to make a new gem and resocket it. Just spent way too much gold setting up a weapon swap as well.. fml
I've found a solution aswell i destroy the non working meta gem. Put another meta gem in Cast on XXX and it'll work
It‘s defenitely a bug. I‘m playing a witch lv15 now, have 30 spirit + 142 from scepter. Tooltip showed spirit 30/30 with the weapon equipped, removed all weapons and played around with equip and unequip, no change in spirit.
Then I bought a second scepter with spirit stat and equipped both, spirt changed to the correct value, skeletons where summoned, switched one weapon back and all seemed to be ok. Minions still there, spirit diplayed in the correct way.
When minions died, spirit switched back to 30/30 and no minions summoned anymore.
I got this bug on my 44 minion build witch, nearly bricked the char. Someone on chat recommended this that worked for me:

Unequip all gems- ALL OF THEM, and their supports. Disable innate skills too.

One-by-one requip them, starting with the spirit skill and see if it reactivates.
Thanks a lot, will give it a try today
Ok I am either extremely dumb or something else is going on. My character is lvl 8, I have no "Cast on xxx" skills or anything like that. I have the most basic stuff including a scepter with 100 Spirit. After trying every and all possible combinations of gems and gear in my inventory, my spirit bar in my Skill screen says 0 despite having 100 spirit. Now when I socket the minion skills that need reserve spirit and I go to set minion count, the bar above the minion count shows 100 and as I allocate it it goes down from there. But as I said the bar on the Skill screen shows 0 so when I set values in the minion count screen and accept it, it does nothing.

None of the fixes suggested here seem to be applicable as they are all related to something to do with "Cast on xxx" skills. Is there perhaps another thread I should check or is this thing just straight up broken for now?
FrvFUN#6952 wrote:
I've found a solution aswell i destroy the non working meta gem. Put another meta gem in Cast on XXX and it'll work

i try it, it dont work for me. Hope they fix it soon
I got this bug on my 44 minion build witch, nearly bricked the char. Someone on chat recommended this that worked for me:

Unequip all gems- ALL OF THEM, and their supports. Disable innate skills too.

One-by-one requip them, starting with the spirit skill and see if it reactivates.

Did not work, unfortunately. The skill Cast on Minion Death must be bugged because my minions keep dying and no spells activate on their death.

I have 243 spirit, so that is not the issue. This is build-destruction for me. My Blood Mage is unusable.
Last edited by Draygan7934#8696 on Dec 11, 2024, 8:02:03 AM
Didn‘t work for me. Too bad.
I think it's not a bug. There are some spirit gems in which you need to place skill gem, so they can work properly.

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