PoE2 - Not enough Spirit, but i have enougfh spirit.

It's so stupid for cast on skills, you literally put a SKILL GEM like ARC or SHOCK into "Cast on Shock/freeze/etc" support gem socket.

Drag Spark or whatever attack gem you are using into Cast on Shock support gem socket
Last edited by TaddyZ#2117 on Dec 13, 2024, 4:21:10 PM
Haven't read the entire thread so maybe it's been mentioned, but something I realized while dealing with this yesterday is that Cast on XYZ gems only work with spells. Stupid me for not reading, but with every post saying to socket skills, it didn't occur to me that Attacks wouldn't work. RIP Shockchain Arrow On Shock idea.
Like that other Bloodmage all spirit abilities switched off after 1 use including the damn ascendancy passive. Spirit returns to unreserved and abilities says (!) Disabled: not enough Spirit

Apparently it was caused by my unique body armor, seems to be fixed after taking it off. No idea why lol
if you are using cast on freeze or similar, you need to put some skill to be activated, otherwise this behavior happen because there is nothing to activate
Same issue here with spirit.

I have a 30 spirit cost ability that makes enemies drop shield recharge.
I look to see that I still have 33 spirit remaining after that is toggled on
Then I equip two support gems to a different skill, one cost 10 spirit the other 20, so that's another 30.

But at this point it disables the ability that has the support gems saying not enough spirit.
even though if I look down at my spirit meter there is still 3 spirit in it.
Hi all, I was having this issue also. I didnt realise at the time but when I attached a supply gem to herald of thunder it for some reason made it cost more that 30 spirit, and didn't update the attach info
Arconaut#3956 wrote:
Definitely a bug here.


There IS a bug but its not what I expected. When I equip frostbolt directly as a spell, I can see that I had it disabled for slot 1. This is not something I can control when its socketed as a "support" for CoS buff. Once I enabled it for both weapon sets, CoS works as expected.

The bugs are:
1. Weapon set enablement seems to be attached to the skill gem itself. This should be ignored probably when socketed as a support to a buff gem
2. The tooltip for the buff gem says I don't have enough spirit. This is false and should indicate that the trigger skill is disabled for the weapon set.

Dude... you're LITERALLY a life-saver. I switched some stuff around and got a staff for bossing instead of wand+shield yesterday, and bricked my whole build. I couldnt get my spirit gems to work anymore, no matter what i did. This just re-enabled my build... it seems my comet that was linked to CoF was only enabled for weapon set 2. Just put the comet gem in a socket by its own, checked the boxes, put it back and now everything's back to normal.
I may have a solution.

I had a problem on Witch, it showed that I have 30 spirit although I had a weapon that provides +100 and it shows in my management that I could easily spawn 3 or more skeletons. Tried everything, browsed through this thread, unsocketed everything - nothing helped.

Later I've discoverd that applying 2nd scepter on II slot weapon actually gave me my much needed spirit. The game was confused, my spells were enhanced by my II weapon slot (which was empty).

You gotta swap the usage of weapon for your skills for primary, for some reaon (or maybe I've set it by accident) it was draining my II weapon slot which was empty.
Goshawk2#3565 wrote:
So out of all of you, only one making sense is the dude saying to socket spells into it. Y'all are wild.

As no one else in this thread seems capable of using English to properly explain shit, do this with Cast on Freeze:

* Add it to your Skills page (press g)
* Take another skill and put it inside of Cast on Freeze as if this second skill were a support gem.

Message saying "not enough spirit" needs to be updated as well.

THANK YOU!! Oh my F*ing GOD why was it so complicated for all the other people to explain such a thing...
I didn't even know an active skill could be inserted INSIDE a passive. Never was explained anywhere. We're supposed to guess stuff in this game...
I am having the same issue with cast on freeze. I have 111 spirit res and cast on freeze only requires 60. Maybe this is issue is caused by the nerf? I haven't found a work around yet; if there is one.

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