Why can't people afford $30 for EA and instead beg?

Genuine question. I don't want to assume the worst of people, but honestly that's the only thing my mind does. Maybe because I'm a trash person? Okay, that's one opinion, and guess what, I support opinions. So please share yours.

My hypothesis is that most people begging for a key are under 18 years old, unemployed, and lack parental finances. The darker hypothesis is that they're just cheap-skates exploiting charitable individuals.

I want to add that people saying the price is too high in their country aren't actually providing a good excuse for begging. For example, yes, I would LOVE to own a Ferrari sports car. Who wouldn't? But I'm not going and asking millionaires to give me their Ferrari just because I really want to drive it.


In general, begging is simply shameful. In the USA, it's a social norm not to beg publicly unless you're desperately in need. This sort of behavior is deplorable in our country. Giveaways are a different story. See, there, no one is begging. It's nuanced, but that's how it works.

Life has a way of humbling people with attitudes like this
You might think you can never end up in a rough financial situation, but it can happen just like that
Genuine question. I don't want to assume the worst of people, but honestly that's the only thing my mind does. Maybe because I'm a trash person? Okay, that's one opinion, and guess what, I support opinions. So please share yours.

My hypothesis is that most people begging for a key are under 18 years old, unemployed, and lack parental finances. The darker hypothesis is that they're just cheap-skates exploiting charitable individuals.

I want to add that people saying the price is too high in their country aren't actually providing a good excuse for begging. For example, yes, I would LOVE to own a Ferrari sports car. Who wouldn't? But I'm not going and asking millionaires to give me their Ferrari just because I really want to drive it.


In general, begging is simply shameful. In the USA, it's a social norm not to beg publicly unless you're desperately in need. This sort of behavior is deplorable in our country. Giveaways are a different story. See, there, no one is begging. It's nuanced, but that's how it works.

You seem like an insufferable person.
Bro lives in the comfort of the empire. The global south exiles are just as important to the core community - $30 is a lot of money for a lot of people
I think for a lot of people buying early access to a free game is just a pointless expense, some people get multiple keys because of reasons, and they want to give them out. It don't harm nothing.
I agree, $30 is fast food prices for a couple meals. People should be able to shell out $30 for what will be years of enjoyment.
Confusing b/c if you take your gf/bf out to dinner one single night you will spend 3 to 4x as much.

I guess poor got really poor in the last 4 years but gosh dang.
I haven't felt the economy I guess.
Nature of humans and the balance of power currently sustained.

Troll question and troll answers.


this game isn't even worth free it's so bad. anyone that paid for it is a shmuck, including me.
Pathetic post, why are you making this post? Why?

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