Why can't people afford $30 for EA and instead beg?

Where I'm from, we look down on beggars.


Do you also look down on people asking for help? In your honest opinion, what are the differences between the two?
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
So to recap

Having $0 to spend on games because all your expenses leaves you with nothing at the end of the month = scary

Sitting around, no money or income, with a high powered PC playing a game you had to beg for = honorable, noble, patrician behavior
Genuine question. I don't want to assume the worst of people, but honestly that's the only thing my mind does. Maybe because I'm a trash person? Okay, that's one opinion, and guess what, I support opinions. So please share yours.

My hypothesis is that most people begging for a key are under 18 years old, unemployed, and lack parental finances. The darker hypothesis is that they're just cheap-skates exploiting charitable individuals.

I want to add that people saying the price is too high in their country aren't actually providing a good excuse for begging. For example, yes, I would LOVE to own a Ferrari sports car. Who wouldn't? But I'm not going and asking millionaires to give me their Ferrari just because I really want to drive it.


In general, begging is simply shameful. In the USA, it's a social norm not to beg publicly unless you're desperately in need. This sort of behavior is deplorable in our country. Giveaways are a different story. See, there, no one is begging. It's nuanced, but that's how it works.

You never know what someone else is going through. We all play videogames as an escape right? Were family- if you need it, and I can do it, I will for my gaming brethren. That's why.

None of my RL friends play. If I was fortunate enough RN to buy an expensive pack id give away keys too. Unfortunately, I crashed into a deer on Monday so $30 is really all I can spare now I have an unexpected $1000 dollar expense.

And if it wasnt my favorite game in the world I wouldnt have even spent the 30 tbh. Priorities. But this is my escape and release as well.
I don't see problem in people begging... What I see as problem is account's that are eligible to received the key and haven't receive it yet... We cannot download the game (ps) without key or buying.... And no answers from support...
Asking people, playing a free to play game, about what's the issue with forking over $30 to have access to the game.

That's grand, in and of itself, before you even consider the economic situation in a bunch of countries.
Phrazz#3529 wrote:
Where I'm from, we look down on beggars.


Do you also look down on people asking for help? In your honest opinion, what are the differences between the two?

Sorry, are you ever going to provide a substantial argument to this debate?

Why am I answering your questions when you don't answer mine?

But, since I'm actually a charitable person, I'll indulge you. No, I don't look down on people seeking help. In fact, I support US programs that aid low-income families and individuals.

What I detest are people who could afford to buy a $30 EA key, but instead choose to take advantage of nice people and do it publicly.

Like I said, giveaways are a different setting. During giveaways, there is actually ZERO public begging; the begging is confined to a more exclusive setting. Public begging is reserved for people in desperate need of basic necessities like food, water, shelter, etc (NOT GAMES). Public begging means the individual is in such dire need that they have zero family or friends who will help, and they have sacrificed all their pride to get what they need to survive. Again, this is not related to a luxury like video games. Those people should be helped.

But don't pretend like these gamer kids are anything like people who are actually deprived of BASIC NEEDS. A video game, again, is a luxury. Don't you dare try to categorize video game beggars as some poor dudes who can't even afford groceries.

JoeShmo#1872 wrote:
Asking people, playing a free to play game, about what's the issue with forking over $30 to have access to the game.

That's grand, in and of itself, before you even consider the economic situation in a bunch of countries.

Sir, PoE2 EA is not F2P. So, your argument is already obliterated by nonsense. Please try again.
Last edited by HwtChirino#2462 on Dec 6, 2024, 10:16:57 AM
Why judge man? It felt good to give out my extra keys. If the people misuse them, that's on them.

From my perspective, the more people play the game, the better.

Okay, good for you. I'm sorry that my contempt of beggars is offensive to you, but your take won't change my attitude about it. Where I'm from, we look down on beggars. You've probably provided the worst argument to change my mind rofl.

So here's a real question to you. Did you really think your question was going to do anything to influence me? If not, then what was your point in even posting? LOL my goodness.

There you have it. You obviously feel offended by something that shouldnt even offend anyone and then make a thread about it so everyone can see the ignorance.

POE2 is a big thing for many people, but here you are, having to make this evenning all about YOU.
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hacr#7772 wrote:

There you have it. You obviously feel offended by something that shouldnt even offend anyone and then make a thread about it so everyone can see the ignorance.

POE2 is a big thing for many people, but here you are, having to make this evenning all about YOU.

No, this thread has never been about me. You're making a strange assumption without ANY evidence. You're actually judging me. WHICH IS HILARIOUS because now you're the hypocrite who's attacking my character because you're the one offended. True comedy.

Your argument is that I shouldn't be offended by video game beggars? Wow, good one. I see your rationality is quite developed. /sarcasm

Are you going to reply to ANY of my points from earlier?
What I detest are people who could afford to buy a $30 EA key, but instead choose to take advantage of nice people and do it publicly.

An no one disagrees with this...

Look, as I've written before: Would I give a key to people asking for it on these forums? No, because we have no way of knowing their story. But some of these people are probably in a place where they are unable to pay due to valid reasons. Are they participating in giveaways too? Most likely, why wouldn't they?

Do I ignore these threads? Yes (mostly because I've given away all my keys). Do I - on principle - judge the people making them? No. It's free shit on the internet, what's the harm? Making a 'rich' American a little bit uncomfortable? Hell, that's probably another reason to actually make a beg thread.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.

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