Why can't people afford $30 for EA and instead beg?
Genuine question. I don't want to assume the worst of people, but honestly that's the only thing my mind does. Maybe because I'm a trash person? Okay, that's one opinion, and guess what, I support opinions. So please share yours.
My hypothesis is that most people begging for a key are under 18 years old, unemployed, and lack parental finances. The darker hypothesis is that they're just cheap-skates exploiting charitable individuals. I want to add that people saying the price is too high in their country aren't actually providing a good excuse for begging. For example, yes, I would LOVE to own a Ferrari sports car. Who wouldn't? But I'm not going and asking millionaires to give me their Ferrari just because I really want to drive it. ----- In general, begging is simply shameful. In the USA, it's a social norm not to beg publicly unless you're desperately in need. This sort of behavior is deplorable in our country. Giveaways are a different story. See, there, no one is begging. It's nuanced, but that's how it works. Last edited by HwtChirino#2462 on Dec 6, 2024, 9:55:41 AM Last bumped on Dec 6, 2024, 10:33:29 PM
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I dunno man, times are tough depending on where you live in the world. I live in Canada, I make $43 an hour and I'm broke af. With Christmas coming up, I couldn't afford to fork out $30 right now, as much as I'd like to support GGG. Luckily, I was given an EA key, but I don't see anything wrong with people who have fallen on hard times asking for a key. If you don't want to give them one, just move on.
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" This. Worlds pretty whack atm i'll just wait till i get invite or it goes free. But some places the keys atm are almost double what it is in the US they took away the regional pricing so it kinda messed up a lot. although GGG been known to fix that so who knows. |
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Why judge man? It felt good to give out my extra keys. If the people misuse them, that's on them.
From my perspective, the more people play the game, the better. |
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" Not really? you seen cost living there atm? it's worse then most of the US depending where he's at. have fun in some parts of canada where there Gov is taxing people hard to a point its breaking households |
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" Is it? Really? I think your whole post severely lacks a rather basic understanding of the world, economics and human decency. But who am I to judge? I know for a fact, that after playing PoE for 12 years, if I was in a situation where buying a key made no sense at all because of my life situation, be that poverty, economics or whatever, I would probably try my luck making one of these threads myself. What's the worst that can happen? Looking like a fool in your eyes? I would probably survive that. Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
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" I work 40 hours a week and support my wife and two kids. Car payments, mortgage payments, property taxes, grocery budget, electricity, water, paying off debt - the cost of everything is sky high, through the roof right now. It's not money management issues, it's a byproduct of living in a capitalist society where the rich get richer and everyone else suffers. $30 is a big ask for some people right now. If people want to ask for keys, I say more power to them. Maybe they'll get lucky, someone will feel generous, and they'll make someone's day. |
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Begging and asking are two diffrent things, one of them you do for survival, the other to not be excluded.
Looking down on either of them is despicable. Not everyone has easy access to quick money for various reason. You just cant comprehend it I guess. | |
" Okay, good for you. I'm sorry that my contempt of beggars is offensive to you, but your take won't change my attitude about it. Where I'm from, we look down on beggars. You've probably provided the worst argument to change my mind rofl. So here's a real question to you. Did you really think your question was going to do anything to influence me? If not, then what was your point in even posting? LOL my goodness. |
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why does it concern you?
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