[3.24] 💥💫 The (Arch)Blade Blast Unloader 🗡️🔪🔫 - Screenwide 30m-55m Pinnacle DPS? Say yes to FUN!

Hello, this build look awesome, but I can't manage to play with it.

I struggle a lot vs rares or t16 bosses even t13-14 - I guess is a DMG thing, but I have no idea what I did or do wrong.

Can someone help me out please.

https://pobb.in/zgUVAzGVHQ-L - here is the pob of my char right now.

Please help a newbie out :D.

Thank you.
AwakenAkuma wrote:
Hello, this build look awesome, but I can't manage to play with it.

I struggle a lot vs rares or t16 bosses even t13-14 - I guess is a DMG thing, but I have no idea what I did or do wrong.

Can someone help me out please.

https://pobb.in/zgUVAzGVHQ-L - here is the pob of my char right now.

Please help a newbie out :D.

Thank you.

Hey, no worries! I think we can easily almost double your damage with a few quick tweaks.

1) Take points out from here and put them here in this jewel slot:

2) Buy a Perandus Pact, Lightning from here, they're like 100c now. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/00ngY2bIg Slot it in there.

3) This gives a WHOPPING 25 * 6% damage = 150% INCREASED lightning damage - or about a 18-20% increase for most mid-level builds.

4) Apply Brittle onto your boots by using the Searing Exarch ichors / essences to roll "Drops Brittle Ground while moving.." This gives you 2% additional base crit against enemies, which is important for shocking and more importantly, activating EO.

5) This is going to sound mega weird but you want to ensure enemies are on the chilled patches you create when you Frostblink on them. So when a map boss is in an animation or when you first meet them, Frostblink right on their head, then run circles around them. The mobility from BBoU allows you to do this. (Bonus) For a lot of spellcasting bosses this in fact cancels their casts and makes them melee you, it's weird.

6) Why not anoint Battle Rouse? It's a little bit more damage, and recoup feels VERY NICE.

7) If your resists can handle it, take a Prism Guardian, slap Petrified Blood inside, and take Pain Attunement for another 30% more damage. You want to combo this with ANY SOURCE OF LIGHTNING LEECH! (Crown of the Inward Eye with lightning leech should be easy to find). This makes you a demigod especially if you combine with Recoup. Later you can get enough currency to get an Enlighten 4 and further boost damage or survivability with a 50% aura in there (but this needs specific steps, let us know when you get there.)

Remember, Frostblink on your target, drop that Brittle Ground, and damage will be a lot more consistent!

If you do all of these things, you will do 1 * 1.2 (Perandus Pact) * 1.4 (EO uptime) * 1.03 (Battle Rouse * ~1.25 (Algor Mortis adjusted for shock) = 216% damage of what you were doing.

Add on Prism Guardian + Petrified Blood to that and it'll be 2.16 * 1.3 = 2.808... So almost triple damage for about 150c lol!

Finally, get your Brand Recall to 6/20 at least. With these changes.. Damage nearly 3.5 x haha. Then you'll feel it pumping.
💥💫BB Unloader 1000% AoE 70m DPS🗡️🔪🔫: view-thread/3466787
FlickerCoC Ice Nova / Spear Assassin: view-thread/3225536
🔨⚡CWC Lightning Conduit Mjolner Trickster: view-thread/3300148
VD Arcanist Brand Necro: view-thread/2911667
Last edited by primaeva on Apr 6, 2024, 1:28:55 PM
ReworX wrote:
primaeva wrote:
ReworX wrote:

Crafted a sick wand for this build. Tbh i'm really happy with my damage right now, i'm just looking for ways to boost my survivability cause holy shit phys damage is a weakness on the archmage setup and i'm not sure if its fixable.

Okay, what the fuck. That's the PoB wand everyone has. HOW?? Is the failure rate high?

(And yep. Dropping to determination and a rare helm with phys as elemental (and chest) would go a long way. If you feel the build has enough damage (10m sustained) go for those!)

The fractured affixes are like a 75% chance of getting em. The recipe below, i actually failed the to get t1/t2 mana and got the hybrid instead but it worked out in the end.

Getting a decent mana roll with the spell damage essence is also statistically pretty easy but i got super unlucky and spent like 10 div on Deafening Woes before getting a high enough mana roll that i was happy with

what program/site is that?

primaeva wrote:
Well, that would get you 10% "more" HP ready at all times (55/50 = 110%) if you reserve less than 45% of your health, but I would be careful to check if it bricks either Pain Attunement or the leech effect. Logically it shouldn't. Not a bad idea, that could be like 200 more HP, and then you add some mana buffer to that (like 160?).

That could be huge, could you do me a favour and run those tests? :DD It's great value for one point. (And for the poor people like us who can't do Enlighten 4. hahahaha)

It looks like you need to reserve just under 45% to still get the overleech effect, so this route probably takes a bit more investment - and life flasks would cancel overleech. Still might be worth it for the ~10% more effective max hit.
Last edited by King_Haart on Apr 6, 2024, 12:20:10 PM
My PoB: https://pobb.in/FzwrpPUWllfc

Hi, I kinda struggle with not dying xD mostly from big hits. Is it just a problem with having better tier and rolls on gear? Or should I swap something else? Also, I have a question about swapping to the rare crit wand. If I swap in increased critical strikes and have increased crit chance, will that get me to 100% like shown here:

edit: i know that when swappin to take off controlled destruction xd i forgot that im still using it, is it worth to swap already for sum else?
Last edited by Fomok on Apr 6, 2024, 12:43:06 PM
Fomok wrote:
My PoB: https://pobb.in/FzwrpPUWllfc

Hi, I kinda struggle with not dying xD mostly from big hits. Is it just a problem with having better tier and rolls on gear? Or should I swap something else? Also, I have a question about swapping to the rare crit wand. If I swap in increased critical strikes and have increased crit chance, will that get me to 100% like shown here:

edit: i know that when swappin to take off controlled destruction xd i forgot that im still using it, is it worth to swap already for sum else?

Wow my friend. That is regally murdering you. You need way more base life even though you are an MoM build. Fortunately the solve is easy:

1) Buy a +2 life + 2 mana Dark Seer. This adds 420 life and 690 mana (wtf, 42/690 to you alone, increases your damage, and makes enemies deal 10% less damage. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/r8bYBBMTQ

2) You NEED a source of lightning leech if you go Petrified Blood or you'll be dying all the time. One of the biggest perks of Petrified Blood is the overleech. It doesn't solve one hits, but it WILL make every 80% hit feel like nothing just because your recoup + leech tops it off really fast.

Also. Take Controlled Destruction off ASAP. It makes you almost NEVER crit - so you lose Elemental Overload and almost never have it. So you've been on like, a 5L all this time. Use Arcane Surge or even Energy Leech, it's better.
💥💫BB Unloader 1000% AoE 70m DPS🗡️🔪🔫: view-thread/3466787
FlickerCoC Ice Nova / Spear Assassin: view-thread/3225536
🔨⚡CWC Lightning Conduit Mjolner Trickster: view-thread/3300148
VD Arcanist Brand Necro: view-thread/2911667
Good day Primaeva

My PoB: https://pobb.in/LY5z_2SzdMT-

Can you make any suggestions for me? I'm still not sure how the overleech works.
I'm reserving a lot of HP as I can't afford Enlightened 4.

Currency generation is fine. I can get more divs but would it really be worth it to save up for Enlightened 4? (it's so expensive)

Any changes you would recommend if you had a budget of 5-10 divs?
Dr3amHax0r wrote:
Good day Primaeva

My PoB: https://pobb.in/LY5z_2SzdMT-

Can you make any suggestions for me? I'm still not sure how the overleech works.
I'm reserving a lot of HP as I can't afford Enlightened 4.

Currency generation is fine. I can get more divs but would it really be worth it to save up for Enlightened 4? (it's so expensive)

Any changes you would recommend if you had a budget of 5-10 divs?

You can't use a 50% Aura (Zealotry) if you don't have Enlighten 4! Put Clarity in there instead or something.

You need a diamond flask with increased crit.

Drop Perandus Pact - why'd you pick this up? this version of the build doesn't put enough points in the middle to make it worth it, now that you've moved to Clusters.

Use that slot instead for a -11% or -10% Thread of Hope Medium radius, then get Heart of Thunder, Breath of Lightning, one 16% node and Arcane Will instead.

You can also unspec Influence getting 5 points back since you do not have Enlighten 4.

Finish the Tireless wheel. Right now your BBoU costs 281 mana so you are basically playing without Inspiration as it resets every 3rd cast.

Anoint Dreamer, you need to bring that cost to as close to 100 or less, as possible.

All this should cost way 1 div, I would advise you roll Unnerve on your gloves on the implicits which is a huge damage increase.. And then a better Cluster Jewel with 3 big passives.
💥💫BB Unloader 1000% AoE 70m DPS🗡️🔪🔫: view-thread/3466787
FlickerCoC Ice Nova / Spear Assassin: view-thread/3225536
🔨⚡CWC Lightning Conduit Mjolner Trickster: view-thread/3300148
VD Arcanist Brand Necro: view-thread/2911667
Last edited by primaeva on Apr 6, 2024, 10:46:37 PM
if i want to play the cold version sabo, do i still follow the old 3.23 gears and tree?
lokicuong3 wrote:
if i want to play the cold version sabo, do i still follow the old 3.23 gears and tree?

I think you should. It's as strong as it was last league. You have to nail the playstyle though. I've seen too many videos of players walking up TO mobs and then casting BBoU. You should be doing drive-bys - you cast a BBoU and walk past them or shield charge into them.

The cold version is basically powered by PC stacking and that doesn't make it a very tanky build.
💥💫BB Unloader 1000% AoE 70m DPS🗡️🔪🔫: view-thread/3466787
FlickerCoC Ice Nova / Spear Assassin: view-thread/3225536
🔨⚡CWC Lightning Conduit Mjolner Trickster: view-thread/3300148
VD Arcanist Brand Necro: view-thread/2911667

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