Content Update 3.22.0 -- Path of Exile: Trial of the Ancestors

everyone at the diablo 4 dev team just took a huge sigh of relief.
Let me in allready!!!
So where are the actual patch notes? All I see are Ruthless patch notes. Sigh
Ascension tied to Lab is the worst thing GGG has done...apart from GGG's philosophy on Trading. Oh and Gambling Loot boxes. And selling out to tencent.

I used to love GGG. I supported to ensure GGG remained independent, now I just wish I could get my money back. -_-
janusbloodays wrote:

Ill add a Gem that gives 10% more dmg to DOT but 10% less duration... THEN ITS THE SAME DPS, for real bro you deserver a slap to your face.

wait, what? do you even know what DPS is? It's not the same as total damage. If your skill deals 400 damage over 4 seconds it does 100 DPS. It is usually worth it to increase the DPS at the cost of shortening the duration, for example 280 damage over 2 seconds equals 140 DPS. You're doing less TOTAL damage, but will it matter? Either the monster will die or you'll reapply the DOT before it expires, maintaining higher DPS.

Many ignite builds used Replica Emberwake that has a whooping "-90% reduced duration of Ignite on enemies". But it also had "Ignites you inflict deal Damage (35-45)% faster" and bunch of other good mods.

In Diablo 2 there is this necromancer poison skill "Poison Explosion" or something. It is absolutely ludicrous when it comes to damage dealt, it can reach a million damage...over 5 minutes xD No one uses this because it's shit DPS. They just play Poison Nova which is static 2 seconds duration and much more DPS.
Nerf temporal chains is the whole balance of skills? WTFFFFFFFFFFFF
Ruthless is a side project <3
SAY - NO to Ruthless!
Added a new Atlas Keystone Passive Skill, Arbitrary Tenets, which grants "Favours at Ritual Altars in your Maps randomly cost between 90% less and 80% more".

How does this interact with deferral?
This is great and all.. but what does the new Guardian passives do?
What is Sentinel of Radiance and what is an Elemental Relic?

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