Character Balance in Path of Exile: Lake of Kalandra

Olendoirus wrote:
Love the people with 2/3/4/5 league challenges crying KEKW

What does the number of league challenges completed have to do with having an opinion about a game you like playing?
Olendoirus wrote:
Love the people with 2/3/4/5 league challenges crying KEKW

Half the people I met in Sentinel that had 35+ challenges spent the first two weeks of the league running currency bots.
When players can't be bothered to pursue the challenges or get them naturally through playing, that's not because of players, that's entirely league design choices or challenge design choice.
Sentinel was one of the worst designed challenge system requiring multiple Atlas respecs of buying challenges. Neither is organic or good design.
Olendoirus wrote:
Love the people with 2/3/4/5 league challenges crying KEKW

tell that to majority of all streamers that they themselves are totally disappointed.

This is far the worst reaction the game has ever received.
Instead of pleasing the game community because PoE2 is coming and blizzard diablo4 is coming too this 2023 not to mention diablo immortal earning 1m$ per day.

They are pissing their own playerbase instead, this game company has a poor marketing strategy that i wont be even wonder if diablo4 has more playerbase even though its paytoplay compare to poe2 which is free2play but i guarantee you diablo4 will have more playerbase.

They fuckedup way to big this time.

Goodluck to their playerbase and PoE2
One word: Reeeeeee!

One screenshot after waiting 6 months:

Pour one out for my Syndicate homies.

Complex PoE mechanics are getting Diablofied.

GGG: What's better than stable income? Random income of course.
Last edited by zakalwe55 on Aug 7, 2022, 12:44:19 AM
Can we plz have something for melee ? Anything that isn't more nerf ? ...
Davestiii wrote:
Can we plz have something for melee ? Anything that isn't more nerf ? ...

GGG: Here take another +1 radius to cleave, insane skill now!
3.13 Was the best league ever!
3.18 Rest in peace my beloved recombinators, I'm gonna miss you...
snowmittens wrote:
Universalis wrote:
I don't understand why ggg persists in harassing the 10% who play necromancer (and many are doing it since years) while we constantly have -new broken builds each new league- (like this fire trap dot inquisitor) because of a blatant failure of balance handling.
Maybe there's an hidden reason behind this, I can't expect to know the real intents.

this is what triggered GGG against necros:

so beautiful...
however I doubt a 2019 video triggered a nerf in 2022
I indeed wonder why they tried to fix necros...

maybe has something to do with this.
popochka wrote:

If I ask GGG to buff things so I could beat the game, then my "victory" would be meaningless.

If there are thousand of players who beat the game in SSF and SSFHC using a variety of builds, the game is fine.

I like having this sense of challenge to overcome, and I like admiring players who overcome these challenges in such difficult settings.

If they'd make the game easier, all of that would be gone.

EDIT: I know the game since the end of beta I think so 2k hours (with a good few hundreds afk) doesn't mean that much, but it's still a bit.

No it's not fine.
There's way too much content gated behind way too much crap.
All that crap requires you playing as a job AND getting a PhD in game, league and trade mechanics to get it done.
That's just not fun.
Last edited by al3xro on Aug 7, 2022, 4:32:50 AM
al3xro wrote:
snowmittens wrote:
Universalis wrote:
I don't understand why ggg persists in harassing the 10% who play necromancer (and many are doing it since years) while we constantly have -new broken builds each new league- (like this fire trap dot inquisitor) because of a blatant failure of balance handling.
Maybe there's an hidden reason behind this, I can't expect to know the real intents.

this is what triggered GGG against necros:

so beautiful...
however I doubt a 2019 video triggered a nerf in 2022

The next league after this video was posted, GGG started nerfing necros and has been doing it consistently almost every league even since.

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