Character Balance in Path of Exile: Lake of Kalandra

Innomen wrote:
feike wrote:
GGG is aiming for that sweet spot where only streamers and no lifers play the game(focusing on the whales, full diablo immortal style)

Yup. The ONLY thing that guides their decisions is profit impact metrics. They would absolutely prefer the reduced server costs and 10% of the current sever population with equal or better profit.

They actively don't want new players. What new players they do want to get must first be psychologically screened by the horrifying new player experience.

It's basically hazing and control group.

If new types of people joined in numbers then it would wreck their carefully maintained psychological models.

Every game company is a digital drug dealer, and it's a science. Nothing that looks like incompetence actually is. Rather it's hostile and exploitative agenda.

it was a few years back where blizz, ea, epic were in the news nonstop about bad games, mtx and other things and a lot of their psychological manipulation was exposed ( that everyone quickly forgot about and then fell for ). A big part of it is pushing their players to the edge and seeing how far they could push their games and or mtx in a bad direction and still maintain a decent player base / revenue stream. GGG is / has been doing this.

rat hope experiment is a good example. you put a rat in water and it'll swim for 15 minutes before giving up and drowning. However, if you save it and let it rest then put it back in it will swim for 60+ minutes hoping to be saved again. it's a disgusting form of manipulation and it's what we're experiencing. the players that " drown " (leave) are worthless to them but the ones that keep swimming are were the monies at.
tetomobile wrote:
Problem - GGG kills any and all viable builds

Solution - get a life and forget PoE

Just do not buy packs or mtx.
If everyone does it, it hurts more than complaining on forum

Boycott fallacy. One pampered little yuppie larvae with enough forum tiles to redo my bathroom erases the need to listen to 3000 average players, and that's exactly the plan.

And that's the point. They don't want to run The People's ARPG. They want to run Uncle Pennybag Acres ARPG country club and fishing resort.

Don't you get it? The boat league is them doubling down on whaling. They aren't very subtle or creative.

That's why they had to copy FF and D2 in the first place.
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
Anngrat wrote:
Always been wondering, who are those people spamming pog for a huge nerf manifesto...

"This world... is an ilusion, exile!"
I have been playing ssf in standard, I would like to ask if the official saves the spell suppression affix on the existing rare equipment as a legacy? My bd is a mine arc, and I can hardly get the spell suppression of the skill enhancement on the talent tree.
jrv209 wrote:
It didn't dawn on me until now that you guys didn't balance at all last league so you had all the preparation in the world and still botched it this badly? I hope some alarm bells are going off at the GGG headquarters because this is troublesome. How do you not mention Lightning Strike (a fake melee skill that has dominated the melee meta for leagues now) in your patch notes? Do you play the game? That's not to be mean or condescending because this stuff should be very obvious. People have been crushing the game with that skill before you even introduced omni.

and if they do fix anything don't let it be a " ggg is listening" moment for you. no they're reacting to justified outrage. if they listened this manifesto wouldn't exist.

it's like good cop bad cop. they release this and slam our head on a table for a week then the good cop brings us a bottle of water and fake smile.

Thank you so much GGG & Chris for curing my POE obsession. My wife will be forever grateful.
I have no problem with this nerfs, what I don't understand is game direction and this "Good 'ol times" boner that Chris has to develop the game like it's 2002, good for him and his game, but he built the audience on power fantasy RPG, he made you a Godslayer, yet he constantly takes power away, make absurd or rather broken builds while 90% of ingame items are unusable.
Monsters rework is a clownshow, 99.9% of Unique items are no longer build enabling or somewhat interesting except Headhunter, Mageblood and eh idk Doryani's Prototype perhaps. He keep telling us that his vision is a slower and more punishing gameplay, yet we get like 3 timed leagues in a row where you're punished for being slow or tactical forcing you to abandon defences and go full glasscanon to get anything good from league mechanics. The monsters completely lost its touch and you're no longer fighting a powerful skeleton or demon but a bunch of on death effects that proc for 80% of your time in the map and you're not even paying attention to the mob itself but constant degen, helicopta balls flying all over the screen and absolute clusterfuck all over the monitor.

I think even Chris Nerfson himself doesn't know what he wants from this game as he's sstill trying to hold to his 2000s memories when nobody cares anymore and while good memories have place in this game, I think he has to move on and make Path of Exile - not Diablo 2.
not going to support the upcoming league with the supporter's pack purchasing. thank you for saving my money. see you later

I havn't spent money in ages. It's like they don't want my money, and I'm fine with that. The very idea of buying a supporter pack these days makes me chuckle. Fat bloody chance.
These are pretty reasonable, though I wanna point out the mana "buff" doesn't buff anything. MoM is at the same power level, just not gated behind a specific unique, and the mana recovery mechanics are actually weakened.
When stating that your intent is to buff it, make sure to do a final pass and ensure that whatever you've taken out in edits isn't so much that nothing left in the final patch actually IS a buff anymore.
just logoin to post this game is dead.. ty for ruining it ggg.

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