Character Balance in Path of Exile: Lake of Kalandra

3.15: Players only use offensive aura,let's buff defensive aura!
3.19: Players use defensive aura, we need to nerf it.
nice play GGG
What I don't understand is the constant repetition in the vast majority of the leagues lately...

It is always the same:

1) Lots of nerfs, tiny buffs, builds killed
2) Lots of players (the customers) complain
3) All feedbacks are ignored
4) More and more people decide to stop supporting the game
5) Lots of people start the new league because this is the best game of this genre (people don't have other good options)
6) As the game is exactly as the previous league with some minor additions/changes, people get bored very fast and quit the league
7) League becomes dead
8) Time for a new league. Go to number "1"

I remember the time when the channel "Global 820" was extremely active with at least 3 messages each second. Lots of parties to play together to level up or complete some content. Now it is like 30 times slower, like one message each 10 seconds. I never see people excited about leveling, about some builds, about completing some content or defeating some boss. There are only parties for people to enter the map and increase the items quantity drop to make someone richer faster or people talking about random things.

This is an incredibly hard game for new players and each league it becomes harder with the nerfs. So, the veteran players become bored very fast because there is nothing to be excited for (bad gems and bad uniques will continue to be bad forever if not worse, builds diversity becomes smaller each league). New players can't progress more after reaching some wall where lack of information prevents him/her from getting the required currency to buy the items he/she needs for his/her build and I suppose the person gives up if not helped.

I don't understand why the developers don't see this and if they see, why they don't do anything to prevent this...

This game could be fresh and exciting each new league, but it is becoming the exact opposite... the same as before or worse (less options to choose from)

Sometimes it is just a matter or changing some numbers (buff significantly) to make a skill and/or an unique usable and attractive and exciting... but no... let's continue to do exactly the same... again and again and again...
what is good becomes bad,
what is bad becomes worse,
what is unusable continues forgotten forever

Last edited by jacarishe1 on Aug 4, 2022, 1:05:44 AM
Well, from the look's of it if nothing is changing all my pozitive vibe for the new league is destroied. Not sure if i will play with all the nerfs to defence. And definetly wont buy pack next league. All this nerfs ruin my mood and i dont feel happy giving something back when all i recive is bad.
GGG is constantly making it harder for casuals to come back
I've took some time to think about it and I think I'll do the same thing I did last league. Instead of being meta, I'll torture myself with making builds using the weak/unpopular parts of Path of Exile. That way I cannot say something sucks until I've tried it. Last league I chose to do the 2 most underplayed Ascendancies and it was okay(?) I guess. Chieftain is still very viable for the end-game, however Trickster... Trickster was pain, pure pain to play and I hated it. I don't remember playing Trickster actually but in Path of Building I couldn't get a PURE Trickster build going without feeling super bad. Took me a month to make a build that I was satisfied with.

Maybe it's not them that's crazy bad at what they do, but we(or me)that's not good enough to make it work.
Last edited by WizBlizz1994 on Aug 4, 2022, 1:09:16 AM
*Cautiously typing*... not too bad..
I feel like GGG team is waiting in a room with a big TV for GFL to upload he's day one of 3.19 highlights and make fun of us
I'm a minion player and I'm exited about the new itemization options. Refreshing changes.

Looking forward for the league 👍
I hope this isn't all.
Interesting changes however.

I've always wondered, why not rework the character ascendancies such that there are trees which favor other skills and other kind of builds. Perhaps more trees or paths in general. Changing course of major builds immediately from the start.

No need to nerf so many things. I mean.. looking at the skill tree I'd think "variety of options" is the moto of PoE, but your patch notes in the last years have told me otherwise.

Gotta love this :)

On a serious note, why not wait till the patch notes / reveal when actual (new) skill info is released to dump the hate?

People aren't waiting because people lost the trust in GGG. Too many broken promise, too many mistakes, but mostly a game that from fun became just a frustration fiesta (at least for most of us). Right now, neither the best league announcement will not be able to fix the damage made by this manifesto.
Last edited by tador88 on Aug 4, 2022, 2:06:28 AM

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