Character Balance in Path of Exile: Lake of Kalandra


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Yet another example that GGG does not care nor understand its player base!
Nerf after nerf after nerf,will not make the game more exciting for us!
I quit 2 leagues ago after 8 years of uptime 4-7 hours a day,and it seems i wont be coming back anytime soon!
Many people left because of the constant funny "Balance" game...
i think GGG has limited time left....
Thanks for the manifesto, really looking forward to it.

I am quite surprised the nerfs are so easy going.

I was expecting the following:
1. Aegis Aurora block regen reduced to 1% armour
2. Spell suppression reduces 35% spell damage
3. Ashes of the stars no longer grant +1 to all skills

+ some skill nerfs

Instead some very generous changes.

Two things though got me:
1. Mind over Matter buff/nerf - I don't know what to make out of it. Is it better, same, worse? But then you mentioned you are going to revisit it later
2. Chainbreaker - I am not quite sure what that achieves or what build does that fit for. If anyone could give me some hint?

Thanks for making the best game ever.

1. Mind over Matter buff/nerf - I don't know what to make out of it. Is it better, same, worse?

It's both a buff and a nerf... Sure you take less damage but now the base ES requirement is higher and it eats more mana. I suppose a buff for the wealthy POE players who can afford to itemize for it.
Last edited by Vaildez on Aug 3, 2022, 7:54:37 PM
so for build diversity non-streamer-hc players only have traps left now, did i understand that right?

well its only half manifesto so some defensive mechanics will still be added, right?
Last edited by zat0m on Aug 3, 2022, 7:59:18 PM
If this is all we're getting, it's an absolute disaster. Based on what's here, they took an already razor thin META and made it worse. Without some significant skill balance, we're going to see even less skill diversity than 3.17/18.
not going to support the upcoming league with the supporter's pack purchasing. thank you for saving my money. see you later
I still think they should work in the wands base damage to all spells rather than have flat implicit spell damage to wands. That way we can focus on upgrading equipment, including wands for all characters.
I'm calling it now

despite them nerfing early game for us ( defense, less rmr, less damage ) they will be buffing multiple acts to be harder in patch notes.
Simple2012 wrote:
I am a noob, I only have 13xx hours in the game.
Let's say I want to - for the first time - kill the uber bosses this coming league. What build do I have to play?

In my eyes, my only option would be seis trapper. But personally I really don't want to play that crap, because everyone is doing it and it seems so boring.

Why are so many builds being nerfed, but the absolute most common and strongest ones are left untouched? I am really confused.

seismic looks boring but it's not. but that doesn't mean it's fun. sure killing stuff is fun but that doesn't mean you're having fun while doing it.

but you won't be able to do it with seismic next league. seismic used

1. divine blessing with damage skill

2. 4 + auras and now that's not possible

you will die faster and deal less damage even on seismic

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