Searing Bond

Mark_GGG wrote:
trenan wrote:
I still cannot take this as accurate
It is.
trenan wrote:
since Searing Bond operates differently than an actual DoT.
No, it doesn't
trenan wrote:
Searing Bond is not a DoT, it is Burn Damage.
Burning damage by definition in PoE is damage over time (DoT).
DoT cannot currently be affected by any modifiers to "damage". Only increased burning damage - which is implicitly applying only to DoT damage because that's what burning is - can apply to any damage over time effect in the current system. Other restrictions, such as "elemental" or "totem" make no difference to that - they apply to damage, which is on-hit, and not to DoT.

The refactor of DoT to allow it to benefit from regular damage modifiers will likely be in 1.0.2

Thanks for the clarification.

while I understand from the code perspective it is considered a DoT, it still behaves like direct burn damage in game, which is where some of the uncertainty of how it is affected comes into play.

I look forward to the rework as it will improve this build drastically.
I know searing bond does not work with fire penetration but do enemies take more damage when their resistances have already been decreased by elemental Equilibrium.

Ex. Having a spork totem to proc EE and then searing bond hits everything else.
Yes, Resistances affect damage over time.
Mark_GGG wrote:

The refactor of DoT to allow it to benefit from regular damage modifiers will likely be in 1.0.2

I dont think this is a good idea.
Why should I take burning dmg nodes if it scales with fire dmg too?

In my opinion most "increased" dmg-modifiers already are the same especially because of the "convert into" and "add dmg as"...

for example it doesnt matter at all for my fireball build whether I take spell dmg, fire dmg, elemental dmg, increased aoe dmg or projectile dmg...
Imho you should get a small bonus if you take matching "increased dmg" e.g. fire dmg nodes with fireball. (maybe even a small penalty if you take e.g. projectile dmg with a elemental spell like fireball)

For searing bond, it would make sense if it profits from "Totem dmg" nodes but not from fire/elemental dmg nodes (because it isnt fire dmg but burning dmg).
It would increase the numbers of builds and diversity...
Last edited by azraelb on Nov 9, 2013, 3:58:52 AM
azraelb wrote:
I dont think this is a good idea.
Why should I take burning dmg nodes if it scales with fire dmg too?

Burning Damage nodes are 10% and 15%, 30% for the notable. Fire damage is 6/12/18%. You get far more bang for your buck with Burning Damage.

azraelb wrote:
For searing bond, it would make sense if it profits from "Totem dmg" nodes but not from fire/elemental dmg nodes (because it isnt fire dmg but burning dmg).

Burning Damage is Fire Damage (over Time) though. 'Burning Damage' is only a name given to Fire Damage over Time. It's not a damage type like Fire/Cold/Phys/etc. are, way I understand it.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Nov 9, 2013, 9:50:41 AM
Sorry if this has been answered - does the DoT from searing bond come from an Ignite debuff? If so can it be proliferated?
IGN: Spellful
Ignite is a Status ailment inflicted by Fire Damage Crits (or Chance to Ignite). Nothing more.
so does searing bond now scale with fire / elemental and burning damage?
(with that new DoT mechanic?)
Yes, also fire pen and flammability curse seem to work. Atleast, what I can tell by just looking at it. The dmg is actually pretty decent now.
Fire Penetration cannot apply to Damage over Time - it's an on-Hit effect.
Flamm has always worked, so good to know it hasn't broken :P
Last edited by Vipermagi on Nov 29, 2013, 12:06:06 PM

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