Searing Bond

How could i miss that?

Well, thanks a whole lot to you! :-)
How does Totem Damage passive notes interact with "Increased Burning Damage" for Searing Bond? Additively or multiplicatively?
Increased and Reduced are additive.
Vipermagi wrote:
Increased and Reduced are additive.

Did you mean to say Totem Damage and Increased Burning Damage are additive?
No, I did mean it as a general statement like that.

"Totem Damage" is Increased (Totem) Damage.
Burning Damage passives and the support grant Increased (Burning) Damage.

Increased and Reduced are always additive. Both modifiers are Increased Damage, so they stack additively.
Thank you for your answers Vipermagi, much appreciated!
Are the tooltips bugged for this? Burning damage and Totem damage doesn't change tooltip for me
How about the new avatar of fire? Wouldnt that make searing bond deal fire dmg, and therefor make it possible to increase the dmg througt elem, spell and fire nodes?
nm, didnt have the skilltree in front of me. AoF wont work. Damn, would so like to get a cool searing bond build :D

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