Searing Bond

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Last edited by Davidson on Oct 28, 2013, 12:21:43 AM
I think it would be great if this skill would be a support skill for other totems.
Of course it would require some re-balancing, but it could make normal totem placement more interesting if you could support it with a searing bond!

Just my 2-cents
Do the new Totem Damage nodes effect Searing Bond's damage?
Could I get any information on if +totem damage passive nodes increase Searing Bonds burn damage?

Currently tool tip does not display any increase in damage from these nodes.

You would think that as a totem, it would have increased damage.

I was hoping to try and build a negative resist Searing Bond build with the new totem talents, but can't get a good read on if any of this stuff is helping with damage.
Damage and Damage over Time are (currently) two separate things. Increased Damage does not apply to Damage over Time. GGG is looking to merge these in the nearby future. I think it was slated for the next big patch.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Oct 31, 2013, 8:54:56 AM
Vipermagi wrote:
Damage and Damage over Time are (currently) two separate things. Increased Damage does not apply to Damage over Time. GGG is looking to merge these in the nearby future. I think it was slated for the next big patch.

This still does not mean Increased Totem Damage does not apply.

It is a totem, so I would assume Totem Modifications would be applied.

Damage from Arc on a totem is increased by Totem Damage without elemental, spell, or lightning increases.

Which makes me think that Increased Totem Damage acts as an Omni-tag, applying to anything on a totem.

Since Searing Bond is a Totem and can be modified by Increased Burn Damage(it works, just isn't listed in tooltip) it is possible the Burn damage is increased by totem passives as well.
trenan wrote:
Vipermagi wrote:
Damage and Damage over Time are (currently) two separate things. Increased Damage does not apply to Damage over Time. GGG is looking to merge these in the nearby future. I think it was slated for the next big patch.

This still does not mean Increased Totem Damage does not apply.

It is a totem, so I would assume Totem Modifications would be applied.

Damage from Arc on a totem is increased by Totem Damage without elemental, spell, or lightning increases.

Which makes me think that Increased Totem Damage acts as an Omni-tag, applying to anything on a totem.

Since Searing Bond is a Totem and can be modified by Increased Burn Damage(it works, just isn't listed in tooltip) it is possible the Burn damage is increased by totem passives as well.
however, PLAIN or just "increased damage" does not affect DoT such as burning damage REGARDLESS of what is causing it. a "increased totem damage" is exactly as you assumed but as of right now, does not apply to damage over time just like regular increased damage for DoTs.
Last edited by soul4hdwn on Oct 31, 2013, 6:49:23 PM
however, PLAIN or just "increased damage" does not affect DoT such as burning damage REGARDLESS of what is causing it. a "increased totem damage" is exactly as you assumed but as of right now, does not apply to damage over time just like regular increased damage for DoTs.

I still cannot take this as accurate, since Searing Bond operates differently than an actual DoT.

Searing Bond is not a DoT, it is Burn Damage. Without any actual evidence to support otherwise, I still say we cannot say for sure.

The burn damage is applied directly by the totem, it is not a side effect of an ignite effect. It does not have a duration applied to the target.

Also, the majority of information about this burn damage was probably posted before the new Totem Passives were in the game, so knowing exactly how they interact is impossible.
Last edited by trenan on Oct 31, 2013, 8:24:34 PM
trenan wrote:
I still cannot take this as accurate, since Searing Bond operates differently than an actual DoT.

Searing Bond is not a DoT, it is Burn Damage. Without any actual evidence to support otherwise, I still say we cannot say for sure.

The burn damage is applied directly by the totem, it is not a side effect of an ignite effect. It does not have a duration applied to the target.

Also, the majority of information about this burn damage was probably posted before the new Totem Passives were in the game, so knowing exactly how they interact is impossible.
it is a constant damage over period of time for as long as the beam both can reach and as long as the totem exists. it deals X burn damage over the entire full second, and continues to deal that rate of damage for as long as the beams are around. DoT by the game's engine is verbosely as i just described, constant damage over a seconds for whatever amount of actual time. this can include partial seconds, the game can handle that. each beam is a source of degeneration but this was already mentioned i think somewhere.

yes it isn't ignite caused burning, that is a DoT as well though of damage depends on the source. fire trap's ground burn is straight up damage over time while foe is in the patch. same for poison arrow. viper strike is also DoT but isn't really a good example for this situation unless you want to count that there can be multiples (charges for viper strike, beams for searing totem).
trenan wrote:
I still cannot take this as accurate
It is.
trenan wrote:
since Searing Bond operates differently than an actual DoT.
No, it doesn't
trenan wrote:
Searing Bond is not a DoT, it is Burn Damage.
Burning damage by definition in PoE is damage over time (DoT).
DoT cannot currently be affected by any modifiers to "damage". Only increased burning damage - which is implicitly applying only to DoT damage because that's what burning is - can apply to any damage over time effect in the current system. Other restrictions, such as "elemental" or "totem" make no difference to that - they apply to damage, which is on-hit, and not to DoT.

The refactor of DoT to allow it to benefit from regular damage modifiers will likely be in 1.0.2

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