Searing Bond

EE only triggers on Hits; Damage over Time does not Hit.
I know. So arc should trigger the -50% to other resists and the burning damage from searing bond should benefit from this, without resetting the monster resists to +25% fire resist. Is this correct?
Yes, that's what I just said :P SB is Damage over Time after all.
Timbob wrote:
So if were to use, say, arc spell totem as my second totem with elemental equilibrium, would this cause a permanent -50% enemy fire resistance?

This could make SB much more powerful, especially if some decent shock stacks can be built up.

I've got a similar idea for a build that I'm going to start leveling soon. However, instead of an arc totem, I'm going to use 2 quality arc gems linked to trap and ele prolif so I can still use 2 searing bond totems. That with dual curse and ele equilibrium should provide a huge damage boost. I might mess around with remote mine on searing bond as well for even more dps.
IGN: @AmbushedByDongers
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SirLoin wrote:
I might mess around with remote mine on searing bond as well for even more dps.
this part won't work. only things that boost damage of burning are: burning damage increases, vulnerability, and resistance reducing effect that isn't penetration. plain damage boosts, that nice universal one like on mines, doesn't work on DoT as of this post.
soul4hdwn wrote:
SirLoin wrote:
I might mess around with remote mine on searing bond as well for even more dps.
this part won't work. only things that boost damage of burning are: burning damage increases, vulnerability, and resistance reducing effect that isn't penetration. plain damage boosts, that nice universal one like on mines, doesn't work on DoT as of this post.

The tooltip changes with remote mine but I guess that might be wrong.
IGN: Arstan___(3 underscore)Whitebeard
joeg215 wrote:
The tooltip changes with remote mine but I guess that might be wrong.
it shouldn't work, but you can test considering you already can now...
soul4hdwn wrote:
joeg215 wrote:
The tooltip changes with remote mine but I guess that might be wrong.
it shouldn't work, but you can test considering you already can now...

My fault, its was just the mana cost that changed. Tested it out and it seemed about the same.
IGN: Arstan___(3 underscore)Whitebeard
Couple of questions about this skill.

Does remote mine produce 1 searing bond totem per mine or just 1 and the others do nothing?

Also has anyone played around to test if any of the projectile supports have any effect on this. I realize that it's unlikely but it is a rather unique totem and I wonder if things like fork would do anything odd.

Last one. And probably impossible and stupid but I assume you can't do something silly like support this with spell totem?
So, this is still garbage.

If only the fire damage around the ends of the beam where bigger and affected by AoE passives/gems/etc...

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