Archnemesis Rare Changes (Part 2)

pls do more changes while its early leagu pls pls!
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Please nerf the archenemesis disable regen mod, its just stupid. Feels like the old school 100% reflect packs.
Kind of annoyed they did this backwards. Instead of nerfing the mobs they should have buffed the loot. When I say buff the loot I mean extreme buffed like kept its way it was in archnemesis with the recipes. Maybe a little bit less. After that then they could have nerfed it numerically a little bit. Rare mobs being extremely dangerous was kind of fun.
the game is still weird, never before the boss was the easy part of the map
3.23 is the best league of all time (an absolute banger)
some of the archenemesis mods are really stupied.. They reg more then i do damage and they hurt, alot. And i really miss the archenemesis loot from them.. if its gonna be so hard to kill them they should be worth it..
Watching all the commends like *are you nuts what are you doing what is this what is that* ...
Well , the truth is, to my 20+ years of gaming, GGG is the only company that actually interacts and listens to its players and will shift its game becoz of us . ( sure , we are its customers too , but its still a very unique and good thing )
now , that been said - fix Headhunter N A O . thanks!
We are 15 days into the wait for a Headhunter fix. About to chargeback all my purchases this year.
Going to be incredibly disappointed if Headhunter isn't as powerful as it has been historically after the buff. There were supposed to be NO nerfs. None.

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