[3.25] CWDT Ward Loop Scion
" everythings good now? it appears to be |
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i have a question: how to control cast rate? my cast rate very slow. There is my pob https://pastebin.com/4ZdeL7gf
Thank for support |
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Hi, it's my second league and i'm not yet expirienced player and i play on potato PC.
Not sure if it is a problem, i'v fixed an issue with mana drop on loop start (needed like 2-3 times to swap to everything start working) but still see my hp drops for ~50-100 everytime, i don't die from loop itself but having a hard time on maps sometimes with insta oneshots from one of delirium bosses, logbook map bosses (not hard juiced, just +hp) and some expedition spawns (not juiced ether) even standing on sigil. Not sure if it is not enough ward or HP issues. If it's ward, i'v got abit of curency (12ex) looking for investement, (AGMP or 27% CDR was in plans but i wanna work on defences first) so can try and buy some pieces with better wards holding resistances (using one jewel with res for now). If it's hp issue, i don't really understand how to fix it, from where to gain it, etc. Still it's the best build i'v ever played in past 2 leagues and wanna say thanks for nice guide that is easy to folow to get started. Pob: https://pastebin.com/vtNdpbLC |
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" increase your life , till it becomes fast did you buy this build? |
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So I got bored of my other build and sold my mageblood to switch to this build, I can get the loop started, but I can't seem to get it to keep looping... any ideas?
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" you copied the gem links for 27CDR but you have 9 CDR remove less duration from your helm put FR 1 in your helm |
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Additional question to my previous post about hp / ward issues and looking for upgrades from early.
If i don't plan to transition for omni setup, is it better to swap on occultist with the same gear? I'v heard she is more defencive option with near the same dmg without omni. |
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" i build myself by follow the top of ninja build.i see they show their dps so high seem over 200-300m dps. i try build the same but dps not high like them. i died many times when farm uber boss. So problem is my life not enough to cast? how much life i need to faster?? |
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" alright, thanks for checking! i dont think i can get my ward any higher so better stick to 19/20 |
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" from what i know, if your life drops, it means u do not have enough ward to sustain the loop, so u might want to focus on getting enough ward on your gear first, 600+ helm, 400+ glove and boots. your glove and boots seems fine with a 30% hillock craft on them. from personal experience, i dont think u can sustain the loop with only 1 420 heartbound loop with a normal 19/20 cwdt on your chest. u need a 19/20 divergent to do that, thats probably why u need 2-3 swaps to get it going unless somehow u can get your hp high enough 3625 if my calculations are correct and u need above 2320 ward during olroths. its easier to just use 2 heartbound loops first until u get divergent cwdt. what i would do is to get rid of kiara's and hatred first and run purity of elements and a high res flask to help with your ele res. then start working on getting 27cdr to utilise your anom minion speed and skele after swapping the gem links. then work on getting a 19/20 divergent cwdt on your chest, 20/20 divergent cwdt on wep before swapping to hatred and a rare ring. 20/20 on weapon is mainly due to how horribly expensive a 21/20 divergent cwdt is, if u can afford it then go for it, just make sure to adjust your gem levels on your weapon. i could be wrong since its my first time playing this build so it would be great if someone experienced with this build check it out as well. Last edited by leslisone2#2246 on Jun 12, 2022, 7:46:26 AM
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