Lost Ark experience was a total disaster...

Started it and it was filled with bots all around me and everyone was spamming chinese p2w sites for coins or whatever.

The entire city square was filled with bots called asgdasghqghqwg3245 and variations.

Jesus.. Glad i didnt donated before i tried it..

I heard stories, but the reallity is abysmal.

POE might have flaws ,but Lost Ark is lost indeed...
Last edited by SneakySanta on Mar 8, 2022, 1:17:56 PM
Last bumped on Mar 16, 2022, 5:27:36 AM
well, that's one reason why it's important to play MMOs straight when they launch.

If ur starting late, u'll be pretty alone in the leveling areas and in case of f2p MMOs, the areas are filled with bots instead.

If u can't get over that fact, it's probably for the better u didn't keep going.

Also Amazon said they are working to get the bots removed, but I wouldn't hold my breath... most games lose out vs bots.

In the later game u don't really see them, except for some chat spam bots ofc, but those are easy to block.
Last edited by Sadaukar on Mar 8, 2022, 3:17:53 PM
SneakySanta wrote:
Started it and it was filled with bots all around me and everyone was spamming chinese p2w sites for coins or whatever.

So like PoE right? PoE is infested with bots hardcore, and all kinds of ones, but the most common ones we meet are trade flipper bots that make afk currency for their owners. There is a very high chance most "people" you trade currency with in PoE are bots. Most "people" I traded currency with were bots for sure.

And RMT sites? When I googled PoE store (I wanted to check out prices of certain cosmetics), the first result I got was a google sponsored ad for a PoE RMT site.

Lost Ark (at the very least the EU/NA version) has a bot problem, that is absolutely true. However, a PoE player complaining about a bot\RMT problem in a different game is the pot calling the kettle black.
Last edited by MECHanokl on Mar 8, 2022, 3:54:43 PM
MECHanokl wrote:
SneakySanta wrote:
Started it and it was filled with bots all around me and everyone was spamming chinese p2w sites for coins or whatever.

So like PoE right? PoE is infested with bots hardcore, and all kinds of ones, but the most common ones we meet are trade flipper bots that make afk currency for their owners. There is a very high chance most "people" you trade currency with in PoE are bots. Most "people" I traded currency with were bots for sure.

And RMT sites? When I googled PoE store (I wanted to check out prices of certain cosmetics), the first result I got was a google sponsored ad for a PoE RMT site.

Lost Ark (at the very least the EU/NA version) has a bot problem, that is absolutely true. However, a PoE player complaining about a bot\RMT problem in a different game is the pot calling the kettle black.

DO NOT even compare those.
The automated responses for currency and fragment trades arent farming bots like in the chinese simulators.

Lost Ark is absolutely pay to win garbage. Where here a farming bot cannot do shit ... The rmt advertisement is almost non existant in Poe and in lkost ark you get 200000 pms per second from multiple bots in game from the trade sites which is disgusting.

Also in the VERY BEGINING of the game every chat Possible is infested with spam of RMT sites. And it is ABSOLUTELY obvious that the company has no intention of stopping them at all.

Lost Ark is a body already dead of cancer.
Last edited by SneakySanta on Mar 8, 2022, 4:20:36 PM
It's a different playground with a different set of rules. Play where you want. Let others play where they want.
SneakySanta wrote:

DO NOT even compare those.
The automated responses for currency and fragment trades arent farming bots like in the chinese simulators.

Lost Ark is absolutely pay to win garbage. Where here a farming bot cannot do shit ... The rmt advertisement is almost non existant in Poe and in lkost ark you get 200000 pms per second from multiple bots in game from the trade sites which is disgusting.

Also in the VERY BEGINING of the game every chat Possible is infested with spam of RMT sites. And it is ABSOLUTELY obvious that the company has no intention of stopping them at all.

Lost Ark is a body already dead of cancer.

I can compare and I will. A flipper bot literally makes you currency in afk mode purely on the exchange fluctuations, since there are no regulations or proper automated trade, while the person just plays the game. This is completely broken but nobody cares, because the game loses most of it's population after one month of league and everything is re-set soon after.

RMT in PoE is absolutely rampant, I dont know what kind of world you live in. And unlke LA, where you need to at least raid for the best gear, in PoE you can just buy a full meta build, all the maps you need and faceroll the game. Can buy all challegnes, buy your way to 100, buy the best gear and all boss clears, as long as you have enough currency. And I dont know whether they changed something now, but when I played the chat had almost constant RMT spam.
MECHanokl wrote:

And RMT sites? When I googled PoE store (I wanted to check out prices of certain cosmetics), the first result I got was a google sponsored ad for a PoE RMT site.

If only GGG added a button to open the shop direct from the forums and every other page on their site, then we wouldn't have to deal with that kind of rubbish. While we're at maybe people could develop browser addons which removed ads from Google search results given that those ads lead to worthless sites 9 times out of 10.
Last edited by RandallPOE on Mar 8, 2022, 4:44:08 PM
SneakySanta wrote:

Lost Ark is absolutely pay to win garbage.
Lost Ark is a body already dead of cancer.

I see the intend of the thread was just to shit on Lost Ark. Well, have a good one then.
Sadaukar wrote:
SneakySanta wrote:

Lost Ark is absolutely pay to win garbage.
Lost Ark is a body already dead of cancer.

I see the intend of the thread was just to shit on Lost Ark. Well, have a good one then.

SneakySanta wrote:
Started it and it was filled with bots all around me and everyone was spamming chinese p2w sites for coins or whatever.

The entire city square was filled with bots called asgdasghqghqwg3245 and variations.

Jesus.. Glad i didnt donated before i tried it..

I heard stories, but the reallity is abysmal.

POE might have flaws ,but Lost Ark is lost indeed...

In your previous post ,you was whiney about no loot from Maven and you going to Lost Ark ,and you already donated to LA. Here you talking ,Glad i didnt donated before i tried LA. Typical 🤡
Last edited by MightyG_ on Mar 8, 2022, 5:36:07 PM

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