[3.16] Forbidden Rite Totem

Hi, I'm playing this build (first time playing totem), and I'm having a blast. The only problem I have right now is survivability, more specifically "sustain". I got a big enough EHP pool but damn the regen is bad. Am I missing something?
What do you think about Cruelty instead Hypothermia + Zerphi ?
24% vs 29% more
but you get slot for well rolled amu (~ 10%)
Soul eater is nice tho.
Arator95 wrote:
Hi, I'm playing this build (first time playing totem), and I'm having a blast. The only problem I have right now is survivability, more specifically "sustain". I got a big enough EHP pool but damn the regen is bad. Am I missing something?

No that's quite normal. Got to use a life + mana flask or a hybrid flask.

vvashabi wrote:
What do you think about Cruelty instead Hypothermia + Zerphi ?
24% vs 29% more
but you get slot for well rolled amu (~ 10%)
Soul eater is nice tho.

But then you also lose chill and shock. Also, you have to consider that FR doesn't scale well with gems level and we already reach 600 crit multi easily.
The damage would be similar, but then you lose Soul Eater, but you can drop 4-6 points in the tree for something else (dropping attributes).

When you use Zerphi's Heart, you don't want to go back. Soul Eater is just that good. This is also the reason why I just dropped Coward's Legacy for an Headhunter even if it's not really that better (well I plan on farming 100% deli).
I'm still rather new to POE. Does added chaos damage on amulet really work for spells? I mean, you don't usually find this modifier on amulets but on weapons, where it only affects attack damage. I'm rather interested in zerphi's heart, but not sure if it's worth dealing with increased attribute requirements.
I could drop some tips for variety though, as I am using a very different build.
I plan to use a power siphon with awakened hextouch to get my power charges, apply despair and gain arcane surge. And it also has a built-in culling strike. Pretty neat. I would selfcast despair, but I want to keep assassins mark, hence awakened hextouch. Yes, I want power charges because I'm not getting conviction of power.
I've also added whithering step into my CWDT setup to get elusive on hit. Although I end up losing elusive immediately when I use travel skill. Well, decide for yourself if this additional layer of defense is good or not.
Forgot to note: withering step only works for me because I use shield charge for movement, and it doesn't share cooldowns with blink skills.
Last edited by FemaleRepellent on Aug 7, 2021, 3:39:02 AM
If it doesnt state "adds to attacks or spells" it does to both, same goes for ring crafts.. also why are you not getting Conviction of Power?
erod wrote:
If it doesnt state "adds to attacks or spells" also why are you not getting Conviction of Power?

Because I wanted extra ES from Sanctuary of Thought, but I might reconsider.
Well, I was just told that awakened hextouch was nerfed. That means power siphon setup is useless, might as well self-cast despair and drop assassins mark.
Really fun build, but I would say you don't have to label this as an endgame build per se. I switched to it pre-maps with trash gear and it performed very well. Already doing red maps with like 60c of gear lol
Well, I was just told that awakened hextouch was nerfed. That means power siphon setup is useless, might as well self-cast despair and drop assassins mark.

Yea, Awakened Hextouch is a dead gem, they removed the +1 curse. Also, you might want to check on PoB how much DPS you would gain using mark vs despair, usually mark are way better against bosses.

YahtzeeKill wrote:
Really fun build, but I would say you don't have to label this as an endgame build per se. I switched to it pre-maps with trash gear and it performed very well. Already doing red maps with like 60c of gear lol

I agreed the gem is a bit busted at the moment. It will probably get nerfed next league, but hopefully they will do the right thing (reduce the conversion from 12% to 8% or less for example, and maybe reduce the base damage a bit, and not just straight up removing the aoe overlap or something like that, it would make the gem completely useless). The main reason why I consider this build guide endgame is because I'm not giving leveling tips, I'm not saying how to do the transition between whatever you might have and this.

To make FR totem work in maps, all you need is a 4l soul mantle, 2x Kikazaru, Rain of Splinters, 20% curse reduction in the tree or the pantheon and some average wands. It's at red map that the struggle start if you don't upgrade anything tbh.
Last edited by loloppe on Aug 7, 2021, 4:48:51 PM
What would be a higher priority, 6 link soul mantle from a 5 link, or asenaths?

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