[3.16] Enki's Archmage Hierophant - a beginner-friendly Lightning Caster

I have upgraded to a couple of awakened gems with over 9.1K unreserved mana and 3.2k health with both helmet and boot enchants and am still getting 1-shot so its hard for me to reconcile pumping more currency into the build. I really wanted this build to work. I only have the watchers eye and unnatural instinct to go. I've hit the wall at T15 and 16 and can't progress past lvl90. might have no choice but to reroll at this point unless i find an unlock

The way i see it you have waaaays to go ( in my eyes you have done about 30% of this build actual potential) sorry to hear that you gave up already
did you read my previous comments about survivability ? its in the same page

GL on your next build
is crown of the inward eye a viable helmet to use for this build?
freerobux wrote:
is crown of the inward eye a viable helmet to use for this build?

difficult, this helmet does not have resist and these: "Cast Speed, Spell Damage, Culling Strike and #% chance to Unnerve Enemies for # seconds on Hit are good additions."

so definitely not an endgame helment
Any Flask Enchantment recommended? I have "Use when you Use Guard skill" on Diamond Flask, "Used When you take a savage hit" on Granite and "Used when Charges reach full" on Quicksilver.
Such a great guide! Well done!
All i needed was the watcher eye, its all good now. 6 ex investment
freerobux wrote:
is crown of the inward eye a viable helmet to use for this build?

It used to be when we played witch arc but now no since we get the transfiguration of mind from our acendancy
Is Supreme Ego a viable option compared to Wacher's Eye / Clarity ?
Caveats: I play SSF, and I have only 1,100 hours in game, so I'm no master. Still, this is not my first rodeo, and I've been gaming since the Atari 2600 was new.

This guide was nicely written, and I was able to level fairly smoothly through the campaign. Of course, the guide assumes a lot of specific gems, enchants, and unique items, which are not generally available to me in SSF, but I do think I'm fairly adaptable.

Here's the thing: Now that I'm attempting maps, at least for me, the build is simply not viable. Not even for the first couple of maps. The build is extraordinarily fragile. It has been pure, unremitting, demoralizing gank city anytime a crowd of "fast" mobs shows up (which they tend to do in Expedition, and in many maps, obviously).

I've been through Ritual and Ultimatum, and I don't panic when I hit a crowd. But with this build, it seems like as soon I'm surrounded, it is game over. At most one third of the time, I can run away and try to pick off the mobs from a distance, but throw in a ranged archer or two and it isn't even worth the struggle to escape. The damage saps my mana and I'm immobilized. There's nothing to be done.

The supposed tankiness is just not there, and the mobility fails.

To be clear, I'm not trying to play this build like it was melee, but the Leap Slam + Fortify is just a cute joke and it does not help. If I'm lucky, I can tag crowds while they are still offscreen, otherwise fugedaboudit.

SOOOO.... I finally gave up and searched SSF builds on poe.ninja, where I found something interesting. It looks like "Crabnia" followed this guide almost 100% in terms of the passive tree, but they tweaked the skill gems. They got rid of Arc and Leap Slam, replacing them with Shock Nova and Sigil of Power.

Adjusting my gear was trivial, but the difference is night and day. SoP+SN very quickly takes care of annoying mobs that crowd around me, leaving me time to recharge and/or move away for more range. Ball Lightning provides plenty of dps for both bosses and crowds at range. The scaling of SoP+Arcane Cloak is superb. Also, dual-wielding wands is a much easier gear choice for SSF.

I'm still struggling a bit with mana sustain, and believe me I've done everything I can to boost mana and regen (including leveling a Bladestorm Marauder to get access to important enchants). The nice thing is, now at least I can run away and recharge if need be.

This Heirophant was my league starter, and I assumed maybe the latest GGG changes had made everything much harder, but my Marauder just slays everything in his path. He dies about once a map, but he's doing much more challenging content without any of the hair-pulling frustration of the Heirophant. It's definitely not all about the GGG nurfs.

Maybe this is just not a good choice for SSF, but my feeling is anything that works well for SSF usually works 10 times better in a trade league. This build feels more like a glass cannon.
Tunzophun wrote:

SOOOO.... I finally gave up and searched SSF builds on poe.ninja, where I found something interesting. It looks like "Crabnia" followed this guide almost 100% in terms of the passive tree, but they tweaked the skill gems. They got rid of Arc and Leap Slam, replacing them with Shock Nova and Sigil of Power.

I could not find the build. Can u share a link plz? I'am curious...
Last edited by ogli on Aug 3, 2021, 2:38:36 PM

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