Game Balance in Path of Exile: Expedition

Dezparrow wrote:
Every time these manifestos are published, we are talked to like children and subjected to illogical progressions that loosely back up nerfs.

a) Why are you forcing us to spend MORE time in acts? They aren't fun, they aren't interesting, they are just a necessary time commitment.

b) What were you expecting from Awakened gems when they were introduced?

c) You want poison to be stronger... so you nerf the ascendency that makes the most sense for poison builds? What?

d) You are making endgame content that much more inaccessible to new players. Why? Are you not remotely concerned about retaining incoming players?

e) You are largely giving HC players the middle finger. Why?

A) This damage nerf only really applies to 5 links and 6 links, the damage output for most 4 links is about 5% less which doesn't affect act 1-10 so no they are not making you stay longer.

B) Awakened Gems are only really obtained by the top 5% of players nerfing them doesn't affect most people, besides the great awakened gems were gatekept from most players by multiple exalted orbs, where as the bad ones were a very cheap way to by pass the normal gems IE increased burning damage. these changes to awakened gems makes them more affordable to the community as a whole.

C) poisons received a 50% more damage passively, so by buffing poison it removes the need to only ever play assassin, this allows for a more diverse class choice for using poison IE pathfinder.

D) The endgame content is not more or less accessible it is more difficult based on how much scaling your character did, They have metrics on most of these things. New players rarely make it to shaper on their first play through, they want to bring the challenge back to the game, while the game was challenging they experienced their most significant growth. With the release of POE 2 they want to make sure all the skills are in line and the power creep has been brought in. They either nerf us or buff monsters it works out to be the same thing in the end.

E) Most H/C players die from Rubberbanding not things being difficult, I played HardCore from closed better to Masters and it being challenging was the fun. Making the game more difficult gives higher bragging rights, beating up children isn't fun nor brag worthy.

If you had read the manifesto or watched the live stream you would have learned all of this, stop crying over nerfs, the game was getting way to easy.
Last edited by Omni_Nephilim on Jul 20, 2021, 1:03:32 AM
R.I.P Casual players like me :(
phaseworm777 wrote:
This game is fun because after investing my weekly free time nonstop for a month (grinding, selling, buying, learning) I can kill T16 mob. End game boss like Sirus and Elders I couldn't even touch until 2 months into the league and I killed Sirus for the first time and I finally learn how to play the flask piano...And I though that was the point of the game, grind until you are powerful enough to wipe out mobs and the challenge is with the boss, but now you want to make everything harder...

I know the developers of wants to make the game harder, but it would be super nice if they invest more time in making the game more enjoyable vs more frustrating. Trade, computing optimization, cleaner graphics, stash optimization, user friendly in game filter modifier, and tons of other minor stuff can probably get fixed to make the game more enjoyable.

I like and agree with this post. Some of the end-game fights are not interesting as much as they are annoying and tricksy. One plays PoE for countless hours and then all of a sudden, you encounter this one specific boss that does stuff that no one else does or can do and their life is gated behind mechanics that you cannot learn any where else, except in that fight and that fight takes a bunch of effort to regenerate and re-do, so it is hard to get the mechanics down if you don't enjoy that part of the game.

Why not add in some platformer mechanics? Why not do what Guild Wars 2 does and have dodge and jump and roll and spells that affect the whole environment? Where does it end and where does it go? What is trying to be achieved exactly?
Here to say I appreciate all these changes and can't wait to play after the patch.

But, RIP my custom-made archmage build ;(
I have seem this kind of mentality in WoW developers, they have been trying to add "difficulty" to the game slowing down everything from killing speed to movement speed for a while now. In this expansion they managed to make the game so slow a lot of people started to test other games, FF servers are full almost all the time for a reason.

I will give a try to this league, but I am not here to dance a slow tango with a group of enemies that can rip me in seconds, I'd rather play dark souls if I want that kind of torture.
Here to say I appreciate all these changes and can't wait to play after the patch.

But, RIP my custom-made archmage build ;(
Very good at nerf, but not a factor in player death, sad 。
hatefield wrote:
My answers in order:


?! don't understand
If you don't get the point, I will leave your wandered as is

No. They run tests.
How so? Not the trailer or weekly wall of text

?! If you are complaining about hotfixes, I'm sorry but you clearly missed the internet era and how any piece of software (including games) has rolled out in the past 10 years or so.
Now you are trying to derail topic and talk about internet and its era 10 years ago (larf)

Dunno. I doubt I won't have fun or that you know for sure how things will go.
They are doing both. They are buffing some mobs and nerfing builds.
You are defending in first place, now you said won't have fun...what?
-GGG makes delirious mapping super expensive.
-People complain.
-GGG nerfs player damage in order to make T16 maps feel like 100% delirious.
-Definitely not profit revenue wise.

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