Game Balance in Path of Exile: Expedition

Poor Elementalist.
i get the elementalist nerf but why nerf raider? that one really confuses me
Ditt j*vla flöte Danne!!
Disaster! RIP POE.
wookers79 wrote:
So you want it to take longer through content we have already seen 10 million times already. This does not sound exciting. Sounds boring AF. I will be skipping this league. If anything you need to do more buffs so i can get through story and maps quicker so i can play a bigger variety of builds to make the game fun and your doing just the opposite. I'm looking for fun when i play games.

Yep. Really missed the glorious 3.13 times. Heh. Good luck ggg
I guess as a gamer I have unrealistic expectations.

As a gamer, my expectations from a AAA studio are that when balancing needs to happen, typically an actual "balancing" pass on individual things is done to bring underperforming skills/items in line with better performing ones.

I don't think I've ever seen a studio just unilaterally nerf damage because players were doing too much of it. Players want to do lots of damage because we have limited time to game, and we want to be as efficient as possible while doing it. If maximizing defense was a more efficient use of our time, we would do that, I can assure you.

Every patch I watch the time I have to grind on the game grow longer, and grow less rewarding. Now I am reading that you want us to slow down how efficient we are another 20-40%. That to me translates having to spend 20-40% more time to do the same content over and over and the justification is "we want to iteratively restore challenge to Path of Exile"?

I'm not looking to spend 20-40% more time on an already over-time-sink game just so you can feel like your players will be challenged by killing the same boss they have over 3000 times. If you want us to feel challenged provide some new, challenging content, don't dumb down already existing, tired content.
nice, raise spectre suvived
poor galvanic arrow... no love
Also people HATE the long stall boring campaign we all did 10,000 times. QUIT making it even longer. its STALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
aisling nerf ? atleast allow metamod for it . like prefix cannot be change so aisling will only veil a suffix or so . why the complete nerf?
LongEnDickins wrote:
Raider ailment immunity nerf is a joke lmao
No onslaught is more of a joke, hopefully they put something else in there cuz half your ascendancy for 35% evasion is a bit of a poor trade. Frenzy branch was already too weak for the cost of stacking frenzies in passive points.

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