[3.19] Donkster5' LS Champ - Still great! Leaguestart to endgame SC and HC. Updated 8/18

Hey all, really enjoying the build, but I as if I must be doing something just not quite right, if anyone with a more experienced eye for this build would mind taking a look and giving me a few re-works or pointers I would really appreciate it, I feel I just need a little bit of guidance in the right direction. Does the interrogation add that extra "OOMPH!" I need?

Thanks! Any advice is much appreciated.

Your crit chance is very low. Simply changing the craft on your claw to increased critical strike chance is 10% more damage.

Respeccing the four points from Freedom of Movement into Claws of the Hawk is another 20% more damage.

Getting quality on your gems is another easy 5% more damage. Rolling better flasks with things like increased crit chance, attack speed, armour and evasion will feel significantly better.

Your elemental damage is heavily lopsided towards lightning. Are you having any difficulties building or maintaining resonance for Trinity in single target situations? A Mantra of Flames jewel could help and give another 10% more damage besides.

Another reason the build may feel as if it's underperforming is that you seem to only have 1 pierce. There's a few places to get additional pierces, ideally the helmet enchantment, but a large Thread of Hope in the Ranger jewel socket is rather efficient as well. At the very least, pick up Piercing Shots on the tree to see if the experience feels more comfortable.

After that, I'd consider upgrading the claw before getting the Interrogation as you don't really have the best cold damage to support it.
Last edited by erdamus on Apr 3, 2022, 5:30:30 PM
Awesome suggestions, I was able to make the respec change, and that was a great change, as well as upgrading the helmet and a ring as well. Claw upgrade is definitely in order as well. Thanks a bunch for the pointers!

Thank you Donkster5 and the community for this GOD tier build. Second time I'm playing this build and had so much fun. Made so much exalts through farming expedition and heist and bought my first ever headhunter. Killed every boss, did every maven invitation except the one with the atziri, shaper and cortex etc.(fck that). This build has a special place for me just like the old Ball Lightning Archmage build. I know some items are bad, flasks are not that great but it still does a great job. Now that I have a headhunter, I want to fullfill my long dream, playing a Tornado Shot build.

Thank you again Donkster5, thank you again, the great community for the helps and ideas. Good luck everyone.
I'm having a blast with this build, but having trouble maintaining mana. I am level 63 and Act 8. What do I have to do to make sure I dont run out of mana with this build?

buckr49 wrote:
I'm having a blast with this build, but having trouble maintaining mana. I am level 63 and Act 8. What do I have to do to make sure I dont run out of mana with this build?


Hmmm, at your level you really shouldn't have an issue. If you haven't sorted it out, here are my three checklist items for mana:

1. Passive tree claw mastery for 1% attack damage leeched as life/mana.
2. At least 90 mana unreserved
3. More attack damage?

With the first two checklist points, you shouldn't need to worry about the third at your level, but it's a consideration I've seen up toward the end of the acts.
Thank you. The first solution fixed the problem!
just realise i have a VLS champ from expedition league, looking to improve the char on standard


not sure what to look out for though, it's been so long i have no idea what i'm doing. i have a HH on standard but no currency if that helps.
Location: Singapore GMT+8
CliffAhead wrote:
just realise i have a VLS champ from expedition league, looking to improve the char on standard


not sure what to look out for though, it's been so long i have no idea what i'm doing. i have a HH on standard but no currency if that helps.

Hey, this is a bit late, but with the new league start, I was taking a bit of a hiatus from all things PoE. Since its standard, you can always keep improving this character. Okay, so....

In the short term, I'd switch up your pathing to something like this: https://pastebin.com/PZSp859v
- The DPS looks lower, but I removed brittle and scorched from the config tab as you don't have The Interrogation jewel that grants secrets of suffering. You do have a brittle on block shield, but I wouldn't rely on that as you're block chance is less than 50%

In the long-term, I'll release a 3.18 updated PoB within a couple days depending on announcement/patchnotes/nerfs. We'll likely go Crystallized Omniscience amulet as it makes this build ridiculously powerful on a modest budget. Grab one now while you can.... I expect it to get nerfed or made much more rare in the new league.

Low budget changes:
- Drop the mana flask (you shouldn't need it) and add a silver (offense) or granite (defense) flask
- Focus on incrementally upgrading gear, and do what you can to get about 20% more spell suppression on some piece of gear.
- Mantra of Flames is a great cheap jewel, especially ne with a nice corrupted implicit
- Mark of the Elder Ring is likely your best ring opposite your shaper assmark on hit ring. It would require some stat changes, but may be achievable when you switch to Omni (see below)

Mid-budget Changes:
- Get a WE with Anger Crit Multi
- Get crystallized Omniscience and start collecting Gear with Dex/Str/Int. You have to have the pure attribute as the combined ones (20 to dex and int) only count once... meaning that example in parentheses would only give you 20 Omniscience.

High-budget Changes:
- The Interrogation Jewel
- Better Claw
- Great Tailwind boots

I hope that helps.

I'm dropping this here as a little preview for anybody considering this build for league start... we'll see what GGG nerfhammer has to say about it in a couple hours.

Edit: Preliminary SC PoB - https://pastebin.com/pCvDmbBM
Last edited by Donkster5 on May 6, 2022, 12:10:13 AM
Donkster5 wrote:
CliffAhead wrote:
just realise i have a VLS champ from expedition league, looking to improve the char on standard


not sure what to look out for though, it's been so long i have no idea what i'm doing. i have a HH on standard but no currency if that helps.

Hey, this is a bit late, but with the new league start, I was taking a bit of a hiatus from all things PoE. Since its standard, you can always keep improving this character. Okay, so....

In the short term, I'd switch up your pathing to something like this: https://pastebin.com/PZSp859v
- The DPS looks lower, but I removed brittle and scorched from the config tab as you don't have The Interrogation jewel that grants secrets of suffering. You do have a brittle on block shield, but I wouldn't rely on that as you're block chance is less than 50%

In the long-term, I'll release a 3.18 updated PoB within a couple days depending on announcement/patchnotes/nerfs. We'll likely go Crystallized Omniscience amulet as it makes this build ridiculously powerful on a modest budget. Grab one now while you can.... I expect it to get nerfed or made much more rare in the new league.

Low budget changes:
- Drop the mana flask (you shouldn't need it) and add a silver (offense) or granite (defense) flask
- Focus on incrementally upgrading gear, and do what you can to get about 20% more spell suppression on some piece of gear.
- Mantra of Flames is a great cheap jewel, especially ne with a nice corrupted implicit
- Mark of the Elder Ring is likely your best ring opposite your shaper assmark on hit ring. It would require some stat changes, but may be achievable when you switch to Omni (see below)

Mid-budget Changes:
- Get a WE with Anger Crit Multi
- Get crystallized Omniscience and start collecting Gear with Dex/Str/Int. You have to have the pure attribute as the combined ones (20 to dex and int) only count once... meaning that example in parentheses would only give you 20 Omniscience.

High-budget Changes:
- The Interrogation Jewel
- Better Claw
- Great Tailwind boots

I hope that helps.

thank you for your advice, i've pathed my tree according to your advice.

i've since updated my gear a little, my updated PoB is below

Location: Singapore GMT+8
Last edited by CliffAhead on May 6, 2022, 1:16:48 PM

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