Game Balance in Path of Exile: Ultimatum

Incarcerated wrote:
Ruspi wrote:
Anayoridango wrote:
Haha that is really funny ! How a studio that is sollely living on one only game keeps shitting on it as if there are no tommorrows xD
I don't understand why you would create frustrations and anger toward the majority of your player base by applying a bunch of nerfs to what makes the game fun, instead of applying a bunch of buffs to all the underated mechanics/skills/items... Which would rouse the opposite effect (more people playing cause all mechanics and stuffs are balanced)
I don't understand how out of GGG staff, which is their job to keep their game entertaining, NONE of them seems to understand that a frustrating game is A LOT LESS attractive than a satisfying game with a motley player base.

HOW CAN YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT A NON PVP/Competitive game doesn't need to get thrown into garbage just to fulfill some misplaced egos/greed ?

Best consideration read in this thread so far. Bravo !!

Actually, no.
If GGG always buffs and never nerfs, we end up in a situation where they need to buff boss/mob health again. Nerfs are how we keep the game numbers balanced and the game has NEVER been as balanced as it is now so quit your whining and appreciate the delicate dance they are performing for us.

You're wrong, every time they nerf (and ruins mechanic) of many "popular builds" that to make them powerful you have to spend a lot of exalted ... what's the point of this ?? no sense
Well targeted nerfs I think. Anything which invalidates other options deserves to be nerfed.

Especially rip to poison bows and explosion chests. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
I've been playing this game since prophecy League.

I am sure there are others who have been playing even before that.

I think this is what, the 6th or 7th time since I've played, maybe even 8th or 9th, where people on the forums are screaming bloody murder and prophecy that the game will go under because GGG doesn't know what it's doing and doesn't listen to its fans.

Yet they are still here, 5 years later after I first started playing, going strong in about to release a sequel/expansion to their game next year most likely.

I get being pissed off about the patch notes.

But save your high School drama doom crying for your pillow. Because no matter how pissed off you are, the game hasn't gone anywhere, won't go anywhere, and isn't going anywhere.

And neither are you for very long.

You'll be back.

Anayoridango wrote:
Haha that is really funny ! How a studio that is sollely living on one only game keeps shitting on it as if there are no tommorrows xD
I don't understand why you would create frustrations and anger toward the majority of your player base by applying a bunch of nerfs to what makes the game fun, instead of applying a bunch of buffs to all the underated mechanics/skills/items... Which would rouse the opposite effect (more people playing cause all mechanics and stuffs are balanced)
I don't understand how out of GGG staff, which is their job to keep their game entertaining, NONE of them seems to understand that a frustrating game is A LOT LESS attractive than a satisfying game with a motley player base.

HOW CAN YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT A NON PVP/Competitive game doesn't need to get thrown into garbage just to fulfill some misplaced egos/greed ?

They have stated many, many times they want to slow the pace of the game. Did you not watch the announcement of the next league?? There are MANY buffs to underused content. MANY. Fractured maps!?! Boo freaking hoo, maybe now you will actually try the revamped content! Very excited for these changes, most of the player base is too. Quit your fussing, you sound like my 6 year old.
orsonstfu wrote:
I am a bit salty that pathfinder is getting hit from every single direction as I do not think that it is as popular as many other ways to play. Seems it got singled out.

Those were actually nerfs for scion and trickster mostly. PF got hit as collateral. People abused PF signature qualities as their own through clusters and chaos skills. Flask stacking scion was immortal and toxic rain was breaking content as both starter and endgame. Lets wait for patch notes, maybe PF will get buffed or something will make it not as bad.
Did they just destroy the primary reason for deep delving?
Imagine still playing PoE after 3.13.
ZionHalcyon wrote:
I've been playing this game since prophecy League.

I am sure there are others who have been playing even before that.

I think this is what, the 6th or 7th time since I've played, maybe even 8th or 9th, where people on the forums are screaming bloody murder and prophecy that the game will go under because GGG doesn't know what it's doing and doesn't listen to its fans.

Yet they are still here, 5 years later after I first started playing, going strong in about to release a sequel/expansion to their game next year most likely.

I get being pissed off about the patch notes.

But save your high School drama doom crying for your pillow. Because no matter how pissed off you are, the game hasn't gone anywhere, won't go anywhere, and isn't going anywhere.

And neither are you for very long.

You'll be back.

I've played since 1.0 and only one nerf I'm still crying about that they ruined iconic mjo/coc dischargers. With instant leech gone they should come back in full force. No cool downs. Anyway I understand that was for server issues so even that I understand. On balance all nerfs are well thought out.
Git R Dun!
wtf is this
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