Game Balance in Path of Exile: Ultimatum

I am happy people will no longer be able to run one map.
Ritual league had a build diversity never seen before due to harvest... now harvest was killed.
Explode modifier is nerfed for some reason, do you guys really wanna see everybody just running minions???? this game already felt like a job, now we can't even clear trash away properly with explody chest... harvest nerf forced my build choices to 1 build for ultimatum, but that build got nerfed, non-streamers simply can't have nice things, I don't want to spend a day zDPSing a white mob. Makes wonder why do I even play this?
3.23 is the best league of all time (an absolute banger)
What a surprise, Another league where they only nerf skills instead of buffing the bad ones.
Low_Flex wrote:
fractured deli maps abusers are malding, lovely. cya all quitting poe forever until friday.

So true KEKW
Im looking forward to all those changes !
IGN: Plaguuu
Please stop these spammers GGG. It's a god damn game,if you don't like it,just quit it or make a game by yourselves. Such a kid attitude you guys have...ffs grow up..
Low_Flex wrote:
fractured deli maps abusers are malding, lovely. cya all quitting poe forever until friday.

I wouldn't call them abusers. With the right build u make 7+ex/hour farming certain atlas regions with much less effort. You get mirrors within a week farming end game bosses with uncharted realms nodes allocated within the first 2-3 weeks of the league.
Reasonable nerfs. Thank you.
piticu1993 wrote:
Please stop these spammers GGG. It's a god damn game,if you don't like it,just quit it or make a game by yourselves. Such a kid attitude you guys have...ffs grow up..

RMT'rs and exploit abusers are getting absolutely rekted, that's why they are hard spamming :'D
Last edited by SpaniardPuss on Apr 12, 2021, 7:39:37 PM
Rockell wrote:
Man this "community" is really showing its true colors.

Mathil was right. You're garbage.

Couldn't agree more. Instead of exploring new ways of "fun" they are acting like literally 3 year old kid screaming for some freaking kinder bueno over hot nice pottage with broccoli :D

no really, this manifesto is telling you just a little bit to slow down and take your risks with you for better or worse. those "engaging" mechanics are actually against that zoom zoom brrrrrrrr playstyle people prefer and also noticed on the other side to somehow implement in Last Epoch, but hey zoomer kids - not gonna happened. true story, you need to chill down a bit and enjoy the game. rewards will come and go, what's the rush ?

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