Game Balance in Path of Exile: Ultimatum


I can take some nerfs but completely ruin the fun of certain gameplay...

No more $$$ I speak with my money now and feel sour in what I invested in.

Took it to far GGG. Happy people pay bills. Have a chat with marketing
Boring, Boring, Boring. everything fun is gone now. every league they strip more fun things away. and when they add something new that ends up being fun. it just gets taken away the next patch. Zero chance of Off Meta builds competing. Zero fun to be had.

O you liked farming safehouse boards? GONE!! Kill Catarina or go play something else.

O you liked Harvest? can't use it on end game gear. Have fun using it for 3 days before it becomes obsolete, all because we don't like you guys trading crafts on discord.

O you liked delving? the best fossil in the game is now worthless and you get less rewards just in general for you time spent.

O you liked POE? don't worry we'll make sure you don't anymore or at least soon enough.
Not a popular opinion, and whilst my bleed bow gladiator seems to have been gutted for endgame (we will see how it plays out), i'm thinking that GGG is playing the long game here and all the nerfs that are happening are for the good of the game.

Think about it. Nerf bit by bit now so its easier over time, so that by the time we get POE2, and we can have 9x 6link skills (powerful much), that you won't really care. They have to do something now, otherwise a massive janky nerf for poe2 in 1 fell swoop is gonna be way too much to handle.

On the flip side, give my elder bow bleed mod back. ty kindly :)
Man this "community" is really showing its true colors.

Mathil was right. You're garbage.

thats messed up

rip deli maps
Dakrath wrote:
Nerfs.... sure. fine with me

fracture fossil is a bit bullshit for SSF, but oh well

however.... you better do a good job of buffing 90% of the garbage in the game else it will be a shame.

Harder the better for SSF. I'm happy with harvest and fracture nerfs.
Git R Dun!
roetetoet wrote:

I can take some nerfs but completely ruin the fun of certain gameplay...

No more $$$ I speak with my money now and feel sour in what I invested in.

Took it to far GGG. Happy people pay bills. Have a chat with marketing

Yeah now i understand why they released new packs just after anouncment, i feel so screwed :/
Post deleted.
fractured deli maps abusers are malding, lovely. cya all quitting poe forever until friday.

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