Righteous Fire

EE and FPen rely on Hits. Damage over Time does not Hit.
Does the burning debuff on enemies affected by this spell count as a status ailment? Will it work with Elemental Proliferation?
Last edited by astarchild on Mar 31, 2013, 10:02:38 AM
i think this skill need a change so it can be linked to inc item rarity and inc item quantity support gem, iam using rf pure life build ( not a low life build ), my rarity and quantity is always very low because i cant use iiq and iir gem, i think max iir i can get just 150 from andvarius and aursize, yes u can change all ur equip to max iir and iiq with 2 andravius, aursize, goldwyrm, but that will be impossible on pure life rf build cause in rf pure life build u really depend on resist (especially fire), because u always face to face close range with monster, and its really funny because just this rf pure life build that cant use iir and iiq gem, all other build even rf low life build can use iiq and iir (because their main dmg is spell that can be linked with it), its feel so strange why just this build that cant use iir and iiq, especially when this build is so hard at early game and just become good and viable when u can use phoenix unique and lv 17 purity, thats why this build is not popular anymore today compare to low life rf build with shevronne chest, so pls make a change on it
I don't get the use of this skill. Even with max resist and 60 LPS the fire damage just eats my toon up. I guess high lvl toons with special uniques can use it but for low toons it is useless. It seems like another broken skill GGG. Put it next to my arctic armor and cyclone.
My RF Marauder started using it to murder stuff in Act 2 Normal. Works quite well.
Vipermagi wrote:
My RF Marauder started using it to murder stuff in Act 2 Normal. Works quite well.

I really don't see how. Maybe you could explain how you was able to use it. I tried with 85 fire res and 71 LPS and it just melts my toon. level 32 toon. At this level I can see how I can get and more lps.
Last edited by grubworm on Apr 2, 2013, 4:55:34 PM
get percent hp per second from unique items and passives and vitality aura. also grab purity aura after its been leveled up a bit (for the +max res). you can also use rejuvenation totem for large dosage of fixed life per second for low and mid level usage while your hp limits are still being boosted. also flasks...
soul4hdwn wrote:
get percent hp per second from unique items and passives and vitality aura. also grab purity aura after its been leveled up a bit (for the +max res). you can also use rejuvenation totem for large dosage of fixed life per second for low and mid level usage while your hp limits are still being boosted. also flasks...

tried this not able to use RF at 31
Most the builds I have seen people using for RF are high level with super gear. I haven't tried it myself, but I don't see any low level caster ever being able to use this skill.
I think it is not a skill for low lvl no matter what the level reg is.
Is minic a gheibhean beal oscailt diog dunta!

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