Righteous Fire

Sophung wrote:
Edit: I highlighted that part of your quote because it's wrong.

Except, it isn't incorrect. 'Damage over Time' is not 'Damage'. They are distinct, separate mechanics in the game.
Regardless of mechanics I've already covered DoT. It is completely lazy to say DoT can't be buffed.

Now you're making me repeat myself.

My original post is more about removing confusion and less about making mechanical changes to fit logical reasoning. the logic is basic and human, you would understand my post if you watched the build of the week video 11 on YouTube and then went and built that character as portaid. You would understand what was in the mind of the guy i quoted along with so many other people not using it for spells.

Also, you keep saying "how it is" while I keep saying "how it should be". Quite frankly we're both right yet we could go back and forth 100 more pages and you still wouldn't realize we're having two different conversations with each other. I am amazed a moderator has not put us back on topic since you lead us off RF and into granular mechanics (which again, are lazy to even have as an issue at this point in development).
Last edited by Sophung on Mar 22, 2013, 11:11:13 AM
why I still be burned by righteous fire(from enemy) when I'm wearing the unique ASHREND?
in a way, i wish this skill can be ended prematurely by recasting it during its effect, instead of having to rely on flasks of dousing.
twitter: LeonoftheChan
Invalesco wrote:
sYkoDe4d wrote:
soul4hdwn wrote:

the quality affect works on all damaging spells. auras do not damage, RF does not damage but apply a status effect of a certain amount.

i have tested 2 RF with the same lvl, one with quality and one without and i had the exact same damage with my spells (Fireball, arc)

The Quality effect gives me nothing

it's a known bug. a fix will come eventually. The increased spell damage is certainly meant to affect your non-RF spells

is this bug ever going to get fixed......im just sitting on a 20% RF waiting.....hoping...
than i should be getting more spell damage right? im not seeing any bonus
Am I correct in thinking that righteous fire only works with gems that have the name 'Spell' in its short description?

I was thinking of coupling it with explosive arrow to switch on righteous fire just before the 5 charges explode, but I now believe that this will not work at all because of the omition of 'Spell'.

I could use it with fire trap or bear trap or any other of these http://en.pathofexilewiki.com/wiki/Spell#Spell that deal damage.
bear trap is not spell damage.
Two questions:

1. Does it proc Elemental Equilibrium?

2. Is the burning debuff affected by Fire Penetration support gem?

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