Righteous Fire

jzaeleven wrote:
900 hp hardcore character 70% fire resist. Killed almost instantly. The skill sucks.

*sigh* did you even take the time to calculate the amount of hp reg you would need ? no ?

plz if when you have no clue at all how something works dont give a feedback

900 hp means you get burned for 30% of your hp which in your case is 270hp/sec

if you had 90% fire resi you would go down to 90/sec

this skill is a niche skill you can use it in 2 ways as an insane spelldmg buff like invalesco did or as a main dmg source
https://poe-ssf.herokuapp.com/. Join the fun.
SSF HC Legacy Witch Lvl 53
Does it give 80% more 'spell' damage (the stat in the passive tree and on wands), or also 80% more 'fire/cold/lightning' damage?

Meaning if I have 100% spell damage, 50% cold damage and 50% elemental damage, will I get the same cold damage as if I were to have 200% spell damage with RF?

And what about projectile damage (i.e. ice spear and freezing pulse are projectiles)
if you had 100% spell damage 50% cold, and 50% elemental, then you have 200% damage boost total for cold spells BEFORE righteous fire is taken into account.
RF grants More Spell Damage, not more Spell Damage.

'Increased' and 'Reduced' are additive modifiers. 'More' and 'Less' are multiplicative.

All your Spell, Cold, Elemental and Projectile damage are likely Increased-type modifiers. They will be added together and applied as one single multiplier. Righteous Fire is a More-type multiplier, and applies separately.

We have a 300 damage Spell, and 100% Inc. Spell, 60% Inc. Cold and 40% Inc. Elemental damage. Righteous Fire grants 50% More Spell damage. The damage calculation would be:
Base * (Spell+Cold+Elem) * (RF)
300 * (1 + (100/100) + (60/100) + (40/100)) * (1 + (50/100)) = 1350 damage.

Without RF:
300 * (1 + (100/100) + (60/100) + (40/100)) = 900
Last edited by Vipermagi on Feb 28, 2013, 12:04:17 PM
I think your calculations might be a bit off viper. I don't think elemental damage or cold damage fall under the spell damage category, so the damage output with RF according to your scenario should be:

With RF
300 * [(1+100/100) + (0.5 * 100/100) + 60/100 + 40/100] = 1050 damage
Build of the Week 14
The first Righteous Fire/Non-Shavronne's/Shavronne's HC
Shameless self-proclaimed theory-crafting extraordinaire and forum crusader
why would spell damage be separate from elemental and cold... for a spell cast while under rf. only thing that is separate are damage modifier and "more" based boosts. rf is a more based spell damage boost as a reminder...
Last edited by soul4hdwn on Feb 28, 2013, 10:09:38 PM
ventiman wrote:
jzaeleven wrote:
900 hp hardcore character 70% fire resist. Killed almost instantly. The skill sucks.

*sigh* did you even take the time to calculate the amount of hp reg you would need ? no ?

plz if when you have no clue at all how something works dont give a feedback

900 hp means you get burned for 30% of your hp which in your case is 270hp/sec

if you had 90% fire resi you would go down to 90/sec

this skill is a niche skill you can use it in 2 ways as an insane spelldmg buff like invalesco did or as a main dmg source

yeah, the trick is to keep your life lower, while having way more Energy Shield, that way the Burning dmg is not as bad, its a trade-off since then Chaos dmg is scarier etc. So if you had 400 hp, and 500 ES instead of 900 HP, the burn dmg would have been way (s)lower.
ventiman wrote:
jzaeleven wrote:
900 hp hardcore character 70% fire resist. Killed almost instantly. The skill sucks.

*sigh* did you even take the time to calculate the amount of hp reg you would need ? no ?

plz if when you have no clue at all how something works dont give a feedback

i actually think he´s right... the main thing should be playing the game not reading about it... and in case of righteous fire it can be weird when you read the skill description because at the first moment you will doubt that you understood what you actually read (aka "why the fuck would you activate a skill that does so much damage to yourself??? that cant be right i must have misunderstood this. lets just see what it does...shit..."
keep in mind we are talking about a hack and slash and not a roguelike here (in a roguelike i would doubt that a spell wouldnt kill myself instantly but thats something totally different ;)
soul4hdwn wrote:
why would spell damage be separate from elemental and cold... for a spell cast while under rf. only thing that is separate are damage modifier and "more" based boosts. rf is a more based spell damage boost as a reminder...

elemental and cold damage mods will boost elemental attacks as well as spells. spell damage only boosts spells. Considering RF says "more spell damage", from my understanding it means exactly that. The game does not group elemental damage and spell damage together under one category when calculating your DPS. it takes into account these bonuses separately. If RF boosted ALL damage, now that would be a different story.

Build of the Week 14
The first Righteous Fire/Non-Shavronne's/Shavronne's HC
Shameless self-proclaimed theory-crafting extraordinaire and forum crusader
Righteous Fire is currently too restrictive. There's not much variation allowed if you want to use it. I have thought a bit about what I would change, but I don't know.
Invalesco wrote:
soul4hdwn wrote:
why would spell damage be separate from elemental and cold... for a spell cast while under rf. only thing that is separate are damage modifier and "more" based boosts. rf is a more based spell damage boost as a reminder...

elemental and cold damage mods will boost elemental attacks as well as spells. spell damage only boosts spells. Considering RF says "more spell damage", from my understanding it means exactly that. The game does not group elemental damage and spell damage together under one category when calculating your DPS. it takes into account these bonuses separately. If RF boosted ALL damage, now that would be a different story.

elemental damge increases boost all elemental damage thats it i think. Spells just get stronger with it because all but one of them (knives) happen to deal elemental damage by default.
RF shouldnt boost all damage. That only would make bows stronger because no melee char would ever attack while using this skill as it is.

maybe you could also alter this skill by

a.) pre-fuelling the fire and then activating it with a sub skill
b.) draining both mana and hp- in a way that both will always stay at the same level.
c.) simply weaken every aspect of this skill

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