Righteous Fire

Invalesco wrote:
soul4hdwn wrote:
thats the thing, do you focus damage of rf itself or do you use it for the spell damage boost.

a pure hp build has already been done (needs an update to an open beta version, but thats easy and just now mathed out). the options for doing that are still somewhat open although unique dependent.
an es build hasn't been made yet, or if it has, then still being optimized.

for both paths, do you get "just enough" for it to last plenty of time. or do you work things out to get net gains from your defenses. most people prefer reversing the penalty if running
full hp but the es version changes more dramatically due to players' comfort levels.

this was done a while ago

currently level 82 in HC with 8.4k ES, might post another update in a while

Very nice build and seems very strong with the new video you posted. Maybe to strong? :p
IGN: eLdiLdoRadO
Last edited by takeme on Feb 14, 2013, 12:32:12 PM
@Tschesae & BlackCorsair - RF does fire degeneration damage - the damage is reduced by fire resistance so my guess it will be increased for negative resist. flammability or ele weakness is same for RF purpose as RF dont "hit" so cant trigger ignite. as for Elemental Equilibrium it changes resistances so RF will benefit from it, but as stated ealier RF doesnt hit so it cant trigger the effect itself. I think it was confirmed by devs somewhere. I cant test it myself yet.
Question is how does ele curse and el equilibrium stack - i belive the effect is diminished but how...

Invalesco wrote:
soul4hdwn wrote:

this was done a while ago

currently level 82 in HC with 8.4k ES, might post another update in a while

wonder how many points you menaged to save this way. What i dont like about ES build is that you have no mitigation towards physical damage.
Righteous Fire, Pain Attunement Zealots Oath, Rejuv Totem.
Last edited by Hixo on Feb 14, 2013, 4:07:00 PM
only reason i can think of to go all the way to pain attunement is for chaos res nodes on the way and all the int taken to get there. which is costly for those running zeal oath as you needed to grab the life regen nodes (which become es regen). i don't like that specific balancing act, removing some regen to spend slightly more skill points to get a 30% more damage. grab a redbeak instead, less annoyance and more benefit.
The one thing I'm noticing about Rf builds is that once you get a lvl 20 purity and lvl 20 vitality, you gain a TON more flexibility in the tree. But until then, its just stack hp and stack regen it seems like.
yes or stack regen and es. vitality and purity are vital parts in using righteous fire no matter how to structure yourself. rejuv totem too during low levels or low hp amounts where you don't have regen or can't really find nice potions.
RF is basicly stacking defense that with one skill you turn into offense.
Whatever its HP or ES build you have like 40-50 free skill points to use.

Im now wondering how to incorporate casting in HP RF. That is whatever to use Blood magic or not , and what spell to use.
BM+LL gives that casting freedom but with Iron will thats it on 4L for supports, as for Mana leech i dont want to be taking dex nodes so to support it dex on gear would be needed.
And im not sure if even with increased regen it would be possible to support casting just with mana pool.

As for spells shock nova would be highest dps but dead zone sounds nasty...
funny how shocknova has perfect synergy with RF once increased AoE comes into play (for hp builds as rf will barely damage vs es build). rf fills in the deadzone somewhat.
I have another question about totems:

Do the % spell damage modifiers from Righteous fire apply to a damage spell (like ice spear or fireball) totem or flame totem? Or you actually need to cast the spell yourself for it to work?
Totems cast the Spell 'for you'. They use your stats. You get the damage bonus, they benefit.

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