Righteous Fire

ariantes wrote:
Do increased Fire Damage mods increase both the self damage and the damage to enemies or only the enemy part?

I know this one! It doesnt scale with fire damage but burning damage (pyromaniac passive in NW side). However both damage to self and enemy will be increased so i wouldnt take it unless you only aim to use RF with ruby flasks ( meaning 100% fire res)

Ok i think i've found a way to have 100% life with RF activated. You need all % of life reg from passives, which is 7,4. You use Vitality and Purity Aura with Inner Force passive which boosts Vitality's reg to 1,95 (adds up to 9,35% of life reg) and Purity's max resistance from 4 to 5,2. Also spec the + max resistance and use Saffel's Frame which gives you fire res of 90,2. The last bit of reg you use the passive skill % of life reg from Endurance charges, you will need 3 charges up to surpass 9,8 % of life reg.
Note that Inner Force also increases the damage RF deals.
To both monsters and you.

At 90% Resists, you'll be taking 13% Max Life in damage/sec.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Feb 7, 2013, 8:41:39 AM
Vipermagi wrote:
Note that Inner Force also increases the damage RF deals.
To both monsters and you.

At 90% Resists, you'll be taking 13% Max Life in damage/sec.

Ahh man, fuck that. Are you sure? is the degeneration a part of the buff? It should count as a debuff or something and the More dmg would be buffed by Inner Force. RF just does not want to cooparate.

Still works without Inner Force but need to stack 5 Endurance Charges, makes it a little less reliable. But still, without the Charges it would take like 100s for it to drain your life, so with a couple of flasks it should be cool.
Last edited by HuffDatJenk on Feb 7, 2013, 10:42:55 AM
Thanks for the answers :)

Next one: How do all the increased area of effect and increased AOE damage nodes interact with righteous fire?
Last edited by ariantes on Feb 7, 2013, 10:50:18 AM
Inc. AoE works as expected. The damage radius increases.

Damage over Time does not benefit from regular Damage passives; Inc. AoE Damage does not apply.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Feb 7, 2013, 11:03:57 AM
No i'm wrong again, without Inner Force boosting Purity you'd need 2,1 % of life reg more. which is 11 Endurance charges. Hmm, can get 9 if spec all passives, use 2 kaom's and get 1 from bandit quest. With say, 9000hp that still leaves 27 normal life reg which is a pain to get. Fuck this skill.
calm down and just find more information. take things slowly when you're researching =p.
0.6 to 1.8 %hp/sec from 0.2% regen from endurance charges, 3 to 9. 9 charges is absolute max (2 rings + oak + passives).
+9 %hp/sec total from low life uniques, tiki coral ammy (1%), springleaf shield (6%), and umbu's charge (2%).

with IF (inner force) with saffel's frame:
75 +5 +5 +5= 90%.
7.4 +2 from vitality = 9.4% hp/sec.
100 -90 =10 *1.3 =13% hp fire DoT (damage over time)
13 -9.4 =3.6% DoT still.
3.6 -3 =0.6% DoT while low life.
1.6 -0.6 =1% regen with full 9 endurance charges and low life.
a ruby flask will cause full regen, 100 -(90 +10) =100

without IF and using springleaf:
75 +9 =84%
7.4 +1.5 =8.9% regen
100 -(84 +8.9) =7.1 because fire DoT is 100% thus res and regen are the same now.
9 -7.1 =1.9% regen while low life
no longer have to care about endurance charges but they'll help tank a great deal.
Yea but the lowlife reg items are not really interesting. I forgot about Rejuvenation Totem so now i'll just need 5 Endurance Charges and a Rejuvenation totem and i'd actually have a positive regeneration. No IF involved. Let the lvling begin!
I have been trying to build a righteous fire marauder, but am confused as to which support gems work with this skill. Can someone more knowledgeable than myself make such a list? I know increased area works, but does fire penetration? added ___ damage? elemental proliferation, chance to ignite, etc.

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