One year of COVID, a reflection.
" I probably should have mentioned I have no TV, so I only read print media (also online I generally read; I don't watch video if I can help it). I'm also not in America so don't get the same media coverage you probably do. |
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" Is this the part where we can claim you are anti-vaxxer and probably unvaccinated so that we treat you like an social outcast? " mRna Vaccine work differently from the traditional vaccine; by simulating an attack or tricking it is under attack. Using mRna messagers to produce viral spike protein and getting the person’s immune system to generate antibodies. Last edited by awesome999#2945 on Nov 5, 2021, 1:15:25 PM
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" Yes, I'm aware of how this vaccine is different, but the principle is still the same. The antibodies won't protect you from covid until you actually catch covid. That part is the same for all antibodies, they never do anything if you don't catch the disease they're targeted for. Last edited by LennyLen#7361 on Nov 5, 2021, 1:48:07 PM
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By definition its not a vaccination, more of a flu shot that needs annual updates. I mean, if we are vaccinated against polio, chickens and measles: We cannot contract them. While being vaccinated against the big C (not me) doesnt prevent infection.
People need to remember, you have every right to do with you own body/gender as anyone else. But you cannot project your beliefs on to another, especially when it comes to medical and penetrating the body. Ive been around bad neighborhoods where ppl push drugs, even hung out with those who sold. But big phrama/gov has the biggest peer pressure type bs ive ever seen. Even the "bad guys" arent pushin as hard as they are. Imagine getting jumped for not doing drugs. Modern society (social media) is becoming puzzling. |
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" pUshing drugs, why not? Vaccines are perfectly legal. They can, that is what advertising and promoting products is all about. They can persuade you to vaccinate with ads, bribe you with beer, donuts or icecream, peer pressure or guilt trip you into doing it. What they can't do is tie you up on a stretcher, carry you off and forcefully inject you with a vaccine. Last edited by awesome999#2945 on Nov 6, 2021, 2:22:09 AM
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" you can assume whatever you want " and lets not forget, you cannot turn this off. so even though people continue to believe covid stuff is temporary, they're willing to alter their body functions permanently to avoid the off-chance they get covid, and the off-off-chance its severe enough they die. and i do mean off-chance. in my large area the population approx 4.4 million people. to this date, the official statistics are that the TOTAL of covid deaths over 20 months including eldery with multiple comorbidities is....3100. there have been more suicides. there have been more substance abuse overdoses. there have been many more....basically any other medical condition. as the other guy said, "you do you". and he's completely right. " i couldn't agree with this any more. they can't actually force you. and coercion, or sketchy marketing, is not "force". nobody will be able to say the devil made them do it. people are still making their own choices even if its the choice they don't want to make (if its not the choice you want to make, then why did you make it?) if anyone is in the position where they are still justifying all this stuff, just stick around! because i guarantee things will get worse. worse as in, way more obviously ridiculous. it'll continue this trend until even the most willingly ignorant are snapped out of their trance. quick poll. anyone here from AUS or NZ still under that trance? you know, basically not being allowed outside? for your health guys. anyone? Last edited by xMustard#3403 on Nov 6, 2021, 2:43:06 AM
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to my recollection, there is no year that I will not experience flu/cold but last year was a miracle because I didn't experience flu/cold since the first lockdown started. I had post nasal drip which made me paranoid but nothing serious. The quarantine and face mask worked.
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" OK. " The mRna self-destruct after some time. [Removed by Support] " Some people are so scared of gettting a jab. [Removed by Support] ![]() It is not coercion, just social pressure. Very scary stuff too. Last edited by JC_GGG#0000 on Nov 6, 2021, 5:48:50 AM
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" im sure some ppl are scared of the actual "vaccine". some just choose not to get it, as they deem it completely unnecessary. some actually can't get it. Coercion " so it is a little more than social pressure when a countries citizen rights are denied if they choose not to (or can't) take a very specific medical treatment for a relatively minor illness. examples include not being able to travel. not being able to work. not being able to shop. et cetera. again you're dabbling in the territory of not being able to decide what gets injected into your body at any given time for any given reason. giving up that decision to whom? government? health officials? private businesses? |
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" The government is your protector. It is Part of a government's function is to protect its citizens, you can be also be stripped of your rights when you break the law; upholding the law and order is also the government's function. The government can also restrict your rights and liberty to protect the public and ensure rules and regulations are follows. If you are saying the law is a form of Coercion, it certainly is. The Coercion that protect you is same threats or intimidation that comply you to follow the law the society demand of you. You seemingly want the cake and eat it too. Doing something people deem harmful but wish to suffer no negative effect. That isn't being reasonable and realistic. |
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