One year of COVID, a reflection.

to my recollection, there is no year that I will not experience flu/cold but last year was a miracle because I didn't experience flu/cold since the first lockdown started. I had post nasal drip which made me paranoid but nothing serious. The quarantine and face mask worked.
xMustard wrote:

you can assume whatever you want


xMustard wrote:

and lets not forget, you cannot turn this off. so even though people continue to believe covid stuff is temporary, they're willing to alter their body functions permanently to avoid the off-chance they get covid, and the off-off-chance its severe enough they die.

The mRna self-destruct after some time. [Removed by Support]

xMustard wrote:

if anyone is in the position where they are still justifying all this stuff, just stick around! because i guarantee things will get worse. worse as in, way more obviously ridiculous. it'll continue this trend until even the most willingly ignorant are snapped out of their trance.

Some people are so scared of gettting a jab. [Removed by Support]

It is not coercion, just social pressure. Very scary stuff too.
Last edited by JC_GGG on Nov 5, 2021, 12:48:50 PM
awesome999 wrote:
Some people are so scared of gettting a jab. [Removed by Support]

It is not coercion, just social pressure. Very scary stuff too.

im sure some ppl are scared of the actual "vaccine". some just choose not to get it, as they deem it completely unnecessary. some actually can't get it.

the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.

so it is a little more than social pressure when a countries citizen rights are denied if they choose not to (or can't) take a very specific medical treatment for a relatively minor illness.
examples include not being able to travel. not being able to work. not being able to shop. et cetera.

again you're dabbling in the territory of not being able to decide what gets injected into your body at any given time for any given reason. giving up that decision to whom? government? health officials? private businesses?
xMustard wrote:

so it is a little more than social pressure when a countries citizen rights are denied if they choose not to (or can't) take a very specific medical treatment for a relatively minor illness.
examples include not being able to travel. not being able to work. not being able to shop. et cetera.

again you're dabbling in the territory of not being able to decide what gets injected into your body at any given time for any given reason. giving up that decision to whom? government? health officials? private businesses?

The government is your protector. It is Part of a government's function is to protect its citizens, you can be also be stripped of your rights when you break the law; upholding the law and order is also the government's function. The government can also restrict your rights and liberty to protect the public and ensure rules and regulations are follows.

If you are saying the law is a form of Coercion, it certainly is. The Coercion that protect you is same threats or intimidation that comply you to follow the law the society demand of you.

You seemingly want the cake and eat it too. Doing something people deem harmful but wish to suffer no negative effect. That isn't being reasonable and realistic.
awesome999 wrote:
The government is your protector. It is Part of a government's function is to protect its citizens, you can be also be stripped of your rights when you break the law; upholding the law and order is also the government's function. The government can also restrict your rights and liberty to protect the public and ensure rules and regulations are follows.

If you are saying the law is a form of Coercion, it certainly is. The Coercion that protect you is same threats or intimidation that comply you to follow the law the society demand of you.

You seemingly want the cake and eat it too. Doing something people deem harmful but wish to suffer no negative effect. That isn't being reasonable and realistic.

do you realize that everything you just said pertains to injecting a substance into your bloodstream?

slightly different decision, to not parttake in an experimental medical treatment, than to willingly commit a crime against someone else
especially considering it isnt illegal, yet, to refuse an injection.

you seem to want to pass off all responsibility onto a government entity. have fun with that
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44 on Nov 5, 2021, 9:06:53 PM
xMustard wrote:

do you realize that everything you just said pertains to injecting a substance into your bloodstream?

slightly different decision, to not parttake in an experimental medical treatment, than to willingly commit a crime against someone else
especially considering it isnt illegal, yet, to refuse an injection.

you seem to want to pass off all responsibility onto a government entity. have fun with that

LOL. You do you. Enjoy your privileges to be unvaccinated, while I enjoy my privileges for the vaccinated.
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
Im pretty stoked at our vax numbers here
I guess when you make it a case of vax or stay home most people get over their "open mindedness" real fucking quick.

Loving the return to normal life. Still seeing masks everywhere indoors but that aside it's been lots of movies, shopping, and just general positive energy whenever we go out. Random vax checks in shops just make my day.

We did the right thing for almost 2 years. This is OUR TIME. Our due.

It might be temporary, but for now, life is close enough to what it was to be savoured.

Anyway off out again. Tata. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Kellog wrote:
There are some really really stupid people in this thread. All these moronic anti-vaxers that get their 'facts' from Facebook make me worried for the world. Thank god these idiots weren't alive when the Polio or smallpox vaccines were being developed.

These nutjobs are in the same category as those who believe the world is run by lizards and that JFK is going to return from the dead to campaign with Trump for 2024. They're just more dangerous.

Stupid, irresponsible, uncaring and inconsiderate.

Ireland has 99.5% vaccinated yet they are the leaders in cases in the world.

Vermont is the #1 % in the USA, yet they have the highest %.

How do you explain that? [Removed by Support]

Polio and smallpox are actual vaccines, aka you take them and cannot get them.

How do you define the covid vacc as a vaccine when it doesnt prevent infection or the spread of it??

You accuse people of talking points when thats all your topic is (reinforced with fear mongering)
Last edited by Kane_GGG on Nov 8, 2021, 6:53:17 PM

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