Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

You have ruined everything! What planet do you live ? Do you only listen stremers?

The only good news is that I will never spend $60 on a skins again
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Literally the only thing keeping playing after 2 weeks into the league is being taken away.

Nice player retention strategy.
Last edited by Will_GGG on Mar 10, 2021, 8:11:32 PM
I like Harvest , Harvest is good.
The people complaining are the ones who are too lazy to even put themselves out there to do crafting and would never obtain a mirror-worthy item in the first place.
Even if harvest doesnt exist they would just be on forum , reddit , global chat complaining about streamers or top 0.1% making mirrors so it wont change anything at this point.

This crafted helm is better than a Frostferno for Elemental hit builds and its a helm that you can craft since since Betrayal League!!! but no one came with the idea before , at least that I know. Before Harvest craft I wouldnt even try to craft something like this and to be honest I wouldnt even touch the crafting slot machine system.
With Harvest removing a lot of rng I actually took a look at crafting and came with that idea.
My point is that there is not many players that enjoy that thrill you are talking about slaming an item countless of times in hope of getting something usable in return. The vast majority of the player base will just go to poetrade and that will be your way of gearing , the rest will probably just use some unique that can fill the roll of what you are looking.
Also is worth mentioning that the very powerful items (insane powerful items I give that) that people showcase on reddit still require some absurd ammount of currency and dedication , even with harvest crafting.
I hope you wont go that far with the nerf to harvest crafting and implement a proper solution to the real problem that made the game look very bad , which was a trading system using TFT akin of throwing your items on the ground and trusting an unknow person , like if this was a game from 20 years ago.
This is a mistake on my opinion, Harvest makes the end game more accessible to players that don't have much time to play.

Changes like that "balance" the game only to the 10% of the players wich can play 6 hrs every day and for this players those changes will only delay a little the time to build a OP char and completely cripple the game for those who only play for 2 hrs a day.

If GGG actually go trough with this changes i don't think i will play the next league...

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It took me till 4 days played to craft an explode chest. I'm sure 95% of the player base aren't crafting these ridiculous gear sets that GGG is claiming.
Last edited by Nichelle_GGG on Mar 11, 2021, 9:51:50 AM
grief2 wrote:
Fair changes and also glad oshabi is a choice now

are u blind
At this point I'm just dissapointed.

Shame on you for wanting so desperately to remove the fun in your game every time you encounter it.
You are wrong.

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