Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

[Removed by Support] You always focusing on the best players and ignore everything else. So your ideal crafting system is just to gamble with item aka metacrafting. You are so out touch with players, it's really baffling... Skipping next league and might not comeback anymore. Screw this.
Last edited by Will_GGG on Mar 10, 2021, 8:03:21 PM
Those who want harvest gone are 1% vast minority, and their only arguement is "you cant play the game with out harvest?"

So, why didnt you just skip harvest then?

Im playing since Tormented league, doing fine, but more fun is more fun.

Chris, please, you dont need big server for this, there are like less than 1% of players that need their private server with no harverst, everyone else will be happy to harvest be in core.

Just make separated league for those who wants to tryhard, please. Let em tryhard on their own server.

Listening to vast minority is very bad idea.
thep10xer wrote:
MRLAVA wrote:
read a lot of comments , well yes i hope ggg see how bad this decision is .

i like that ur fixing the harvest boss fight and making it a map fragment.
i like that ur adding 60% chance to get groov in maps

problem is you know that people hate or dnt want to use discord to trade crafts and that thing is bothering a lot of the players but still u dnt do anything about it and you focus ur attention and changes on nerfs and other places .

really sad how logic works for you.

not to be negative ill give u a simple solution to all this harvest mess.

1-bring back tradable seeds

2-prebuilt incubators in the groov where we can set the seeds to grow the more we kill monsters

3-make harvested items untradeable.

4- allow players to store as much crafts as they like . an upgradable storage system similar to delve upgrades.

5-allow players to trade some miscellaneous crafts , like the one that duplicate div cards .

oh and fix the drops of this harvest boss , they are really bad still .

thanks ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Planting seeds is not fun.

Trading seeds is not fun.

You can't make harvested crafts untradable. If a player has access to it, its not going to know the difference if its YOUR rare or a rare someone just traded you Or a rare you just bought and want to craft on.

Wrong, there is always a way. Off the top of my head, make it so you cant use a harvest craft on an item that has been on your character or in your stash for less than 24 hours.

Theres probably a better way, but my point is there's always something you can do, if you want to.
Not a thread just a fact: if you do this iam out of here. Stop balancing the game around some freaks. I realy play alot and i crafted maybe 5 good items so far. Is that realy to much for half of league?
That exalt slam comment from one of your design team is so disconnected from reality it is staggering.

I've played over 230 hours this league, and have had 1 exalt drop. I usually average 2-4 per league. You seriously think that I am going to use it on an RNG craft?

You're mental.

Make whatever changes you like to the game; it's yours after all, but please, don't go about advertising the fact that you have people working there who clearly have no clue what's actually happening in-game to the normal rank and file. I assume they are getting their information by watching Empy or mbXtreme burn through currency like it's nothing, but they are the top 0.01% and not indicative of your total playerbase.
Louiiieeeee wrote:
more like "a member of our design team hates progress and we should all go back to stone age Vegas, where we blindly gamble with stones"

Last edited by kostyaq on Mar 10, 2021, 8:01:16 PM
Yeah, after reading a good 10 pages of feedback on this...

Here is a TL;DR for you GGG:

This announcement is not well received by the majority (I'd say 80%+ of those that replied here) of the community.

My take:

Please first balance trading in harvest crafts.

Allowing for very easy scamming when players try to engage in harvest craft trading is no way to limit the power it provides for those that partake despite the risks.

Then, depending on how you deal with that issue, think about what to do with harvest.

Stop ignoring the elephant in the room.

Just nerfing it into the ground is not a good solution.
Just make a new tag so items that are harvest crafted are not tradable like the lame green contracts you can't drop.
Last edited by BeastMode0900 on Mar 10, 2021, 8:04:37 PM
Never enjoyed crafting because of the random element but Harvest made it fun. Maybe if you removed all the totally worthless mods on items so that chaos/exalt spam would actually be in the realm of realism of getting a nice item for non-filthy rich players.

This game is a single player game which is proven by the fact that most league/endgame mechanics are solely rewarded to the map owner. I fail to see how granting players the option to progress their character only has to rely on pure luck. But hey, at the end of the day that is GGG's design philosophy that I can't understand no matter how much I increase my mental gymnastics skill.
No fun allowed lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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