Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Cmon guys you can't be this detached from your playerbase.
Increase the horticrafting slots to 30, lock the crafts to player account, fix everything
> We know that many players would love us to keep deterministic crafting in the game because it enables them to complete their items far more quickly than they otherwise would. But then there would quickly be nothing left to achieve.

I think this is the wrong attitude. I like harvest because it allows me to craft items reliably, not sink a bunch of currency in as a gamble. One for example can setup a decent base using alt + regal methods. Then try to exalt slam, but they could get terrible mods and end up with an item that wasted those exalts & alteration orbs. The augment/annul crafts in harvest made this much more possible.
mozarus wrote:
A Giant Step Backward
Deterministic crafting is best thing that happen to game.
Thanks to Harvest Crafting, me and many of my friends played much longer trying to improve their items.


Me and the wife still playing and we normally stop after 3 weeks in the league. Me and my wife playing also means I buy more MTX!

Don't have to be marketing guru to see these changes are bad for GGG bank account.
slowly watching mods delete my posts for the first time is hilarious... this is post #2 saying the exact thing.

bad decision overall. let's see how many more times I need to post this before it stays permanent!
"We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

That’s a damn bad feeling that you guys describe.

Gambling is nice when identifying stuff like watchers eyes or stacked decks. It’s just something to yolo with not depending on the quality of the outcome. It is more of a free choice.

Gambling is actually the worst part of this game when you are forced to gamble everything you have to get an desirable item that basically leaves you most likely with a briked item. The chances of ruining it are to damn high, hours of progress lost because of that * gambling mechanic.

I love that game because it’s so complex and I hate it because of the over dominant gambling when it comes to gear progression. What is so bad with people beeing able to have a calculatable outcome they can work towards? Oh... you need to feel "scared" and to feel the brick.
This is a terrible idea, you might as well just delete harvest. At the very least buff other crafting methods or drops. Harvest isn't overpowered, other crafting is underpowered and rare drops are complete garbage not even worth looking at.
You think Exalted orb "craft" its a good crafting system,Mr. Chris?
Last edited by RainOfMadness on Mar 10, 2021, 6:14:49 PM
nooo why would you do this, this sucks, please reconsider
Hey can I get a refund for all the MTX I bought this league? If you guys are going to make this game unplayable for the average player I might as well just not play it. Doing this instead of fixing your stability issues is actually hilarious. Makes me think you don't actually want people playing for more than a couple weeks every league.

+ Could I also get a refund for all my MTX? I don't matter as a casual player anyway, right?

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