Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Also, Harvest made high end gear attainable for more people. People felt like they were able to get them in a reasonable way and so they tried to and played more. If you're removing that thing that kept people playing, what do you think they're going to do?

This change is just... tone deaf to the reality of players. Stop adjusting the game based on people you see on twitch.

Also, addressing this like it's a problem before addressing the map duping problem is a fucking joke. You guys are incompetent and it's exhausting.
Last edited by dryrunHD on Mar 10, 2021, 6:11:36 PM
A Giant Step Backward
Deterministic crafting is best thing that happen to game.
Thanks to Harvest Crafting, me and many of my friends played much longer trying to improve their items.
swing and a miss.
Terrible changes.

I could elaborate on 3000 words, but noone really cares.

Hey can I get a refund for all the MTX I bought this league? If you guys are going to make this game unplayable for the average player I might as well just not play it. Doing this instead of fixing your stability issues is actually hilarious. Makes me think you don't actually want people playing for more than a couple weeks every league.
lennaert222 wrote:
By the way here's and idea.....

How about locking augments and rerolls (as these are the most powerfull ones) behind an OSHABI kill.

Currently the annoying woman in the middle does not bring anything to the game just annoyance.

Feel like this stuff has been super poorly thought out and very poorly executed.

As per usual with every fucking league in existence, lack of testing, why would they League are beta in disguise.
smh when a post i quote gets deleted as i post it.

there is alot of censorship going on right now
Very cool mirror Service:
Last edited by impulze3 on Mar 10, 2021, 6:13:49 PM
Texture streaming was really bad.
The game has naver been so buggy for me.

And then this nerf? Why not focus on the more important problems like performance and trade system?

So first a player has to be lucky enough to get a good consistent performance, which is really hard. And on top of that you think we need more RNG?

I don't think I will spend any money on MTX in the near future, untill I see that you adress the real problems with performance and implementing a trade system.

Harvest was the best thing to happen to the game. It's funny though because D2 Remake is near, so is Diablo 4. I guess you don't particularly want people to play your game and pay for packs, do you?

RNG crafting fucking top kek lol

the rich get richer and the plebs stay as plebs
Last edited by drahtziehergc on Mar 10, 2021, 6:13:46 PM
Thanks GGG. These sound like great changes! =)

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