Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

KalElAgent47 wrote:
I stopped supporting this game since Q1 or 2 2019. You do not understand your player base.

Majority of the players do not make mirror tier items. Majority of the players do not even make a 10-20 Exalted Orb Budget build.

The fact that you type this garbage and post it "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not" shows how little you understand this game. You are balancing itemization around the top of the player base. They will always have good items regardless of harvest.

This nerf is laughable considering almost every other form of crafting is a waste of space in this game. You say that harvest becomes the only reliable form and other forms are ignored(paraphrasing here) but that is because you nerfed everything, you nerfed took away a lot of exclusive mods/weight from make all weights insanely low in general...

Please tell me why an amazing item should take someone 3000 alts > 1000+ augments and 3000+ imprints with 3000 regals and then Cannot roll attack mods with wasted exalt slams for t50 strength?

Imagine wanting your players to sit in hideout for hours focused to make sure they don't alteration spam over the 25 weight explode...

I'm likely gonna skip 3.14 and every league after that because you've shown that you don't even know how to make tons of builds/new skills viable and the meta is literally the same 2-6 builds every league in 1 variation or another.

I generally never crafted because it's a waste of a persons time and I always have to resort to tricks to make currency instead of making a cool appealing item...Every time I've enjoyed crafting, it's been heavily nerfed. Fossils..Multi mod changes(mod pool and such) and now Harvest.

P.S Don't even get me started on the worst performance of a constantly updated game I've ever played in my life

Standing ovation with one hour applause.
Man I’m so glad I decided to wait until next league to buy a couple more stash tabs and the blight tab! Was going to buy the supporter pack next league for the mtx and points thanks for saving me money! :)
Why GGG? Whhhhhhhy?

The only problem with harvest crafting is actually the fact, that players gather their crafts and sell them in discord channels. Just make harvest crafted items untradable (or at least untradable for say 24h or something) or prevent selling harvest crafts in some other more reasonable way. There is absolutely no need to nerf harvest crafting itself!

what a fucking horrendous post. I'll be speaking with my wallet.
I have played way more this league because of high end crafting projects and took the SSF approach in trade league and didn't buy any crafts. It took me two months and made some really good items but only crafted one perfect rolled 6 t1 item.

I know trading is the main reason why Harvest is being nerfed. You guys better have some really flashy ideas for next league or else your game is going to slowly decline in players.
Yeah, this is a bad plan.

If you want to nerf deterministic crafting add more *modifiers* to inflate the pool of possible outcomes and eliminate guaranteed results. Implement an entire tier of "Harvest" options which are always a possibility and will interfere with the current crafting formulas. Change them periodically.
GGG exalts PoE.

<rolls Harvest nerf>

"Welp, we bricked it. Guess we gotta scour."
Extraordinarily short-sighted. This hurts no one but the average player. Imagine keeping things like 100% Delirium farming, which is literally printing mirrors, but insisting that Harvest is "too powerful".

How many times will you let an antiquated philosophy drive your decisions? This isn't 2013 anymore, and players have been vocal about what they want and don't want. And this is something THEY DO NOT WANT.
I only pray GGG does not bend the knee after seeing the public outcry.
ign Exdunn
Last edited by Exdunn on Mar 10, 2021, 6:18:24 PM

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