Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

I have been thinking about this a lot since the harvest nerfs were first announced.

Like many other people in these forums, I tend to overreact on first reading about nerfs announced for some of my favorite skills/content. X gets nerfed, and so I end up playing Y during the next league and end up having just as much, if not more fun, because I learn new things about the game along the way. I think many in these forums recognize that GGG tends to nerf what is popular specifically because they think it is good for player retention (regardless of what their manifestos say).

I hope this is the case with these harvest nerfs, but I fear it may not be. Harvest allowed and encouraged me to craft my own end game items and to engage in end-game crafting in way I never have before. If, after these nerfs, I feel currency grinding is again the best upgrade path, I am afraid my interest in the game will lessen, not improve, because I see no obvious alternatives.

I guess I will close my eyes and exalt slam the next league!

Here's hoping I get a good crafting modifier...
Fenoch wrote:

Wait. You have a 70h work week yet play 5hrs per day?

Interesting. Let us do the math here [Removed by Support]

70hrs/week breaks down to 14hrs per day.

Topping up your 5hrs per day to play the game that gives us:

19hrs/day that you are busy with work/gaming. Leaving 5hrs of sleep per day.

Assuming you don't just fall asleep straight away, we are looking at 4.5hrs of hypothetical sleep/day.

But wait there is more!

You will likely have to eat/shower/get ready/get to work so that is roughly another hour.

Meaning you have about 3.5hrs of sleep/day.

Sure. Sounds totally feasable, realistic and likely something most casual gamers do that have real jobs and a family.

You then also find the time in all of that to navigate to the forums and repeatedly post non-sensical, boo-hoo- "My ice trap fire pen molten shell glacial cascade caustic arrow miner" build is not possible anymore now.

yea makes sense.

Edit: Now I could be mistaken and you meant 70hrs week as in 70hrs/7 days. Maybe things work different where you live. [Removed by Support]

Yes let's do the math :

70h 7 days a week that's 10h per day
5h to play that's 15h
2h for food / health care that 17h
7h of sleep that's 24h...

My slave country is France and i'm my own boss...

I don't know who you think you are, but next time don't make un-educated guesses !!
Path of Exile is a Casino for gambling addicts.
Gambling is not fun nor a game mechanic...
Last edited by Azarhiel on Mar 19, 2021, 3:12:05 PM
Fenoch wrote:
Azarhiel wrote:
Aim_Deep wrote:

I've beat sirus before with 300K DPS. Cant speak on maven I suppose her vortex's would pollute screen too much with a zDPS build. anyway most fights are about not making mistakes not DPS. One dude beat uber elder at lvl 30 a few leagues back... Anyway, DPS just make it easier because mistakes dont compound nor flasks run out.

As far as Harvest the most powerful mods have no tiers like explody ... just add phys until you get it and meld on another OP influence with wakening orb so stop pretending like tons of RNG is involved. Most powerful mods have 1 or 2 tagged tiers you just add/remmove and GG. Phys weapons with like 14 tiers and 3 phys mods needed are the big exception and are hard to make even with harvest. As you are on older player you should understand RNG and grinding is what we signed up for not add remove the item editor Harvest is.

As an older player with a 70h week job and some other duties in real life i can't commit to play more than what i did over two month and being burnt out in the process...

Yes for some parts harvest is a way to edit you item, but never prevent you from making a mistake and ruining your gear so it is not an item editor per se.

I make mistakes because i'm not 25 yo and i don't have the reflex to dodge sirus shit all the time.

I don't mind RNG in loot and grinding as i do just that on RPG's, but i do mind that a crafting system is not a gambling system, and in PoE, everything outside of harvest is only gambling for now.

The only way the orb system could complement a crafting is by narrowing down the tiers of mods depending on ILVL, but it will never be a crafting system as a whole.

And on a side note :

Everything in harvest is random (wrote in every line of every carft i saw)
Gardens are random
Seeds are random

So i don't know you can't see the layers of RNG in Harvest, but i do see them and make it a middle ground but not yet good enough crafting system.

Last Epoch as a pseudo deterministic crafting system with mods (Max tier) not being able to be crafted
Chronicon has a pseudo deterministic crafting system and you can lock mods in place.

Those does not make those games less attractive and more casual... (And i allready play both of those but don't have the same appeal that of PoE)

Wait. You have a 70h work week yet play 5hrs per day?

Interesting. Let us do the math here [Removed by Support]

70hrs/week breaks down to 14hrs per day.

Topping up your 5hrs per day to play the game that gives us:

19hrs/day that you are busy with work/gaming. Leaving 5hrs of sleep per day.

Assuming you don't just fall asleep straight away, we are looking at 4.5hrs of hypothetical sleep/day.

But wait there is more!

You will likely have to eat/shower/get ready/get to work so that is roughly another hour.

Meaning you have about 3.5hrs of sleep/day.

Sure. Sounds totally feasable, realistic and likely something most casual gamers do that have real jobs and a family.

You then also find the time in all of that to navigate to the forums and repeatedly post non-sensical, boo-hoo- "My ice trap fire pen molten shell glacial cascade caustic arrow miner" build is not possible anymore now.

yea makes sense.

Edit: Now I could be mistaken and you meant 70hrs week as in 70hrs/7 days. Maybe things work different where you live. [Removed by Support]

That's why he only play 5h/day. You will know one day:))

So much ignorance and "intelligence" in one post =)). There are job that require working 24h with 72h free after, like some army employees, or 10-24h/24h, where weekends don't matter because those jobs can't be done in a regular 8h/day interval and also are required to be done over the weekend as well and usually involve some time consuming actions going places, and usually allow for resting time, but require the presence of the employee for the full 10-24h. Your country, whatever it is, has this jobs as well, done by some hard working ppl working in the army, emergency services, water supplying, electrical grid and so on, so that you can brag about your internet and computer in your blissful ignorance ... But you will learn when you grow up ;)[/quote]

Goddamn. I didn't take into consideration shift based systems like that one. My bad.

Then it does somewhat make sense.

I mean you do you but in all honesty...if at all possible I would rather sleep than play PoE for 5 hours per day. 1 at the most and zzZzZzz. Not healthy.
Last edited by Fenoch on Mar 19, 2021, 3:30:23 PM
Azarhiel wrote:

Yes let's do the math :

70h 7 days a week that's 10h per day
5h to play that's 15h
2h for food / health care that 17h
7h of sleep that's 24h...

My slave country is France and i'm my own boss...

I don't know who you think you are, but next time don't make un-educated guesses !!

Yep. Let's also not forget that since he works 10h/days, chances that he also eating and ... during work hours :)) Yep, I know adult life is hard :((
Azarhiel wrote:
Fenoch wrote:

Wait. You have a 70h work week yet play 5hrs per day?

Interesting. Let us do the math here [Removed by Support]

70hrs/week breaks down to 14hrs per day.

Topping up your 5hrs per day to play the game that gives us:

19hrs/day that you are busy with work/gaming. Leaving 5hrs of sleep per day.

Assuming you don't just fall asleep straight away, we are looking at 4.5hrs of hypothetical sleep/day.

But wait there is more!

You will likely have to eat/shower/get ready/get to work so that is roughly another hour.

Meaning you have about 3.5hrs of sleep/day.

Sure. Sounds totally feasable, realistic and likely something most casual gamers do that have real jobs and a family.

You then also find the time in all of that to navigate to the forums and repeatedly post non-sensical, boo-hoo- "My ice trap fire pen molten shell glacial cascade caustic arrow miner" build is not possible anymore now.

yea makes sense.

Edit: Now I could be mistaken and you meant 70hrs week as in 70hrs/7 days. Maybe things work different where you live. [Removed by Support]

Yes let's do the math :

70h 7 days a week that's 10h per day
5h to play that's 15h
2h for food / health care that 17h
7h of sleep that's 24h...

My slave country is France and i'm my own boss...

I don't know who you think you are, but next time don't make un-educated guesses !!

It is not an uneducated guess and I did weigh the options.
work/week in jobs that require higher education (most not all) is 5days/week = workweek.

Pardon me for having been at the point of having a regular work week of 60hrs. That is 60hrs Mo-Fr.

But I guess one day when I am all grown up I will finally know the tough life of 70 hours per 7 days and then 3 days off.

Super tough.
Last edited by Fenoch on Mar 19, 2021, 3:39:07 PM
Fenoch wrote:

Goddamn. I didn't take into consideration shift based systems like that one. My bad.

Then it does somewhat make sense.

I mean you do you but in all honesty...if at all possible I would rather sleep than play PoE for 5 hours per day. 1 at the most and zzZzZzz. Not healthy.

Old people can't sleep much even if they want too. That's the consequence of many sleepless night over the years of raising kids. I don't sleep more 6h a days. It's impossible. Many of my colleague in their 50s can't even sleep for more than 5h/day.
Last edited by OdinNguyen on Mar 19, 2021, 3:36:00 PM
I think the assessment that everyone running around with full sets of mirror tier gear (or close to it) is harmful to the overall game dynamics is correct. And the proposed nerfs would definitely destroy this option for most players (espeially the influenced item nerf).

But so many players had so much fun this league. Most leagues, you can only (comfortably) push to the most dificult endgame content if you pick one of a handfull of builds, without investing all of your spare time. This league, you could play whatever you wanted and there was always a way to make it work with some insane gear. Plus, many more players got into crafting, wich was usually only available for no-lifers thanks to the whole RNG philosophy.

I think this sort of planing, trying out and then creating a build is the real strength of the game. There are probably enough players out there who enjoy throwing away there time for farming and then spending everything on the RNG jackpot. But honestly, its not fun.

So please, either keep up/ramp up deterministic crafting or find another way for avarage (sane) players to explore more of the games content.
Last edited by KangooJim on Mar 19, 2021, 3:38:14 PM
OdinNguyen wrote:
Fenoch wrote:

Goddamn. I didn't take into consideration shift based systems like that one. My bad.

Then it does somewhat make sense.

I mean you do you but in all honesty...if at all possible I would rather sleep than play PoE for 5 hours per day. 1 at the most and zzZzZzz. Not healthy.

Old people can't sleep much even if they want too. That's the consequence of many sleepless night over the years of raising kids. I don't sleep more 6h a days. It's impossible. Many of my colleague in their 50s can't even sleep for more than 5h/day.

Mate I am aware (not quite there yet) but I suppose I wrongly assumed workforce means 25-45 at the most.

When you say old I am thinking 65+

I had no idea 50yr olds play PoE casually. Gee
It's really interesting to see how most of the people against these nerfs on this thread are either in tones of sadness, disappointment, suggestion with new/dif ideas and adult discussion, or explanations of how everyone can still enjoy the game with a middle ground.

Then the few voices who pop in and agree with the nerfs are aggressive, toxic and selfish. Summing up their posts with "git gud" and "deal with it."

This is the 1% that GGG would rather have as their audience? I guess that does indeed say a lot about the future of the game.

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