Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Have fun going back to waiting for no replies on trades, dealing with TFT discord, 2 week boring league mechanics because everyone's quit. People should look at player retention this league vs all other leagues if you think people are just crying and complaining for no reason. I understand some nerf to Harvest but to completely remove the only thing that makes off meta builds work and enjoyable from these nerfs proves GGG is targeted to promote RMTers. I've never played a league longer than 1 month because it gets boring quick and allowing players to craft using Harvest was the reason people actually made it through the entire league. Ritual was a halfassed league and you know it. If it wasn't for Atlas of the Core and Harvest then this game is dead. Poe has been nothing but repetitive boringass leagues that are fun the first 2 weeks so people that thinks otherwise have fun waiting for replies on trades. Keep giving GGG a reason to go backwards to their gambling addictions.
I am curious, why there even is an "Harvest Core Supporter" Pack for US$ 225,00 .... :)

Funny actually that an Exalted hoodie and shirt is included xD

And please no more "I closed my eyes and ... "
Last edited by Banned_for_using_AHK on Mar 18, 2021, 1:30:35 PM
come on guys, is harvest everything you care about? you talk like without it its the end of the world. poe has so many things to shine with, like lag on high end pcs, a superior trading system, horrible performance on every league start and of course a shit ton of disconnects. just like how disconnected the devs are with their fan base. what do you want more? [Removed by Support] but keep playing, even a blind chicken finds a corn and some point right?

I bet that blind chicken would be getting the Exalt slams it needs though. Being blind must be a real benefit.
Currzking wrote:
Why would you remove my favorit mechanic of the game? again....
Atleast the changes will have a positiv impact in my life. Less mtx/pack purchases = more money for something else. Also more time for other activities, because no more endgame grind.

ggg knows it.. they dont want its players spend theyr summer grinding harvest remove adds.. but whatever. ggg already fked up with its manifesto,

that guy riding with bysicle and shoved stick in its first wheel and crashed whyle asking why players enyoy more theyr game, why they leave. its the way of wilson thinking,

who gets usable item with reforge ? whooo ? game is must be played with t1 mods and even more. other wise builds wont just work. and thats a fact
fk archnemesis.
I rarely post on balance changes as I am always excited for change and newness in the game. This one time though.... and echoed by 444 pages (holy moly!) of other community members, I'll voice my opinion and experience:

I know how to generate currency and build correctly but do not have hours and hours to play every day. I'd think that makes me a good baseline.

Time played in league
HIGHER with Harvest as I am motivated to keep perfecting my gear. This is turn motivates me to get more upgrades. I built my first 200Ex char this league because of this

Final Char levels
HIGHER with Harvest as it's possible to turn my char into a Maven smashing clear machine with good rares more than before. This makes me want to play my build more

Currency acquisition
BETTER with Harvest as there's less of a gap between me and no-lifers

Yeah, it's there. Nerfing Harvest won't impact player dependency on TFT at all. Only in-game mechanics solutions can address it.

Item acquisition
The quality of mirror tier items has increased but they still take absurd amounts of currency to make.
With Harvest it's possible for the majority of the playerbase to acquire top tier items. Without it, there's no way I'd invest enough time to gather 300 or 400ex to assemble an equivalent power level character. I would instead target the best builds that achieve 80% of the efficiency with 30% of the currency. Resulting in:
less build diversity
less willingness to play another build
less fun
more sameness in farming - a return to farming maps fast for smaller drops rather than strategic crafts
quitting league sooner

Yes, of course I'll still play PoE. But this would be a BIG step back, and it would mean ignoring what's now a larger vocal part of the community than usual. I believe listening to the community is also a core value of Path of Exile, yes?

Exile is an illusion, exile!
Thx for nerfing the Harvest!

This league was way to easy like Harvest league was.
Before Harvest I could barely defeat uber elder on HC trade league. This league I played SSF HC and killed Maven within my first 6 chars. As Maven is new content on par with uber elder I did not expect to beat her at all and therefore have some good challenge awaiting the next couple of leagues . I'm not gonna lie that it felt good to kill her and all the other bosses - but if I think I have become a much better player compared to one year ago I'm only kidding myself.
For such a big expansion, which will not come in the nearby future, the end game should have lasted longer for a player on my level.
I followed Gauntlet league - and omg what a joke :D - they did not talk to Oshabi and could run map after map to hunt the garden to get free end game items within a day. This bug was also seen in delve where you could see if a mape had sulphite veins as soon as you entered - I was speechless. I did not know about this bug when I played but here we had the most OP mechanic practically given for free through this bug.

I've been playing for many years and I'm an old d2 player as many others and I totally agree with your philosophy on every god damn decision you have ever made. One thing is to have a philosophy and another is to get it executed the way you thought. But as long the intention is there and you do your best, which we have seen over the years you do, how can one complain?

As a last point I would like to introduce a way that Harvest could continue in the game so it would not undermine all other leagues before it. Maybe I'm completely of programming wise since you already said that every league is like a small extension on the core game so it can easily get turned on/off. How about every craft annul/aug/-+ craft from Harvest was intertwined with other leagues ->

Aug chaos -> kill chayula to unlock
Aug fire -> kill the phoenix to unlock
Aug cold -> kill hydra to unlock
-+ phys -> remove Tora from the syndicate kill Aisling (phys related members)
change a stack of fossils -> complete an azurite III in delve
change a stack of emblems -> kill a Legion General

Just an example but something similar so players are forced to interact more with the rest of the game and to not make it so easy to get those crafts.

If you read it all thx for you patience and remember HARVEST IS NOT REMOVED!
No more comment
Last edited by UKlimanco on Apr 19, 2021, 4:37:40 AM
LordLan wrote:
Thx for nerfing the Harvest!

This league was way to easy like Harvest league was.
Before Harvest I could barely defeat uber elder on HC trade league. This league I played SSF HC and killed Maven within my first 6 chars. As Maven is new content on par with uber elder I did not expect to beat her at all and therefore have some good challenge awaiting the next couple of leagues . I'm not gonna lie that it felt good to kill her and all the other bosses - but if I think I have become a much better player compared to one year ago I'm only kidding myself.
For such a big expansion, which will not come in the nearby future, the end game should have lasted longer for a player on my level.
I followed Gauntlet league - and omg what a joke :D - they did not talk to Oshabi and could run map after map to hunt the garden to get free end game items within a day. This bug was also seen in delve where you could see if a mape had sulphite veins as soon as you entered - I was speechless. I did not know about this bug when I played but here we had the most OP mechanic practically given for free through this bug.

I've been playing for many years and I'm an old d2 player as many others and I totally agree with your philosophy on every god damn decision you have ever made. One thing is to have a philosophy and another is to get it executed the way you thought. But as long the intention is there and you do your best, which we have seen over the years you do, how can one complain?

As a last point I would like to introduce a way that Harvest could continue in the game so it would not undermine all other leagues before it. Maybe I'm completely of programming wise since you already said that every league is like a small extension on the core game so it can easily get turned on/off. How about every craft annul/aug/-+ craft from Harvest was intertwined with other leagues ->

Aug chaos -> kill chayula to unlock
Aug fire -> kill the phoenix to unlock
Aug cold -> kill hydra to unlock
-+ phys -> remove Tora from the syndicate kill Aisling (phys related members)
change a stack of fossils -> complete an azurite III in delve
change a stack of emblems -> kill a Legion General

Just an example but something similar so players are forced to interact more with the rest of the game and to not make it so easy to get those crafts.

If you read it all thx for you patience and remember HARVEST IS NOT REMOVED!

Hmm, your highest lvl characters this ritual league is 28.
LordLan wrote:
Thx for nerfing the Harvest!

This league was way to easy like Harvest league was.
Before Harvest I could barely defeat uber elder on HC trade league. This league I played SSF HC and killed Maven within my first 6 chars. As Maven is new content on par with uber elder I did not expect to beat her at all and therefore have some good challenge awaiting the next couple of leagues . I'm not gonna lie that it felt good to kill her and all the other bosses - but if I think I have become a much better player compared to one year ago I'm only kidding myself.
For such a big expansion, which will not come in the nearby future, the end game should have lasted longer for a player on my level.
I followed Gauntlet league - and omg what a joke :D - they did not talk to Oshabi and could run map after map to hunt the garden to get free end game items within a day. This bug was also seen in delve where you could see if a mape had sulphite veins as soon as you entered - I was speechless. I did not know about this bug when I played but here we had the most OP mechanic practically given for free through this bug.

I've been playing for many years and I'm an old d2 player as many others and I totally agree with your philosophy on every god damn decision you have ever made. One thing is to have a philosophy and another is to get it executed the way you thought. But as long the intention is there and you do your best, which we have seen over the years you do, how can one complain?

As a last point I would like to introduce a way that Harvest could continue in the game so it would not undermine all other leagues before it. Maybe I'm completely of programming wise since you already said that every league is like a small extension on the core game so it can easily get turned on/off. How about every craft annul/aug/-+ craft from Harvest was intertwined with other leagues ->

Aug chaos -> kill chayula to unlock
Aug fire -> kill the phoenix to unlock
Aug cold -> kill hydra to unlock
-+ phys -> remove Tora from the syndicate kill Aisling (phys related members)
change a stack of fossils -> complete an azurite III in delve
change a stack of emblems -> kill a Legion General

Just an example but something similar so players are forced to interact more with the rest of the game and to not make it so easy to get those crafts.

If you read it all thx for you patience and remember HARVEST IS NOT REMOVED!
"too easy" says with a level 28 character this league
Last edited by Snipemaster on Mar 18, 2021, 5:46:45 PM
LordLan wrote:
Thx for nerfing the Harvest!

This league was way to easy like Harvest league was.
Before Harvest I could barely defeat uber elder on HC trade league. This league I played SSF HC and killed Maven within my first 6 chars. As Maven is new content on par with uber elder I did not expect to beat her at all and therefore have some good challenge awaiting the next couple of leagues . I'm not gonna lie that it felt good to kill her and all the other bosses - but if I think I have become a much better player compared to one year ago I'm only kidding myself.
For such a big expansion, which will not come in the nearby future, the end game should have lasted longer for a player on my level.
I followed Gauntlet league - and omg what a joke :D - they did not talk to Oshabi and could run map after map to hunt the garden to get free end game items within a day. This bug was also seen in delve where you could see if a mape had sulphite veins as soon as you entered - I was speechless. I did not know about this bug when I played but here we had the most OP mechanic practically given for free through this bug.

I've been playing for many years and I'm an old d2 player as many others and I totally agree with your philosophy on every god damn decision you have ever made. One thing is to have a philosophy and another is to get it executed the way you thought. But as long the intention is there and you do your best, which we have seen over the years you do, how can one complain?

As a last point I would like to introduce a way that Harvest could continue in the game so it would not undermine all other leagues before it. Maybe I'm completely of programming wise since you already said that every league is like a small extension on the core game so it can easily get turned on/off. How about every craft annul/aug/-+ craft from Harvest was intertwined with other leagues ->

Aug chaos -> kill chayula to unlock
Aug fire -> kill the phoenix to unlock
Aug cold -> kill hydra to unlock
-+ phys -> remove Tora from the syndicate kill Aisling (phys related members)
change a stack of fossils -> complete an azurite III in delve
change a stack of emblems -> kill a Legion General

Just an example but something similar so players are forced to interact more with the rest of the game and to not make it so easy to get those crafts.

If you read it all thx for you patience and remember HARVEST IS NOT REMOVED!

Nice level 28 character.

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