Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Yep, this is it for me.

While I didn't get too far into this league, the harvest crafting was one of the main reasons I liked the league. I don't know how to craft for shit, but the possibility of it being within reach was something that motivated me to play for longer hours than I had before.

I'll be skipping the next league GGG.
well well well over 400
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CEO of POE !

I hope anyone of your marketing guys can suggest you:

For any product/startup/game, your main business goal is - "How to find a better market product feet".
It means - find the mechanic (product features) which is very liked their Target Audience.

And - continue to improve THIS future.
AND - mercilessly remove unnecessary / obsolete features.

Great congratulations to you and your team
Harvest - it's a great invention.
With great traction.

Because 95% of your users got a realistic way, how to get a FUUL chance to get BETTER items FOR ME, with my own hands and with possibilities to buy a missing Harvest from other players.
Because all of users want to create all of the gears themselves. If it is possible to average of casual users.

Be wise!
Use your invention Harvest and make a maximum improvement.
Not Nerf!

just remind.
You have a second big invention - it's 3 months reset.
What the problem to allow ALL users ta have a better item?
It only for a few weeks.

My suggestion:
1. Hear 95% of the audience
2. Improve Harvest craft
3. Delete obsolete craft
4. Make Harvest tradable
5. Do finally TradeManifesto from 2016

This could have been handled so much better - very likely some of the worst approaches out of the dozens other people have come up with to reduce the power level of harvest.

Personally I have 1500+ hours into the game; yes not nearly as much as some, but it is still a considerable amount. The time I have put into this league was at least 50% more than any of the other 4 I have played, and I was planning to spend as much time on the next league. I have also spent considerably more on the game because I was enjoying myself quite a bit - for the first time I was able to actually put together my own gear (was not crafting for profit). Does this look like anything close to "bad for the longevity of the game"?

This game is already very mature and has a large gamer base that provides constant feedback. This league was probably the one with the best feedback I have seen; you developed a feature that is so popular people created ways to use it even further (TFT). Which company in their right mind would change such a popular feature in such a drastic way?

Never posted on this forum before, but this is so baffling that I had to. This makes no business sense and worse yet, this manifesto reads very much reads like "we know best what is best for you", the opposite of what I have seen so far from this company. I am negatively surprised by the radio silence from GGG after such a backlash - absolutely horrendous PR work on this one.

I'm just happy tBC is likely to be released in May. Gonna be a short league for me, hoping that 3.15 will be as good as ritual again. Ritual was the best league so far.
Also TFT trading isnt a bad thing.... it's one of the greatest things, finally some community interaction imo.
_Orpheus_ wrote:

The playerbase is too big so that GGG rely on datamining and made wrong assumption on the analysed data, or they only ask QA team and opinion from streamer, which may out of touch with real playerbase (at least i seldom watch steam and streamer can't read all the comment or made a real quantitative survey)
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Here is a simple and effective solution to the problem.

1. Discord is no longer needed.
2. We will be motivated to use the currency. And we steel have feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting.
3. Let the enchanted orbs, Exalts, Anuls cost X10, but the players should have the potential to do what they want. Otherwise, the players simply suffocate from the lack of the ability to make the items they need, as a result of which they leave the game after 3 weeks, (like me befor Harvest).

P.S. In Heist league, I had a cognitive dissonance from the realization that even if I had 500 exalts, I would not be able to complete my character and make him good. Since any little thing with the t3 stats I needed was worth 30 exalts. I felt breathless at not being able to never finish my build.
Why should I play then? Each Item has hundreds of stats, and each stat has a t10, so should I really roll my exalt with a 1/1000 probability?
I understand the concept of GGG, this is a cult game, Mirrored things must truly be a legend! But the number of stats in the game is not proportional to the large, the possibilities of at least mediocre crafting.

I like the idea of cluster fuck of currencies and yet another tab for harvest.....
This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?

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Lvzb3l wrote:
nickwch wrote:
came here with a nice coffee on hand and reading butthurt kids whining abt how this has hurt their butt. Finished 300+ pages in 20mins, wasnt disappointing.

Pls, for those who believe "this shall teach them a lesson", just save your breath already and go see the world out there.

Same, some people have been playing Path of Exile for many years before Harvest came out and they had no problem clearing all content. ( I was one of them )

Just because endgame bosses are getting harder doesn't mean, we, as players, should benefit to the help of Harvest because it made crafting too easy.

It was better when mirror tiers items was rarer, the game is designed to be challenging and it's the reason why I'm playing it.

I hope Harvest will never come back to the game, I'm looking forward to play the next league !

This is utterly stupid, in those times NO ONE NEEDED mirror worthy items to clean the whole content. NO ONE.
Right now, the end game is IMPOSSIBLE to beat unless you play with those items or almost those items+ the OP broken build of that league.
So removing Harvest is WORSE to the game because It will NARROW the Meta builds and also KICK OUT players like me who hate being told WHICH BUILDS SHOULD PLAY.
What is so hard to understand from this???

you are not entitled to kill the end game,it's not your birthright...
you can kill the end game bosses when you make the best boss killing build you can,if you can do it.
To those saying crafting in harvest should just cost the equivalent currency: just no.

Sure it'd rip a shitload of currency out of the game, most of which was never going to be used (because using most currency to 'craft' is not actually, just deleting it), but it'd kill off using Harvest for most things and just make people go to the second best (fossils). Plus all the traders would be complaining madly that exalts cost 500 chaos, and mirrors cost 5,000 exalts. Not that mirrors are, actually, a good thing - bring back eternals and deprecate mirrors if you want real crafting. Or just let harvest run.

GGG don't balance. They react. In a game so big, that's very understandable. BUT - you can only play whack-a-mole so many times with giving players tangible progression before you get outed for giving your playerbase the middle finger.

Proof's in the pudding - since the boss life changes many, many skills have been on the 'don't bother' list, but hey, everyone loves that one trapper who made 100 in the whole league, right?
Last edited by davidnn5 on Mar 14, 2021, 1:45:56 AM
neohongkong wrote:
Here is a simple and effective solution to the problem.

1. Discord is no longer needed.
2. We will be motivated to use the currency. And we steel have feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting.
3. Let the enchanted orbs, Exalts, Anuls cost X10, but the players should have the potential to do what they want. Otherwise, the players simply suffocate from the lack of the ability to make the items they need, as a result of which they leave the game after 3 weeks, (like me befor Harvest).

P.S. In Heist league, I had a cognitive dissonance from the realization that even if I had 500 exalts, I would not be able to complete my character and make him good. Since any little thing with the t3 stats I needed was worth 30 exalts. I felt breathless at not being able to never finish my build.
Why should I play then? Each Item has hundreds of stats, and each stat has a t10, so should I really roll my exalt with a 1/1000 probability?
I understand the concept of GGG, this is a cult game, Mirrored things must truly be a legend! But the number of stats in the game is not proportional to the large, the possibilities of at least mediocre crafting.

I like the idea of cluster fuck of currencies and yet another tab for harvest.....

lol people would easily pay that extra ex no questions asked though....

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