Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Aziello wrote:
UKlimanco wrote:
I hope this manifesto does not come true, without harvest i will not play the next league.

It will. They already said they do not care about our opinion. Bex insinuated that this outburst is as meaningles as crying about GCP recipe years ago.

Non-sense. Vote with your wallet. They'll swiftly turn around. [Removed by Support]
Last edited by Lisa_GGG on Mar 14, 2021, 7:39:51 AM
can somone please make this as a meem

bald guy wilson pig as user and cliper female nerfer
yeah ggg them meems go hardcore
fk archnemesis.
RymdLeif wrote:
This will be my second post in this thread but I felt like sharing my thoughts on it from a different perspective.

For me, this game is about the depth and experimentation. There's a reason we have a skill tree that wont fit the whole screen, so many ascendancies and skill gems to choose from, and countless different ways to play the game.

I understand how hard it is to balance things out between all of this, and we all get that there will always be stronger builds that functions on a 20c budget to reach end game. Now I have about 8000 hours in this game, and I've been around since 2013, and I've done everything the game has thrown at me pre-harvest on solo self found hardcore. The reason I'm saying this is not for bragging rights - the point of me saying all this is because the game for me is not about killing x boss (and I understand it might be for some people) or clear all content the game can throw at me. The game for me is about experimentation. To take those underused skill gems and interesting ascendancies and make something awesome out of it. And harvest have helped me push the boundries of what would otherwise be theoretically impossible before harvest crafts, because a lot of these interesting uniques (like one of my personal favorites - white wind) that I love, sometimes feels out of reach if you think about the RNG-aspect of the crafting system pre-harvest combinded with a lesser used skill-gem or unique. I can actually push something that might be viable (might not be the strongest, but that's not what's important for me - hell, I played Berserkers for the majority of the league) for hardcore while balancing out my defenses in a reasonable way, rather than something that would take ages to be able to do. It's not impossible without Harvest, but for a big portion of the playerbase it might be out of reach. The point being that it excites me more to know that I'm working towards a progression (and gear progression) that's somewhat linear, and not determined by whether or not I hit those mods I need to even begin to challenge the end game bosses. For me at least, Harvest enabled me to experiment more, and that's why this is the league I've played the longest throughout since I first started 8 years ago.

There's so much to do in this game, and it's fun as long as there's new things to try out and discover. I know this holds true with or without harvest, but there might be a reason why people are still so active on the servers playing ritual league right now, and it feels like a lot of that (even though we got an amazing expansion as a whole) has to do with the ability to craft your own gear, to progress and to be able to experiment with new things that previously wasn't possible for the largest player base. My takeaway from some of the comments is that a lot of people who were previously uncomfortable with the idea of crafting actually started to craft gear for themselves, because it was fun and rewarding and they felt a sense of purpose and progression, rather than throwing currency at something hoping to get a good piece. What I'm taking away from a lot of the comments in this thread is that it just felt more meaningful than using currency as... well, currency - to buy items other people had found or crafted that fit your character just right.

And if I'm once again putting myself in a mindset of a newer player, time might be a big factor, and experience might be an even bigger one as to why they might feel "forced" into these meta builds, and that's killing build diversity, and it also makes them stop playing the league faster, because they might not have the tools to be able to farm these interesting items to make a decent character for themselves with the skill and ascendancy combo they might find interesting, because before harvest, that was not something they could do.

I understand that harvest might be an easier way to get to the actual end game for the average player, and I understand your thought process behind the decision, but I feel like it could've been handled better than this. A lot of the issues being brought up in this thread is more about not being able to experiment and try out the builds they'd like, rather than a shortcut being taken away from them. The way I see it - me and many other more experienced players will get to the end game no matter what, and end up with a strong build whether it's with harvest or not. Having good gear wont be the reason I stop playing the league, I just want to have a journey with every character I start. To actually feel like there's a linear progression that I'm in control over within a reasonable timeframe and odds, and I feel like harvest filled that gap.

This is just my take on it, and there might be some people disagreeing with me, and that's perfectly fine. Just make sure you make YOUR voice heard.

thanks you for your effort and time typing this out!

this is exactly how most of us feel!
I think the easiest solution, if they dont listen to community, is just dont play next leage.
thanks you for your effort and time typing this out!

this is exactly how most of us feel!

I appreciate you taking the time to read it, friend. And thanks for the reply!
RymdLeif wrote:

And if I'm once again putting myself in a mindset of a newer player

you shouldn't. game if full of semi "catchup" mechanics (powercreep of skills and items, simplified bossfights and easier integrated league mechanics etc) to make absolutly sure a newer player does not have to invest 8k hours over 9ish years to be able to truely interact with all that the game has to offer.

you come from a way simpeler era where farming dominus was the best way to get fuses. and the game was so barebones maps didnt even exist.

holding on to a crafting system from that time to me, is the equivalent to playing vinyl records on a gramophone. times have changed, but most importantly the audiance has changed.

great read tho, good stuff ^^
If any of yall are interested, go watch videos on youtube about the rise and fall of runescape and how their player base practically died.

Seems it would fit perfectly into what is going on here.

Also, GGG won't consider our opinion. Our opinion has nothing to do with what their profit margins entail.
The only way you can fight back against this is to stop buying packs and financially supporting them. That will catch their attention.
"tHe SkY iS fAlLiNg!1!1"

You people crack me the fuck up. GGG did the right thing here. Period. Now if they would only fix the fucking Harvest boss or at least stop shoehorning her into League Challenges, that would be greeeeat.
Everyone just needs to vote with their wallets. At the end of the day GGG's a business and if you continue to support their garbage decisions financially, they will continue to make garbage decisions.
Last edited by Rennix on Mar 13, 2021, 11:30:19 PM
i've been playing since the alpha lottery keys. more some leagues than others because of work schedules etc.
I have now retired and was enjoying the heck out of the harvest stuff (as i did harvest league)
It's the best thing they have ever done for this game. best league mechanic.
I have tried so many different playstyles because i can get decent gear for them to give them a shot.
My play time will drastically decrease with this nerf and it being the second time i experienced it, i very well may stop playing.
I don't want to but every leauge except harvest for the last 2 years has been horrible.
[Removed by Support]
them putting harvest back in has caused me to play continously. got my first mirror yay. (had to purchase it). have some decent gear. i do a lot of harvest crafting on TFT. game is actually fun .

Removing harvest again or nerfing it like this is a major slap in the face to average players such as myself. (you know the ones that spend the most Real life earned money?)

Boy they like to edit the heck out of our posts. love the censorship from chinese owned companies.
Last edited by Subnuclear2 on Mar 13, 2021, 11:46:26 PM

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