Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

AngryC00kieZ wrote:
I have 6 characters past level 89 and I've deleted about 30% of all of my characters..

And the content is easy for me, had all of my 32 watchstones in the first 2 weeks of league and I've made tons of exalts that I've gave to a new player yesterday because I wasn't interested in playing the league anymore.

If you really have nothing to say but to talk about my characters then don't speak to me, go outside, do something else.

Yep, yellow maps are easy, sure :)))

You like.. insta-kill Sirus 9 and Maven with 4 link bow and 6-link belly of the beast almost 3 months into the league, bet the strength of the build comes from the 20c worth of rings and amulet ;)

Keep trolling dude, I have nothing to prove [Removed by Support]
Last edited by Kieran_GGG on Mar 13, 2021, 7:09:06 PM
EKoP wrote:
Never seen a forum post hit 400 pages.
Hopefully this is some indication for GGG.

Who really knows though with the amount of censoring and absolute ignorance from this post I have very little faith in this team at the moment.

Is there some sort of email sign up to notify me when you unfuck your crafting system or trade or performance really?

Looks like their team got freshly hired with eyes closed and with this 'amazing feeling' of risk by geting t10 employers, they love now.

On top of that its got vaaled, destroying links vs community.

Strongly looks like this.

Now its capable of providing hi-tier memes tho!

'42 buffed skill gems' - meme we all love

Precious times.
Last edited by DarkJen on Mar 13, 2021, 7:18:52 PM
Xhoyl wrote:
So apparently voicing any displeasure gets posts deleted, so that's fun. But as I stated before, maybe we wouldn't need such precise crafting if trade wasn't needlessly difficult and frustrating. Even if GGG continues to outright refuse to add offline shops or auction houses, there are still better ways.

For one, requiring players to use up a portal to trade post game is completely opposed to the idea of open and fair trade. Countless people post trades they have zero intention of ever honoring while in maps, thus requiring buyers waste time sifting through dozens, if not hundreds, of trades to find a legitimate one. For this very reason I have quit post game many times, as finding equipment or items that I need to progress (maps especially) is often more trouble than it's worth.

That said, if there was a method of trading without leaving or requiring entry of someone into a map, that would be a start. Or perhaps a way to leaving just for trade that does not consume a portal. Like maybe a shop that is only accessible when a player is online, with a limited stock and buying limit to prevent bot abuse.

Honestly literally anything would be better than the nothing we have in the game at the moment regarding trading. I mean how hard it would be to simply take the PoE trade website and implement it into an in-game UI. Sure it would still suck, but it would at least allow people to browse trades in game not in their web browser... one would expect at least this little from GG after all these years of non-existant trade system.
MTX cant sustain their income .........need alternative income........
Game performance manifesto waiting room
One thing won't cease to amaze me. Most people who are defending the nerf are doing so on a premise that game is supposed to be difficult, it is suposed to be hard-core, it is not a casual game, it is not supposed to be an easy game etc...

So.... how exactly is absolute RNG crafting which you have no power over, you contribute nothing to its outcome, and is not in any way tied to your skill, dedication, dps, level etc. contribute to the difficulty of the game? How does something you can't influence in ANY WAY make the game difficult? By adding more time needed in the game to farm more because it fails most of the time? Even a bot can do is that difficult? Time consumming =/= difficult...
Last edited by Overmind29 on Mar 13, 2021, 7:39:42 PM
[Removed by Support]

For starter it's not even a bit difficult. The only "problems" are 1. massive item gating, so people with little time or newcomers are utterly fucked, and 2. "bosses invincibility phases" (cause otherwise we just delete them and the game.

Anyhow thanks for the laugh, didn't give a cents for years and won't. Game has lost its touch when $$$ took over all decisions including good design ones.

To anyone reading: VALHEIM. Now that's money well invested.

Edit: Keep on giving them money for [Removed by Support] skins, that'll tell them to keep on doing skin instead of working on proper design lol. TBH if you spend 1k hours on a game and not even ONE of your char is super GG then that game is [Removed by Support].
Last edited by Lisa_GGG on Mar 14, 2021, 7:42:08 AM
Overmind29 wrote:
One thing won't cease to amaze me. Most people who are defending the nerf are doing so on a premise that game is supposed to be difficult, it is suposed to be hard-core, it is not a casual game, it is not supposed to be an easy game etc...

So.... how exactly is absolute RNG crafting which you have no power over, you contribute nothing to its outcome, and is not in any way tied to your skill, dedication, dps, level etc. contribute to the difficulty of the game? How does something you can't influence in ANY WAY make the game difficult? By adding more time needed in the game to farm more because it fails most of the time? Even a bot can do is that difficult? Time consumming =/= difficult...

How is crafting add removes difficult? PoE is not a difficult game at all is all about the time sink. It's not Starcraft 2 where you need 150 APM and play against people who are all killers. Some prefer RNG and get excited about drops, some turn on Neversiks uber strict filter and wait for i86 influenced rares to craft. Different strokes.

I will say what I've noticed is old school players who fell in love with game when we didnt even have masters let alone fossils, Jun, Essenses err on side of not liking Harvest. Makes sense right?
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Mar 13, 2021, 8:20:13 PM
Just slapping my feedback on here, I really enjoyed harvest.

The lack of harvest in heist caused me to lose interest a few weeks in, the first time i've ever gotten bored before the 2 month mark (closet time was synthesis)

To be honest the game without harvest just seems boring now, rng crafting was fine in the past but there have been so many layers of rng added to even make decent stuff its not even realistically possible anymore.

And sure i could clear the content with builds that don't need good gear, but i've played those soo many times i'm totally burned out on them.

This effected me so much so that i skipped this league entirely and missed that harvest was was going core (did not even look over the league launch info until this week, i was so discouraged)

I've been playing poe for 4 years now, but will likely not be playing in another league without meaningful deterministic crafting.

Its a sad day, but this might be the end of this game for me if we don't get some kind of meaningful deterministic annul by the end of 2021 (won't play a league without it for sure, and after the year point i'm probably just going to write it off and not look back).

I'm hoping that i'm correct and player retention/count will be so remarkably bad that you are forced to reconsider, but if not then its been a good run.
not too worried about this. GGG will be slammed with backlash no doubt. the reduced playerbase will have a significant impact on their wallets. Once ggg sees the statistics of activity and purchases drop they will revert it. Money talks

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