Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

So basically GGG lets Discord kill Poe ? What the f**k
carkasjak wrote:
Good riddance. It was incredibly tedious to be forced into farming nothing but Haewark Hamlet maps to finish crafting every item.

I still think more needs to be done to reduce the disruption of Harvest showing up in a map. I don't want to be repeatedly forced out of mapping and into micro-managing items.

Implementing a trade system similar to bestiary orbs could solve some of the endless farm fest in Haewark AND remove the risk in trading target crafts that goes on in TFT. It would also continue to add more means of making currency to all players, not just those who operate through discord.

As far as being, "repeatedly forced out of mapping..", have you thought about, I dont know, skipping it? No one's forcing you too play every game mechanic. That statement is just silly.
Last edited by Vyn3650 on Mar 10, 2021, 5:38:34 PM
This is a terrible decision and I'm really dissapointed by it. While I respect your choices simply because I cannot do anything to change your opinion on it, you're making bad calls here by making harvest worse. To be honest with these changes, I rather wish you had decided NOT to add it to the game. You're now complaining about rares being too powerful when previously you complained about unique items being too powerful.

I may be wrong but it certainly feels like you're basing these choices off of what the 1% of the players pump out from harvest. Maybe you have more data and better info than myself, but I think you've got a biased view just like I do. In addition to that, not making it safe to have others perform crafting services for your items or make it so people can itemize crafts while performing these nerfs is just unpleasant to see.

Alongside no itemized and tradable harvest crafting stuff, you didn't give us a bigger horticrafting station. Why?

I hope you walk this back but I doubt you will. I think I'm due for a break from the game anyway.
Last edited by Quasimofo on Mar 10, 2021, 5:39:55 PM
Instead of let people just play the game and work towards something they want you say "no point to expect anything".

Literally you just said: only viable way to obtain required items is - buy them from other players. So much fun! It is more random than the randomnesest random! You did great job here.
Last edited by xezdx on Mar 10, 2021, 5:39:27 PM
seelroy6 wrote:
This hurts the average player more than it hurts GG insane gear crafters.

I think you were too hasty in adding Harvest to core, just like you were too hasty in adding Heist to core. You could've let Harvest sit on the back burner for a few leagues, really weighed the goods and the bad, and made a crafting overhaul. You could've taken the bench crafts, veiled crafts, and harvest crafts and mashed them all together. Want to annul a specific mod? 10x Annulment for the craft, and suddenly the Annulment orbs have value in trade league again. Want to Exalt slam a specific mod? 3x Exalted Orbs for the craft, and suddenly Exalts are being consumed to craft.

Instead you lightly changed Harvest, re-released it and re-confirmed you don't like the strength of deterministic crafting. And now we're here where Harvest is being completely and utterly gutted to the point it really ought to just be removed.

I'm absolutely disappointed with how you're handling integration of previous leagues into the core content.

this would be a nice and healty game mechanic thats everyone could enjoy
the only reason i have played twice as much as usual was the harvest itself, trust me you are absolutely not right ppl gonna quit faster because of they can achive high tier gears faster, to be honest when we hit the point when the next upgrade would be to buy an item which is like 15 res better than what you have right now we always quit the league... with the harvest you had a chance to improve your gear further and trust me it is still not fast to aquire it.
You should add some kind of bounded items instead this change to avoid trading the crafts.. i dont understand this decision at all.

Also whos gonna do awakener orb + maven orb after this change at all.... oh yes pathofmath maybe and the other
Last edited by encory on Mar 10, 2021, 5:42:46 PM
Why change something if it works well?
I dont know about the exact statistics for this league vs previous ones ... but i personally played way more this league because I knew if I put more time -> i can get to end game gear. Then I try a different build and invest more time. Its because of harvest and not the 0 loot ritual mechanic.

What these changes do, especially the "cannot add specific type on influence item", is make harvest useless. The nurf is unreal.

Players are now going to revert back to mindless farming to buy the end game items which are going to sky rocket again in prices, becoz only the top top elites with million hours of play a day can afford to gamble to make those crafts.

For causal players this is a killer to there end game. Most will give up like previous leagues. For players that have a lot more time maybe that's good.

RNG is nice and exciting but i also need to know that if i am investing time i will eventually get back my investment and not only rely on RNG.

I strongly advice to rethink this decision, other competitors are around the corner... you better secure the player base that you gained this league. Everyone is saying this is the best league of POE because it removed a lot of the frustration of playing and allowed players to experience a level of achievement that was unattainable before.

Content is getting harder, obtaining strong items needs to get easier else you will lose the balance. Too much frustration => players wont comeback next season for more.

You are going in the wrong direction I promise you.
"Oh you normal ppl want to create GG stuff huh? How dare you!"
Last edited by PhDfrequentist on Mar 10, 2021, 5:39:13 PM
Yes please delete harvest and bring back synthesis

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