Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Socos wrote:
toyomatt84 wrote:
Hey @Chris, it seems as though no one proofread your post, so I took the time to do so.

Original: Using currency items like Exalted Orbs or Chaos Orbs on your gear is a powerful, risky and exciting way to improve it.

Fixed: Using currency items like Exalted Orbs or Chaos Orbs on your gear has always sucked and will forever suck, because gambling isn't crafting. Only a masochist would call this form of gear alteration "fun" in any capacity.

Original: Our problem with all of this can be summarised with the following thought: "Why would I use a regular Exalted/Divine/Annul Orb when I can get one through Harvest that has a deterministic result?"

Fixed: Our problem with all of this can be summarized with the following thought: "Who is the braindead moron that thought using Exalted/Divine/Annul Orbs could even be considered crafting? Do they not understand the English language, or are they just thicker then cured concrete? Who even thought up of the term "deterministic crafting", when crafting (by definition) is deterministic (no one sets out to make a bench, then gets surprised with a cheese sandwich instead)? Why even have those mechanics in place, when Harvest made crafting a reality in a game that should have had that mechanic in place since its inception?

Original: The entire rest of Path of Exile's crafting system is somewhat redundant with Harvest Crafting in its current form. While we are glad we tried the experiment of keeping all the crafts and balancing by rarity, it's unfortunately going to have to change.

Fixed: We're going to ruin the game's only true form of crafting again, and not address the glaring technical issues of the game's item over-abundance."

Original: When you craft an item, you receive a random modifier.

Fixed: When you craft an item, you get a desired outcome (since that is the definition of the word). We want you to just smash your face against the keyboard as many times as possible, so we're going to force you to gamble on items.

Original: This sentiment was summed up by a member of our design team who recently said "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

Fixed: We here at GGG are just diehard masochists, and we want nothing more then to just make horrible gear mechanics a bigger issue and ruin the playerbase's. We LOVE to miss the mark on what the player's ACTUALLY want, in favor of introducing more ways to sink needless time into boring, unfulfilling, and ultimately unrewarding systems.

Maybe instead of investing in more ways to annoy the players, spend that time investing into why your servers are unstable, why Heist mechanics are still buggy, and why you don't have a functioning trade system yet. All of your focus seems to be on killing the enjoyability of game mechanics that actually work... or on not understanding the English language (in this case). I think you need to find some better hobbies instead of self-destruction, bud. I bet if you took a poll as to why player's left Harvest, I think you'd find very little complaining about the crafting system put in place and more complaints on setting up a grove or the beyond buggy, unappealing, and uninspired Oshabi fight.

Last edited by Will_GGG on Mar 10, 2021, 5:47:18 PM

Welp, it's been great guys. Harvest was the best league and harvest going core the best addition.

Problem with Harvest isn't making mirror-worthy items, it's that the best crafts are rare and therefore only the higher end players can afford them, creating a massive massive gap between the 10-hours-a-week players and the 80-hours-a-week players. Maybe, instead, make uniques better and the best crafts more common, thus lowering their value by inflation.
Very bad change. Somehow "we don't like having to use a discord to trust trade harvest", was translated to "please make us keep trust trading, but nerf the system that mostly everyone otherwise likes"
Harvest ruined

Great job
Krayken wrote:
Hyperionkek wrote:
At least D2 remaster comes out soon. Bye casino ex/anul slam crafting bullshit

OHhhhh nice have fun with the casino picking of items which you literally cannot alter at all. Im sure thats better than poe :rolleyes:

It is. Keep rolling your eyes and spendind thousnads of dollars on this game and convincing youself it is somehow better than D2 and/or D4.
For all of you mad players, theres probably an equal number of players that were mad about the current implementation of harvest. I for sure was one of them and was considering skipping next league. Now I am happy that GGG does the right thing and tone down harvest.
slowly watching GGG mods remove comments is a fun game to play with this one.....

poor decision overall. was it OP? probably a bit. there's a lot more to work on besides nerfing the true only deterministic crafting option out there.

rework items at a certain ilvl that don't roll low mods... etc.. might be a better option in conjunction with these changes to harvest. time will tell, but this is likely a step back.
I bet the top 1% payed them to make this change so that so many other people don't get in their way of crafting the best items so that they can stay on top of everybody else. Do you guys get a cut from these botters and RMTr's? GGG, you guys are just kicking yourselves in the ass.
Sorry to say, but this is a horrible decision.... You implemented harvest, due to players constant complaining about the RNG of crafting, and as a way to make crafting more deterministic. Now instead of fixing the system, you essentially remove it so we are back to only RNG crafting where nothing deterministic is left and everything is back to RNG hell. No more crafting for me

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