Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

These changes are terrible. For someone with non-infinite time to invest into the game, harvest allowed us to have a decent enough gear to complete all content with decent non-meta builds. With these changes, we are back at using the same boring af fotm builds. Do not implement these changes please, GGG
Zepepsico wrote:
HowToGusta wrote:

If you want to cater to the 1% of elite players in SC, why don't you stop going to work? Fair play if that's your vision, but don't bring your 'hardcore' game design ideologies to standard/league softcore for the majority.

I think you misunderstand "hardcore": in some context it is indeed the "1 life league", but generally in the context of PoE game design, it just means "harder game than casuals"

And PoE was clearly marketed, from the onset as a hardcore game, where you could die in the very first map. You cannot just then show up and demand the game to be made "easy". It is supposed to be hard (definition of what is hard may vary), but the seence of the game, its soul is that it is supposed to be a hard, unforgiving game. I may be Marmite or Vegemite, some will love it, some will hate it, but this is fine.
The game is not intended to cater for casual players. When I have too much work or family obligations, I skip a league or two, and that is fine too.

You're misunderstanding me.

The game is punishing which is fine and should still be in SC. I'm just trying to help distinguish HC from SC and elite/HC players from casual players.

'POE marketed as hardcore from onset' - so, GGG's decisions are not to be questioned if it is to make the game more challenging?

What is not taken into consideration is how much POE has grown in casual players and whilst the vision to stay hardcore is perfectly acceptable, why would a game shy from evolution? GGG can still keep the game challenging and punishing but learn to fix existing mechanics to increase interest in the game, player retention and overall enjoyment for the majority. And if GGG keeps going down this path, what happens to POE and POE 2 when the majority decide not to support GGG anymore for the decisions they have made? Simply put, the game will cease to exist.

Chris and dev team can make the game however they choose and stick to their values and their vision of what they want their game to be like, but as a game developer as well as a business, they need to consider the future of POE.

If they honestly think this will benefit them in the long run, fine, I can live with that, time will tell.
SuperDumbo wrote:
All big and small streamers complaining now on Youtube. It's almost like they want Chris to be fired. That much the "Devs" are out of touch with this game.

Well, here is the thing. I’m not saying that there isn’t any streamers legit pissed at that but a lot of them are forced to act this way. They live off this game and streaming, and what seems to over the head of a lot of folks here is that VAST MAJORITY of casual and average player base is absolutely devastated with these changes, and if these people will disapprove any streamer, guess what, they are out. So, like it or not, streamers, no lifers, service providers and 1%ers rely on that “casual crowd” and “whining masses”. Without these people this game will “wilt like a crop” in very short time. So bottom line, streamers have to please the “crowd”, even though they are the ones who originally complained about harvest being too op.
Persistence makes impossible possible, possible likely and likely definite. Yep, Mirror will drop eventually -_-
Zepepsico wrote:

I am afraid your perception can't really stand against the facts:

League Launch peak Weekend after Drop
Harvest 127k 81k -36%
Delirium 133k 100k -25%
Metamorph 118k 96k -19%
Blight 75k 54k -28%
Legion 114k 95k -17%
Synthesis 113k 77k -32%
Betrayal 123k 106k -14%
Delve 76k 65k -14%
Incursion 96k 83k -14%
Bestiary 82k 68k -17%
Abyss 70k 63k -10%
Harbinger 98k 90k -8%
Legacy 64k 53k -17%
Breach 47k 43k -9%
Essence 33k 31k -6%
Prophecy 26k 22k -15%
Perandus 37k 32k -14%
Talisman 22k 20k -9%
Warbands / Tempest 32k 29k -9%
Torment / Bloodlines 14k 12k -15%
Rampage / Beyond 25k 20k -20%
Ambush / Invasion 20k 17k -15%
Domination / Nemesis 34k 32k -6%

On Steam, Harvest had the worst retention numbers (not sure if Heist was worst or better). Source:

If this league is a success, it's because of the Atlas rework (it's fun), the Maven missions (it's fun), Ritual (it's fun and more mobs and more loot!). Yes some players like, adore, worship harvest, but the limited evidence we have is that players absolutely hated the original Harvest league.

Well thats because of the Garden - you have to put up a garden like a chore.
Plan your layout, plant your seeds, run xx maps to make your garden rdy etc. How much time did u waste just to plan your most effcient garden?
Of course not many could see beyond that point the garden could offer after a couple of days since the league mechanic at the beginning wasnt fun at all. I remember i also hadnt that much fun during the first week, i was nearly bout to quit the league and waiting for the next league until i saw some posts/guides about how the league was intended to play to make full use of it.

This league you just find the Grove with a rdy to pick up Garden - kill those monsters, harvest your mods - thats why it is more fun than in harvest league itself.
But yeah it can also be the new content in this current League (Maven + Ritual + Harvest is back but easier to use)
N4rk0tyk wrote:
SuperDumbo wrote:
All big and small streamers complaining now on Youtube. It's almost like they want Chris to be fired. That much the "Devs" are out of touch with this game.

Well, here is the thing. I’m not saying that there isn’t any streamers legit pissed at that but a lot of them are forced to act this way. They live off this game and streaming, and what seems to over the head of a lot of folks here is that VAST MAJORITY of casual and average player base is absolutely devastated with these changes, and if these people will disapprove any streamer, guess what, they are out. So, like it or not, streamers, no lifers, service providers and 1%ers rely on that “casual crowd” and “whining masses”. Without these people this game will “wilt like a crop” in very short time. So bottom line, streamers have to please the “crowd”, even though they are the ones who originally complained about harvest being too op.

To an extent, you're right. Most streamers don't care enough to sit in their hideout for 10 hours every day crafting. Most crafters that do big crafts don't stream because they siphon money from RMTers or RMT themselves, or they exploit things like 6 boxing feared/beasts and obtain currency by illegal means. I made over 20mirrors this league and I still didn't come close to anything worth mirroring, and I self craft a lot. I also know that most people tune into my stream during a crafting session usually end up leaving unless you're someone like SKCLoudy or path of math who crafts for memes.

We want to be able to quickly craft usable gear and blast maps or content. Not sit in hideout for 10 hours, and lose all of our currency. So yes, the majority of us "streamers/nolifers" are mad as well.
Zepepsico wrote:
bauermayers wrote:
... In a league that had a ton of server issues, graphic "improvments", issues, Harvest was one the thing pretty much EVERYBODY was happy about.
I am afraid your perception can't really stand against the facts:

League Launch peak Weekend after Drop
Harvest 127k 81k -36%
Delirium 133k 100k -25%

On Steam, Harvest had the worst retention numbers

Given technical issues, you can’t say that it was the Harvest mechanic that drove people away, just from these numbers.

I rather liked the garden-planting mechanic of it all, but I also like strategy games, and I guess that was a bit too much of a strategy mechanic for this crowd.

The crafting may have been powerful, but it was gated behind effort and time and some planning and forethought. They took out the effort and time, and now it’s just fubar.

It’s just too bad the whole garden-planting and growing thing was so hated (apparently; at least that’s what everyone keeps repeating). I thought that was one of the most fun things ever in the game.
Take my advice. I'm not using it.
Last edited by Manjusri on Mar 12, 2021, 12:27:53 PM
Yesterday i joined DatModz stream, and he was talking just about how harvest is good for new players.

I did ask a question, "what about those people, who says - Harvest was worst league, cause my RMT league revenue dropped hard. Since newbies can craft items by themselves, instead of buying currency from my via RMT"

One guy did asnwer me "Hey, it's just me last league. But i don't care that much, cause i'll be rich in next league too, thx RMT"

I see this whole change made cause of 1 single reason:

Help nolifers make money with RMT.

Shouldn't you ban those people, instead of helping them?
It's frustrating reading these posts knowing Harvest will still be OP next league. I don't know if you guys just don't know how to craft or want 6 T1s or riot. Because I tested many items at emulator using only crafts Chris says is still allowed and common currency and you are still capable of making tons of GG items. Harvest will be used. Used to add influences on your very deterministic double influenced chests by locking prefixs and spamming influences til you get the right suffixs. Used to make GG regular rare weapons and Jewels which still allow very deterministic adds. Yes it will cost more because you gotta scour more but huge potential is still here.

As usual when a nerf comes this is an overreaction. You will see. That's probably why devs are like not responding it's the same story every nerf and tiresome.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Mar 12, 2021, 12:49:46 PM
Zepepsico wrote:
bauermayers wrote:

It's amazing how you got everything wrong. The point of Harvest is not making OP builds, but to make non meta/weird/just for fun builds more viable. It's about build diversity. It's not that players didn't like the game before, but they introduced a mechanic that is fun for the vast majority of players, including casuals, non casuals, trade, ssf, and are taking it away. In a league that had a ton of server issues, graphic "improvments", issues, Harvest was one the thing pretty much EVERYBODY was happy about. What do they do? Adress the server problems? No. Fix bugs? No. Take away the one thing nobody has a problem with? FUCK YEAH!!!!!

I am afraid your perception can't really stand against the facts:

League Launch peak Weekend after Drop
Harvest 127k 81k -36%
Delirium 133k 100k -25%
Metamorph 118k 96k -19%
Blight 75k 54k -28%
Legion 114k 95k -17%
Synthesis 113k 77k -32%
Betrayal 123k 106k -14%
Delve 76k 65k -14%
Incursion 96k 83k -14%
Bestiary 82k 68k -17%
Abyss 70k 63k -10%
Harbinger 98k 90k -8%
Legacy 64k 53k -17%
Breach 47k 43k -9%
Essence 33k 31k -6%
Prophecy 26k 22k -15%
Perandus 37k 32k -14%
Talisman 22k 20k -9%
Warbands / Tempest 32k 29k -9%
Torment / Bloodlines 14k 12k -15%
Rampage / Beyond 25k 20k -20%
Ambush / Invasion 20k 17k -15%
Domination / Nemesis 34k 32k -6%

On Steam, Harvest had the worst retention numbers (not sure if Heist was worst or better). Source:

If this league is a success, it's because of the Atlas rework (it's fun), the Maven missions (it's fun), Ritual (it's fun and more mobs and more loot!). Yes some players like, adore, worship harvest, but the limited evidence we have is that players absolutely hated the original Harvest league.

Someone already debunked you, but just to point out how you're already making excuses if Ritual retention numbers are positive: "it's because of the expansion, and the expansion alone because reasons".
Lol, Poe serious business, no fun allowed.

I for my part managed before Harvest and would manage after it...but why...just why.

Ever thought about the fact that maybe people do not quit because they can have noice things, but because of the exact opposite. Or is that the famous "hardcore" aspect of the game? "You want nice things, fine give up your life , say goodbye to friends and family and get grinding.."

If hardcore means nolife, then i don't care for that "hardcore" experience.

By no means are perfect items needed to beat the game content, but is it so bad to be able to create a glimpse of those Uber-items for oneself without having to play the game to farm currency and pay a crafter for his items..Plus more people start to actually show interest in crafting.

I like the game, but not on a " Have my soul and praised be thee for the will to endure the grind and may thou bless me with lucky slams" level.

Last edited by Exilee47 on Mar 12, 2021, 12:46:04 PM

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